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Latest posts made by Puppyflakes
RE: Does search work?
RE: How many men you have had sex with so far?
Just with my boyfriend, so 1, I'm 32. To me there is no need for other guys.
To each their own, both surprising and admirable to hear.
Who keeps count…? I certainly have not. Looking back I could only give a very vague estimate, but it would have to be WELL into the hundreds... possibly up to 300-400... but just a wild guess in my old age.
Who keeps?
Probably someone who does takes sex serious.
Probably someone who actually knows the name of the guy he's sleeping with.
Probably someone who's not a whore with anybody they meet on the street or in the groceries.I never really cared for names and such, I only keep count because I thought the number might be useful to know.
RE: Do you ever feel incapable of love/unlovable?
You're not alone.
As for my personal situation, I rarely go out to social gathers and tend to avoid places with lots of people. I was fortunate enough to find someone that understands my personality and we both realize that we will never "love" each other like the movies like to show off. We're both loners with few friends and we mostly just keep each other from getting too lonely.
Before the relationship I was much of the same, just alone and was fine with that. Besides brief sexual encounters I never really cared to know someone or put much effort into getting to know others. All I can say is that if you are satisfied with your situation, then there is nothing wrong with it.
RE: If science ever did come up with a way to change people's sexual orientation, do you think some peop
What do you think about that:
If science ever did come up with a way to change people's sexual orientation, do you think some people would do it?
If we progress as a society enough to where this is possible, I would hope we would have progressed enough socially so that a lot of people would do it, but not to make themselves straight. I've always felt that if the entire world were bisexual in some form (openly) it would solve a lot of sex problems.
RE: When you watch porn, what THE thing that turns you off
OK, I'm going to be shallow.
Long hair is a boner killer.
If I see a man-bun I won't even bother downloading.Long hair in rare cases, the man-bun I agree is an instant boner killer.
RE: First game you ever played?
I want to say Super Mario for the original Nintendo. I started playing video games at the age of 3 or 4, my father had a bunch for the Nintendo and Sega.
RE: Eat cum
It all depends on how I'm feeling, usually I'll eat it, although sometimes I don't want it anywhere near my mouth.
RE: Things you like in porn but not in real life
Raunchy looking sex, it is really hot in porn, but in real life I'm an obsessively clean person, even rimjobs and cum eating gross me out sometimes.