If I have got my maths right I have a Total of 23 piercings.
3 lower left ear. 2 upper left. 1 central - the little fleshy bit nearest the cheek, unsure what it's called!?
2 lower right ear
1 left eyebrow
1 left nostril
1 centre of tongue
2 each in both nipples 1each vertical and horizontal
1 bellybutton
6 scrotum
1 between index and middle finger on right hand
but I have no tats.
I prefer Henna for skin design.Ideal for holidays and seasonal designs plus if you work with the general public, like myself, you do not have to 'cover-up' afterwards, as you would if it was permanent.
(Piercings can be removed so as not to offend the 'Mary Whitehouse' type.)
hope this is not too forward, but mind picture your hand and your nipple? just wonder how it turn out. im trying to visualize it but couldnt.