Experiences with completely straight guys
So there was a torrent that featured a bunch of pics and vids of a boy that was doing all sorts of gayish poses and even assplay and the commenters were going on blah blah hes so gay. Which I found lazy and ignorant. I made the case that straight boys will do lots of kinky things that doesnt mean they are gay or even bi. They could exclusively like females and not be gay or bi but still experiment.
Some commenters didnt seem able to understand what I was meaning and I didnt know if this was some wider misconception with people in and out of the gay community.
I explained how I personally have had many interesting experiences with completely straight guys that were friends. One commenter expressed astonishment about this and I further explained my perspective... I wanted to see if other generations outside millennial generations had experienced this but my observation was as in the comments was as follows:
"...after the gay marriage ruling - and leading up to it - I personally had many friends who knew i was gay, they were completely straight - and felt comfortable exploring experiences with me. Felt as though i was a 'bro' in a way but also knew i was completely judgement free, and (privately) openly gay, meaning I wasn't and never have been flamboyant.
This mix of almost exclusively straight 'bro' friends and being openly privately gay has led me to many amazing experiences with entirely straight guys who were over time comfortable enough to ask me questions privately, knowing they could trust me, and ultimately several wanting to fool around just for fun. Maybe its a millennial sort of thing? Not sure if other similar millennials had the same experience?
I fear the recent masculine backlash era we are in has changed that some"
Guys this happened with are entirely straight traditional guys. Some now with kids. All still good friends. Since high school (and even before which I really dont count messing around with other young boys when i was young) I've had many many experiences with guys that for all intents and purposes have been straight they aren't closet cases.
Not sure if this was just my experience or.... Anyhow i find it all interesting. People like to categorize everyone into boxes of sexuality when its such a more fluid gradient reality in my opinion.
@cp2000 For as valid as your experience and arguments might be, presenting them as a response to a debate that didn't start here and that we don't have access to doesn't incite to start the same discussion here. Maybe framing it as a broader question, rather than just presenting your experience, would make it easier for others to jump in.
@ianfontinell-0 My question is pretty simple at the end... if anyone has had similar experiences or relates.... if it was a generational thing or normal to others or unusual.
@cp2000 said in Experiences with completely straight guys:
if anyone has had similar experiences or relates
Perhaps you could post a link to the torrent where this discussion started, and then we could pick it up from there. As @ianfontinell-0 points out, it's hard to jump into a discussion that's been started elsewhere.
I've posted--and commented on--torrents where the comments added by members become more suited to a forum thread than a torrent page. You might also consider adding a comment on the torrent page that says "to continue this discussion, see https://community.gaytorrent.ru/topic/67098/experiences-with-completely-straight-guys/1 (the link of this thread).
I'll add that I've had sexual encounters with straight guys, and I'd be happy to share the stories (some of which are quite funny) if I know the context of the discussion.
Fineeee ... after review im actually sad i reacted so emotionally... but it was also based on the earlier torrent where people were also harsh on him.
theres a lot of guys i know that do kinky stuff... straight bi gay, i love not judging people. so I kind of went off a bit on this torrent with Clayton... defending him, this poor guy that got fucked over by some fake? or may ex? who knows. But my point was true, please dont mind my snarkiness and obtuse faggotry in my responses...
nevertheless im still curious if my experiences were specifically contemporary with anyone else in the millennial generation and i would love other generations to share their perspectives.
original upload and comments:
secondary with my comments
There's no way to talk about this without turning it into a therapy session, it's pointless to say anything that's opposing to your views if you're here with the sole intention of being right and teaching how things really are for the delusional gays, who love to cast their gayness onto our good, god-fearing straight men.
For as much as I agree that being submissive and eager to show your hole, or have it played with, has nothing to do with one's sexuality, what you are describing in your arguments is just wishful projection:
You are actively shaping the conversation to validate your own narrative that straight men can (and do) engage with gay men for the giggles, while remaining straight. Depending one how many of those "experiences" you've had, it's easy for you to extrapolate this as a baseline. Just take yourself as an example, you describe yourself as "privately openly gay" as if that was an actual thing, when in fact you are simply a gay man who everyone assumes to be straight, and you have the last say on who will know you're not.
You see yourself as someone who is just another non-flamboyant, judgement-free bro, and still it never occurred to you that you might be signaling to them that people can be gay in secret.
You say that it's possible to be straight and still enjoy assplay and submission, while some will say that these are seemingly "gay" stuff.
You also say that these guys are absolutely and objectively straight... Because they don't look gay and are married to women; Things that are seemingly straight... To you!You are just as sure about their sexuality as are the other people in that comment section, you simply disagree on the final value. But at the end of the day, you all know just as much about the guy (his name, some private family photos, his hole...) and you assume whatever aggregates to your own narrative.
In the end, the core idea that I'm trying to convey is that no one truly knows the full story, and we will always project our own biases onto others’ actions and behaviors. It might be very easy to spot when others are doing it, but not so easy when it's ourselves.
@cp2000 I hope what I write here isn't a "therapy session," as @ianfontinell-0 puts it...
Thank you for sending the links to the torrents. I downloaded some of the material, and it's pleasant to view. But to the greater point of "straight" guys having "gay" sex, and enjoying it, we need to make some distinctions. (Note, though, that the guy on the torrent page was never seen to engage in any gay sex, even if he showed his hole.)
Categories like "straight," "bi," or "gay" are difficult to define, but they're about who people are attracted to, who they form deepest relationships with, etc. It's something of the mind.
Actions like "gay sex, [and let's assume that it's two men] are just that--activities. They don't necessarily reflect someone's orientation. Many of the models/actors whose films appear on this site are in fact straight guys, some married with kids, but they can enjoy a good blowjob, fucking a tight, slippery hole, or having a prostate orgasm. They especially enjoy being paid for doing this stuff. It doesn't mean that they're gay.
You mention the possibility of generational differences: I think you're asking if "straight guys having sex with another man" is limited to "millennials." I don't know of any studies on this, but I think the answer is no. Rather, I think guys who want to experiment or play are more likely to do so within their own generation, as that's who they can best relate to, and they probably have most of their friends in their same generation.
Thanks for raising an interesting topic.