I enjoyed this article very much. The author omits any age-inappropriate relations which is wise as to no stir up any more pedestrial stereotypes that already plague our community. But I assume that these potentially active underage gays are more likely to engage in age-inappropriate relations than heterosexuals. While I do have tremendous respect for gays avoiding as much of the closet as possible, I understand that it must be tough on the parents in terms of their protective instinct for their offspring.
Not too long ago, I was petitioned for sex by a 14yo on manhunt posing as an 18yo. Needless to say I turned him down and not just based on the issue of legality but more on a moral standpoint. I was somewhat shocked when he told me he had been with men older than me on numerous times. I thought he might just be talking a big game until began to hear more of this kid's reputation around town.
In pornography, some of these younger models must have been extremely comfortable with their sexuality at a younger age in order to do what they do in front of the screen at the tender age of legality.
I know when I was 14 I was so deep in self-denial that I couldn't imagine being openly homosexual little lone having sex with someone approximately twice my age. Not until I was 22 did I come out to friends and family.
How old were you? And what do you think on the subject?