Best posts made by AnythingOld
RE: Turn off the Trans category
I mean no disrespect to anyone who is or into trans but Would it be possible change Trans into "Turn off" category, similar to what the site dose to the Straight and Bisexual categories. With it being vary popular category, to be able to completely filter it out would be nice.
Furthermore, I also see more future opportunities for the trans community on the site by doing this. like splitting up Trans category into Trans Male and Trans Female, giving the site wider trans representation and being something a user can turn off means. no one can get upset or irritated by the amount Trans content on the site.
It would also allow Anime Games, Books & Magazines and Comic & Yaoi categories can host Trans content instead of being shoved into one category.
I've always been out spoken about this as well. I just think it's beyond backward, to call a site "gay torrent," and demand that non-porn be gay themed, then turn around and allow straight, bi, and trans videos. That makes absolutely NO SENSE!! Not only that, many of the uploaders constantly put these in incorrect titles. Not everyone likes that. It can be pretty upsetting to look in desired categories, and see all this other shit. Trans porn should be in a separate community. Straight porn has no business on a gay site, as their are only four fingers worth of gay sites, and an abundance of straight shit.
RE: This Is Such Bullsh*t
@raphjd I've learned fairly quickly, the leftist will always run frantically in the opposite direction from truth and reality.
RE: Turn off the Trans category
Probably by those who were just too lazy to look elsewhere. A lot of this stuff is far too specialized and need their own site. I just can't get past the site being called "gay torrents," and users requesting straight shit…...... Something that is available everywhere where! There are very little trackers we can get gay content from.
Many (and I do mean many) gay people enjoy a wide range of porn, including bi, straight and/or trans. I am one of them.
Certainly, having these categories here doesn't impede people uploading and downloading as much gay content as they wish.
On occasion, we all have to scroll past categories or clips that aren't to our liking, and that doesn't merit calling it "shit," or the people partaking of it as "lazy."
These are throwaway generalizations, and using the same logic, I would never refer to a member who repeatedly writes the same yammering paragraph about his dislikes a "tired, boring fossil."
It would change nothing, and of more importance, it wouldn't be nice, would it?
Well, from the REAL gay people I speak to of all ages, I mean people who truly identify themselves as gay, despises straight porn. This bullshit "rainbow spectrum" idea many push is bogus!! I think the reality is many of those people are just bi-sexual. Plain and simple. I've been around too long to believe people that most are "sexually fluid." Total nonsense. Gay porn is relatively tiny in volume, in comparison to hetero-porn. It feels like an unnecessary invasion, because of a few lazy bi-sexual people who refuse to do a few extra clicks to a straight website.
RE: Rant About Single Scene Uploads Rather Than Model Packs
@rainbowcloud I think the advance search allows you to make subsearches doesn't it? There's a main genre, then it gives you the option for a second genre in a single search. Isn't that the same thing as subgenre?
RE: This Is Such Bullsh*t
@bi4smooth said in This Is Such Bullsh*t:
Blaming this (or even attributing this) behavior to leftists is like looking at a see-saw and only seeing the guy in the UP position! Extremists on both (to be more correct: ALL) political spectrums use the same tactics (and apologists will always resort to escape clauses like what-about-isms)...
The problem isn't with extreme leftists - it's with extremists of all ilks!!!
The truth is, these extremists learn from each other and duplicate tactics that work for any one of them... When one of them finds something new that works, it doesn't take long for the others to appropriate the methods for their own ends...
I completely disagree. The democratic party are under the spell of communism and socialism. Whatever issues with the republic party, is nothing to what the democrats have done. They're an very, very dangerous party. And what I see now is that the democrats have become equivalent to religion. I now feel the same kind of stress when I try to tell christians that being gay is ok, and that it's perfectly normal. It's impossible to talk with leftists, they can't smell their own shit, and they really believe they have a superior knowledge to anybody else who doesn't think like them. And the fact that democratic voters can't see it, is fucking insane! I still don't know how to process that! And the most disappointing is people of color! Knowing how Blacks have been devastated in ALL democratic cities, how the fuck can you be so trusting of democrats after you've been lied to so many times? Again, this is synonymous with religion I'm sorry to say. It is insanity, doing the same fucking thing, over and over again, expecting different results.
This is will not end well for Black people. 20 years later, the democrats will still blame every misfortune for people of color on Trump, and every dumb ass Black person will believe every stinking word the democrats say, because that's what they've been programmed, just like religion.
RE: Varying filenames for torrent downloads
@thebomb It's not a bug, it's just how people upload the torrents unfortuantely. It's been a subject that's been long complained about. There just isn't enough staff to take a more granular look at each member's post.
RE: This Is Such Bullsh*t
@raphjd Once I read the liberals associated "mathematics" with racism, I knew America is in real trouble. Democrats have surpassed the realm of logic. The fact that so many Blacks are following this frightens me, by a lot. If no one doesn't see a problem with this "new world order," I have to think, what the fuck school did you go to? New age/metaphysics has always talked about the world evolving as better human beings. I now know they're all bullshit. Humanity is actually regressing. And pretty soon shortly after our deaths; human beings will probably revert back to praying to the sun, and thinking the world is flat; because the DEMONcrats see it as reliable information.
RE: What does snatched mean?
@ricky I ALWAYS forgot what snatch means.. LOLOL Thanks for the reminder!!
RE: The Truth About Bill Gates
@raphjd Awh man!! I thought Bill Gates' "Truth" was he now sucks cock!!! LOLOLOLOL Disappointing..
RE: Please Explain
@ricky I have, and there is nothing about this movie that is gay.
RE: Anyone Else Dissapointed With "Monster Hunter?"
@raphjd said in Anyone Else Dissapointed With "Monster Hunter?":
I haven't seen it yet.
Is it out on torrent sites?
It should be. I got a really good quality via USENET. I hear it's been put on webstreaming.
RE: Most fav song ever
Do you really expect people to answer honestly? There will always be a favorite song. Songs I even forgotten about, 'cause I'm too old. (not elderly old, just old
I will say lately, I've been wearing out the late Prince's song "Purple Rain," for the last couple of days. That live performance was truly, TRULY, phenomenal.
RE: Sexy As FUCK!!!!!! Favorite BACK IN THE DAY ACTORS!!!
The late Greg Morris....
RE: What song are you currently listening to?
Hey Guys, Can't Fight This Feeling!!!!
RE: Sexy As FUCK!!!!!! Favorite BACK IN THE DAY ACTORS!!!
@ricky He was perhaps best known for "The A-Team," and a show called "Banecek."