I'm looking forward to the real press briefings we'll have where the press secretary will be someone who reports reality and not some made up information to spew to distract everyone. I'm looking forward to having actual experts, scientists and doctors, taking bigger roles in confronting this deadly virus which has been especially deadly to Black Americans. I have lost people in my family to COVID-19 so to hear the president call it a hoax in my state earlier this year before it began wiping people out really boils my blood. He called it a hoax and then months later I have dead family members and longtime friends to my family. My great aunt, a Trump supporter, let my cousin have a wedding in her backyard and now she's dead because she believed it was all a hoax. It's disgusting how this president decided to overlook how serious this virus is and lied to us knowing all along that it truly is worse than the flu. The flu didn't kill my great aunt, COVID-19 did.
I am looking forward to moving on from this disaster of a presidency and hopefully he hasn't ruined things to the point of no return. We are in a recession, our reputation around the world has been hurt severely, and there are people like me who have lost people because of the ignorance spread by this administration all year. "I got Black unemployment down to it's lowest level in history," Trump said. Yep, and when this virus started wiping us out, Trump said nothing. When we lost more jobs than our white counterparts and didn't get them back at the rate of our white counterparts, Trump said nothing. We saw enough. We had enough. Hope he enjoys early retirement.
Pretty much my thoughts exactly. Absolutely dead on.