Harvard-Harris poll.
Via Glenn Greenwald https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1660302778093252608
Harvard-Harris poll.
Via Glenn Greenwald https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1660302778093252608
@MrMazda OMG the world has been shit show for millennia. We're just getting it more open. Bad guys getting more brazen & sloppy, as clock runs out on a few key things.
@raphjd He can afford guns.
Maybe even bodyguards - but let's defund the police right?
@raphjd Hot af.
Whereas Calvin model is proudly bloated & weak, "as in a mirror misshapen by malice" author once said.
Magnus Ver Magnusson... I'd call him fat - in a good way:
Back on guns. While USA owns more guns, somehow it does not have more homicides overall.
Imagine that.
Reactions of pro-Ukraine Twitter range from denial to advocacy of WW3.
Example of people "glitching out" they can't process.
Ghislaine Maxwell was put on trial - but still NONE of Epstein's clients, who by definition are pedo criminals.
Top rumors include Prince Andrew, Bill Gates, and of course Bill Clinton with his dozens of visits to Epstein Island.
Whilst Trump made 1 visit, saw what was going on & declared Epstein an enemy.
And USA dissidents are jailed by hundreds, for taking a peaceful, brief stroll inside Capitol building where cops had invited them in.
Makes ya think.
What prompted this: New report about Epstein & Bill Gates..... Epstein blackmailing Gates over a Gates affair.
Guess this proves Gates likes chicks. Melinda not just a beard.
Curious to see if anyone will speculate now who Epstein worked for.
You see, one of our good & dear site mods likes conspiracy theories one day, slags them the next, likes them again the day after.
@MrMazda Fat is hot - if strength beneath it. "70s Powerlifter build."
Not happening here tho.
@jaroonn Dems have not "progressed".
Since USA founding Dems been party of racists - and still are.
Party of idiots with "race on the brain".
Dems went from thinking "Let's enslave blacks with chains & whips, & profit off them," to "Let's enslave blacks with pandering & lies, & profit off them."
OK I guess that is better, a little progress. But Dems were forced by the rest of the world.
Lincoln, Civil War, GOP Abolitionists, earlier Britain abolishing slavery - Dems had to be forced.
Later MLK spoke out for a color-blind society - and now, in 2023, Dems say no no, reject it, that was only White Supremacy sneaking into MLK.
Party for racist morons. Always been, always will be.
USA Pres Lyndon Johnson, the Dem who pandered & lied & got blacks to switch parties, was one of the ugliest biggest N-word users.
Comes the Revolution, electric cars will be gone.
if bad revolution (WEF / commie): Everyone will be much too poor. Neighbor looting neighbor, just to head off starvation.
if good revolution (common sense): People will see how enslaving African children to extract ridiculous amounts of battery ores is bad for the environment.
They wring hands & claim "it was only bad training! we improved training!"
I don't believe them.
@cinemacapman No, that's been disproven in the data & literature for some time now.
The disproving makes sense, because covid "spike protein" circulating to the heart & causing inflammation (any '-itis' name means inflammation) is the most likely cause of all the pericarditis & myocarditis.
And nowadays - new omicron lineages since late 2021 / early 2022 - covid infection tends to stay in your upper passages & mucosal surfaces, MAY get into your blood, but has a harder time getting into your blood than "original covid" did in 2020.
Whereas a vaxx injection is a blood injection..... always.
Vaxx is supposed to stay at the muscle injection site.... but the data & literature have long since proven that false. The vaxx-induced spike proteins - and in some unlucky people, even the vaxx itself - are proven to circulate, even reaching the brain & causing brain fog in some people.
Thailand study showed that YOUNG MEN especially have a far (many times) greater chance of dying from vaxx-induced carditis, than from covid illness or covid-induced.
Huge lawsuit opportunities in all this. Vaxx companies were given legal protections. But the protections don't include "fraud".
As we speak, lawyers worldwide are figuring out how to prove fraud & pierce the legal protections. Stay tuned, more to come.
Many Europe-area countries, knowing all this to be true, quietly drop their vaxx requirements & programs.
UK Autumn Booster Campaign actually withdrew - repeat WITHDREW - covid booster offering for most people.
People aged 50 years and older, residents in care homes for older people, those aged 5 years and over in a clinical risk group and health and social care staff will be offered...
Translation: Anyone < 5, and anyone < 50 who is a normal person in NOT having a critical health job or risk group, is NOT offered a booster.
Because UK figured out, finally, that the covid vaxx are unusually shitty products, with side effects outweigh benefits. For most people.
I thought personal attacks and flames were forbidden on this site
It's tricky.
First, RULES post says
If you want to call your "enemy" a cunt or the like, take it elsewhere.
Could be read as "Don't ever".... or.... could be read as "Just don't have it as your main habit or intention."
Second, both "authority figures" in this place do personal attacks & flames when they feel like it.
Mind you, I'm not complaining. Only describing. I think it's funny.
When it's done to me, I take it either as a joke (remember "Jane, you ignorant slut") or at least the other guy's frustration - and confession - that he is unable to say something substantive.
Likewise when I do it, I mean it either as a joke or at least as a mere afterthought to something substantive I said first.
Can't speak for @cinemacapman or anyone else, tho.
Russia says, have pushed Ukraine forces out of Bakhmut
Ukraine "denies" by saying, no, we keep 1 corner plus forces outside city
See the problem? Ukraine's "denial" is like 80% yes to what Russia said.
Bakhmut has been a meat grinder, for both sides but leaked casualty figures suggest Ukraine getting it worse.
Oh! pines Lib Karen, Oh! for the days when I could scream at strangers & feel righteous!
Please explain the liberal logic that we NEED trans people.
Sure. First, Big Pharma needs them. Each new trans is a lifelong Profit Center for Big Pharma profit$$$.
Also, anti-population activists need kids sterilized.
Also, crazed demons need people's lives wrecked.
The legislator's pronoun "we" surely means at least one of those. Maybe > 1
Like when libs talk about "Our Democracy".... yes.... meaning THEIR "democracy"......where libs get power & privilege, plenty of government payments & free money, 2-tier justice system letting them get away with stuff, ability to shut up non-libs.
@cinemacapman Worldwide, more people died from the covid lockdowns plus vaxx-related myocarditis & clots, than from covid virus.
Despite some libs' best efforts to spread covid. Like early on when NY Gov Cuomo sent covid patients directly into NY nursing homes, God knows why, but tragically boosting NY virus deaths many times.
Despite all that, worldwide lockdowns STILL killed more people thru big jumps in depression & suicide, many missed cancer treatments, add some vaxx injuries etc.
So yeah.... "the media was focused on it 24/7 for 2 years" and that killed millions worldwide.
Dunno if @lololulu19 meant that, I don't speak for anyone but me........ but ya I said it.
As to mass shootings: Yes USA gives them unique publicity, and, posthumous publicity - ie. posthumous gain of infamy, a type of fame - is, along with malice & demonic nihilism, part of the shooters' motive.
And the shootings only ever happen in "gun free zones" - so called.
Because most shooters try to plan in advance where people - that is victims - won't be fighting back.
@raphjd Also remember: Trump is FIRST USA Pres to win being in favor of gay marriage.
In 2008 & 12, both times Obama said marriage is between a man & a woman.
Barry Soetoro changed his stance very late, only 2015 after SCOTUS changed. You could say Barry led from behind. (cough)
In 2016, GOP still opposed but Trump told them sorry but I support, deal with it. Hillary also supported, so world woulda had that "first" anyway. But ya it was finally Trump.
Schumer gave us the Religious Freedom restoration Act that gave believers the right to discriminate against ONLY the LGBT community.
Jaw dropping.