I've been dealing with a similar situation regarding the guy I used to employ as a building manager. I own a residential building and if my tenants have any problems they should be able to report it to the building manager who will either take care of it himself or call a professional to fix the problem. The man I had to let go had been making many of my tenants nervous. He's a good guy, he never let us down, until he fell into the qanon rabbit hole. We thought setting up a Facebook group for people in the building to communicate with each other would be a good idea and help bridge the age-gap. When I was a kid, the place was full of old people. Now, most of the residents are millennials, a handful of seniors and only two boomers. It never really served its purpose, it was kind of a ghost town. Until our building manager started sharing memes, posting conspiracy theories and when the word spread around the apartments that the guy who they counted on to let someone into their place if they had locked themselves out, the guy responsible for making sure that our elevators are operating safely, the man with access to the fuse box had not only lost his credibility, but when people replied to his posts incredulously, his responses were spiteful, condescending and downright angry. After that we had people who were afraid of him, I called to dismiss him after I was given a heads up (some creeps found my contact info and had sent me some crap in the past, but I assumed it was parody and he was just being a joker until I saw his activity on the facebook group. It really blew my mind) he immediately explained that he thought "something was up" with the new couple who had moved in together. He claimed they were members of the dark state, said they had evil powers and he suspected they were performing satanic rituals, He wasn't trying to make up an excuse, he believed this wholeheartedly and his descent into misinformation cost him his grasp on reality and a living wage. I don't care what people believe. Delusion can be a wonderful thing, but he brought it to the workplace, he made the residents feel uncomfortable and quite frankly, if I ignored what had happened, I'm certain it would've had a negative effect on my bottom line. His replacement is just as good, he's not as expensive and lives in the city (the other guy was living in Staten Island).