Well… I have one fiber box and an ethernet cable between it and the mac.
Among other experiments, I followed a procedure which makes use of an .opvn file to configure the box.
Nothing worked.

I have received today an answer (in French) from Nord, which says:
« NordVPN n'offre actuellement pas de fonctionnalité de port-forwarding pour des raisons de sécurité, mais nous discutons activement de la possibilité de l'inclure ultérieurement dans la configuration de notre serveur. »
Roughly : “NordVPN does not currently offer port-forwarding functionality, for the sake of security, but we are actively considering its inclusion in our server's configuration in the future.”
According to the mail I should be refunded within 10 days…
P. S.: I'd included in my mail this image of Transmission preferences, with all ports obstinately shut by NordVPN.