Where are the Biden supporters?!
@raphjd said in Where are the Biden supporters?!:
are still being the DNC panty shield.
I don't give a damned about what MSM is doing, but what you hypocritical liberals are NOT doing on this site now that your guy is in office.
The only ones hammering Biden from the left are far left, and they are the ones that the DNC said were a myth. They are the same ones that had signs saying "even democrats get the bullet" and similar.So let me get this straight. Because of Facebook, Tucker, OAN, Talk Radio, Trump, and other Wacko's, Angry Parents are not taking the vaccine, and calling mask mandates child abuse. They are putting their hands on school officials nationwide, making other threats and other coordinated actions and this is ok ? This is terrorism. Terrorism is defined as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives”
Because of these wack jobs- The NSBA had to ask for help... What are they supposed to do. give in and let covid run wild through the schools? No.. They asked the government for help.. So the government did what a responsible government does.. RESPOND.
The National School Boards Association (NSBA) respectfully asks for federal law enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation,' the letter to Biden begins.
The correspondence goes on to mention incidents of 'threats or actual acts of violence' against school staffers, alleging that 'angry mobs' have hindered their ability to hold school board meetings, because of reported outbursts from 'extremist' parents irate over vaccine and mask mandates being pressured upon their students in order for them to go to school.
'As these threats and acts of violence have become more prevalent,' the org asserts in the note, 'NSBA respectfully asks that a joint collaboration among federal law enforcement agencies, state and local law enforcement, and with public school officials be undertaken to focus on these threats.'
@sosofly said in Where are the Biden supporters?!:
@raphjd said in Where are the Biden supporters?!:
are still being the DNC panty shield.
I don't give a damned about what MSM is doing, but what you hypocritical liberals are NOT doing on this site now that your guy is in office.
The only ones hammering Biden from the left are far left, and they are the ones that the DNC said were a myth. They are the same ones that had signs saying "even democrats get the bullet" and similar.So let me get this straight. Because of Facebook, Tucker, OAN, Talk Radio, Trump, and other Wacko's, Angry Parents are not taking the vaccine, and calling mask mandates child abuse. They are putting their hands on school officials nationwide, making other threats and other coordinated actions and this is ok ? This is terrorism. Terrorism is defined as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives”
Because of these wack jobs- The NSBA had to ask for help... What are they supposed to do. give in and let covid run wild through the schools? No.. They asked the government for help.. So the government did what a responsible government does.. RESPOND.
The National School Boards Association (NSBA) respectfully asks for federal law enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation,' the letter to Biden begins.
The correspondence goes on to mention incidents of 'threats or actual acts of violence' against school staffers, alleging that 'angry mobs' have hindered their ability to hold school board meetings, because of reported outbursts from 'extremist' parents irate over vaccine and mask mandates being pressured upon their students in order for them to go to school.
'As these threats and acts of violence have become more prevalent,' the org asserts in the note, 'NSBA respectfully asks that a joint collaboration among federal law enforcement agencies, state and local law enforcement, and with public school officials be undertaken to focus on these threats.'
It does amaze me that these School Boards are accepting "freedom" as an excuse to allow kids to NOT wear masks in school.
Maybe they'd be OK if we re-zoned our schools... we'll take the ones in the AFFLUENT (yes, mostly-white) neighborhoods with the GOOD teachers and the EXTRA RESOURCES and zone them for VACCINATED students (of all races!)
Then we'll take the ones POOR neighborhoods (yes, mostly non-white) with the revolving-door teaching staffs and FEW resources - and zone them for VAX-FREE students who DO NOT want to be vaccinated and/or wear masks.
THEN their parents CAN be given a choice!
(NOTE for the stupid - you KNOW who you are: This is SARCASM, not a real proposal)
You keep proving you are a do-nothing swampie, at best.
Look at that definition of terrorism again. Now look at the "summer of love" and explain to me why liberal prosecutors are dropping charges against Antifa and BLM.
I like the riots and looting, you would have a different tune if it was Antifa and BLM doing what you are whining about.
It's not just Covid, that parents are objecting to. Parents are objecting to teachers and school boards forcing their white-hating, liberalism on kids instead of teaching facts.
@sosofly First off, if you remember in the primaries, #senilejoe was doing horribly. When they had primaries, the other candidates had substantial crowds, while poor 'ol Joe had virtually nobody standing with him. It was not until the viable candidates were all pressured to drop out of the election prematurely that Biden had a chance in hell of going anywhere. Then, Biden simply stayed locked up in his basement for months, and the race became a race between Trump supporters VS Trump haters. I bet @sosofly voted for Biden, not because he supports Biden, but because he hates Trump.
As for the Arizona count, the results of their count merely confirmed that the count of the ballots in the boxes was correct. BUT.. people forget, that despite having ALL the ballots and data subpoenaed, the Arizona auditors NEVER GOT EVERYTHING THEY SUBPOENAED! Why is that? What was being hidden? This is why the results of the audit are still not finalized, because they did not, and probably never will get everything that they were court ordered to turn over. The results we have, were leaked, and preliminary. We probably never will get a final report.
What we DO have, is President Biden.. who has not done one thing right since taking office. Gasoline prices have gone up 70% in just 9 months of Biden. There are MORE Covid-19 deaths SINCE Biden took office, despite the fact that the 3 vaccines Trump had pushed to be developed were available for 2 months BEFORE Biden took office. (more deaths with Biden + 3 vaccines in 9 months than deaths with Trump with no vaccines in a full year!). There are far fewer people employed now than there were during Trump before the pandemic hit. Inflation is skyrocketing, Biden's approval is in the toilet and going downhill. Biden is refusing to take questions, and flip-flopping more than IHOP. Biden is the classic democrat that thinks he can solve any problem, and put out any fire by smothering it with money. He is bankrupting the country at warp speed, and sabotaging the future of this country.
@raphjd said in Where are the Biden supporters?!:
It's not just Covid, that parents are objecting to. Parents are objecting to teachers and school boards forcing their white-hating, liberalism on kids instead of teaching facts.
There's a lot to unpack here - forgive the length:
@Raphjd: You are once again proving that your talking points come DIRECTLY from your Russian (or Chinese) handlers... whether you know (or admit) it or not!
First of all, you're conflating 2 separate things here:
- Parents who are getting angry and violent at school and school board meetings over the issue of requiring students to wear masks in school. THESE parents get angry and violent when their anti-mask views are often voted-down by school board members who actually look up the science and base their actions on sound science vs. Internet memes and falsified information.
- Other parents, in other meetings, getting fired up over a dog-whistle non-issue of Critical Race Theory courses being taught to their children in High School. Most of these parents go into these meetings hell-bent on making sure these topics are NOT being taught in our schools, and come out satisfied - because they never were to begin with... no violence here, just a lot of emotion over false information that was easily refuted.
While the issues are not totally unrelated (they do both have to do with schools), there is more similarity there than you might think:
- Both positions (that mask mandates are an effort by the Government to "control" the populace and/or inhibit "personal freedoms"; and that there are actually Critical Race Theory courses hiding in our public schools & teaching white children to hate their own race) are false-flag propaganda points fueled by American adversaries (China, Russia, Iran, N Korea, Afghanistan, ???). Their intent is to fuel anti-Government and underlying racial tensions in an ongoing effort to destabilize our country.
In my mind though, the CENTRAL ISSUE in both "fights" is the complete and utter lack of CRITICAL THINKING - not only by the parents who weren't taught how to think critically in THEIR schools 20 years ago, but ALSO by the students not being taught this basic skill in our schools NOW - out of fear that somehow they'll grow-up thinking DIFFERENTLY than their parents!
Students graduating from High School today (much less their parents) should be able to figure out:
- If my AirPods come with a USB-C to Lightening charger, and I only have USB-2 & USB-3 ports on my PC, but no USB-C - does that mean I have to buy an Apple to charge my AirPods? (no - any USB to Lightening charger will do just fine!)
- Is £20 too much to pay for breakfast in a street-side cafe? How about €20? (Simple math too much for you?)
- Is it reasonable to think that Republican Secretaries of State around the country conspired to steal the 2020 Election away from their own Republican candidate because they're all secretly Liberals? (in a word: no!)
- Is it reasonable to believe that countries around the world are all lying about the COVID-19 pandemic in a coordinated effort to make Donald Trump look bad and lose an election? (also, totally ridiculous!)
- It is reasonable to believe that a secret cabal of Jews control what films get made - even by Christian and Muslim filmmakers - and who gets cast in major movies in Hollywood? (again, unbelievably stupid - on its face!)
- Is it reasonable to believe that "Big Pharma" wants to give you COVID-19 shots to kill you? (Think: less overall people, fewer doses needed - now, or in the future... that would mean LESS profit!)
- Is it reasonable to believe that refugees from around the world want to come to the US - not for economic or freedom-based reasons, but rather in a coordinated (exactly by whom?) effort to displace and replace White Americans? (get real!)
But there are other examples that are less clear-cut:
- Is it reasonable to assume that "Big Pharma" has withheld an HIV CURE because the high-profit, expensive to discover/create, daily "maintenance" medications are just TOO profitable to give up?
- It is reasonable to assume that foreign adversaries (Russia, China, N Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, ???) may have learned from the US's (and many other countries - including Nazi Germany) great success at fermenting dissent by spreading false propaganda?
- Is it reasonable to assume that the COVID-19 makers want their vaccines to need boosters to "maintain maximum efficacy"? After all, even though they're sold to the US Government at a limited profit, they're still making a LOT of profits off of these shots!
You know: In order to TEACH critical thinking, you HAVE to EXPOSE students to wakko theories and let them figure out for themselves that they're bogus!
For example: I took an advanced Economics course in college. There was a term paper due at the end of the course. It was revealed AFTER THE FACT that students who supported the PROPOSED theory - supported vociferously by our professor in class - could receive no higher a grade than a B. Only students who DISAGREED and wrote their paper in OPPOSITION to her "theory" could earn enough to get an A in the class.
There were HOWLS of protest - but it all came down to this: it was an ADVANCED class! You were expected to USE YOUR OWN MIND (and knowledge) - not just regurgitate what the professor had said. The facts and figures, not to mention the sources, for the rebuttal to the professor's clearly (to those who actually listened) misguided position were right there in the course materials (AND lectures!)... In other words, a letter-grade in the course was based on the premise that you paid attention in class, but came to a different conclusion. There were only a small number of students who failed to see this coming - and they were quite loud in their protests... to no avail. The professor actually regularly won "Best of the Institute" awards from students!
Now, I know that @raphjd and his ilk are going to claim that this makes me a Liberal... nothing close though. What it makes me is someone who doesn't listen to crap and just believe it because of the source! I apply critical thinking (and problem solving) to every part of my day - every day!
A typical example: my uncle just forwarded me yet another Internet-sourced article decrying how Nancy Pelosi was going to rake in close to a $million in Government pensions when she retired.
If you believe the US Gov't and taxpayers are inherently stupid and crooked, this might be believable... after all, the source goes on to list all the "pensions" she'll get: $233K/yr for life for being Speaker, another $193k/yr for life for being Minority Leader, plus another $174k/yr for life for being a member of Congress.
Sounds believable? Not really - who in their right mind wouldn't foresee situations where politicians, of all people, might have several titles over the years. The US Gov't is inept, but it is not stupid.
- One, you can only get 1 pension from being an Employee of the US Gov't - whether elected or appointed
- Two, Members of Congress have the same retirement rules applied to them as every other Federal Government Employee - from White House doorman to POTUS! Same retirement plan (called FERS!)
- Three, those numbers are the full salary numbers. Federal Pensions are based on time-of-service - but can NEVER exceed 80% of your highest 3-year salary average.
So, rather than the $804K/yr in "pension" proposed by the Internet Idiot trying to stir people up, Pelosi will instead be eligible for up-to $164k/yr in "pension" - depending, as it does for everyone else, on how much she's entitled to under the "formula"... the same formula used for ALL US Gov't employees, MoC or otherwise!
Fun fact: your US Government pension is calculated based on years of service, and only starts after 5 years... thus, having never before served in the US Gov't, former President Trump gets NO PENSION (though, he does certainly get other former-President perks - like Secret Service protection and office staff allowances, etc.). Still, if Dumb Donny wanted to work in the Palm Beach Post Office for a year, he'd finally qualify for his Presidential Pension!
(Personally, I think he should go to work for the Federal Elections Commission! LOL)
On the other hand, President Biden will, after just 1 term in office, qualify for a full Presidential Pension - based on his 40+ years of additional service to the US Gov't.
PS: Know who else gets up-to $164k/yr in pension? Former Speakers Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Dennis Hastert (in spite of his criminal convictions), & Newt Gingrich! (ALL Republicans!)
@bi4smooth said in Where are the Biden supporters?!:
There's a lot to unpack here - forgive the length:
Your unpacking skills are admirable. Can I call you the next time I move?
In my mind though, the CENTRAL ISSUE in both "fights" is the complete and utter lack of CRITICAL THINKING - not only by the parents who weren't taught how to think critically in THEIR schools 20 years ago, but ALSO by the students not being taught this basic skill in our schools NOW - out of fear that somehow they'll grow-up thinking DIFFERENTLY than their parents!
This is absolutely on point. It is so much easier, though, for people to follow a Dear Leader than to engage their own minds--especially when they are being fed simple solutions to complex problems.
PS: Know who else gets up-to $164k/mo in pension? Former Speakers Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Dennis Hastert (in spite of his criminal convictions), & Newt Gingrich! (ALL Republicans!)
I think it's $164K/year, not month...but the fact-free websites wouldn't want to hear that.
@eobox91103 said in Where are the Biden supporters?!:
I think it's $164K/year, not month...but the fact-free websites wouldn't want to hear that.
LOL - I guess I got a little hyperbolic in describing their hyperbole!
I have corrected my post - thanks!
Your DNC panty shielding is superb, as always.
You clearly believe whatever Joy "the proven liar" Reid tells you. I bet you scissor with Rachel Maddow while you spew DNC propaganda at each other.
You absolutely refuse to condemn anything the DNC does, yet you claim to be a Repub. Funny that.
You are nothing but Pelosi's whore.
There's plenty of proof that kids are being taught CRT and it's from teachers themselves. Teachers can't help themselves but brag about teaching CRT to kids. But of course, in your DNC anti-white mind, teachers are liars when they say this crap, but 100% honest about everything else, except when they aren't due to you not liking the optics.
I mean, didn't we have those teachers caught admitting the brainwashing kids, on video? Hell, Yvette Felarca was getting kids to abuse wrong-thinkers in her class and that was over a decade ago and she was shielded by the Berkley school district.
Instead of getting your "news" from leftist MSM, try getting it from various sources.
BTW, even your beloved CNN called you a liar. On 20 Jan 2021, they wrote that Trump will get $221,400 in pension alone and over $1mil in other benefits. So, now you have to explain who the liar is, you or your beloved DNC propaganda wing, CNN. Be careful because either way, it's not going to end well for you since if you claim they are the liar, then you admit your "news" source is full of shit, or you are admitting you are full of shit.
Maybe try Google or better yet, DuckDuckGo before you go off the deep end.
@raphjd said in Where are the Biden supporters?!:
Your DNC panty shielding is superb, as always.
You clearly believe whatever Joy "the proven liar" Reid tells you. I bet you scissor with Rachel Maddow while you spew DNC propaganda at each other.
You absolutely refuse to condemn anything the DNC does, yet you claim to be a Repub. Funny that.
You are nothing but Pelosi's whore.
There's plenty of proof that kids are being taught CRT and it's from teachers themselves. Teachers can't help themselves but brag about teaching CRT to kids. But of course, in your DNC anti-white mind, teachers are liars when they say this crap, but 100% honest about everything else, except when they aren't due to you not liking the optics.
I mean, didn't we have those teachers caught admitting the brainwashing kids, on video? Hell, Yvette Felarca was getting kids to abuse wrong-thinkers in her class and that was over a decade ago and she was shielded by the Berkley school district.
Instead of getting your "news" from leftist MSM, try getting it from various sources.
BTW, even your beloved CNN called you a liar. On 20 Jan 2021, they wrote that Trump will get $221,400 in pension alone and over $1mil in other benefits. So, now you have to explain who the liar is, you or your beloved DNC propaganda wing, CNN. Be careful because either way, it's not going to end well for you since if you claim they are the liar, then you admit your "news" source is full of shit, or you are admitting you are full of shit.
Maybe try Google or better yet, DuckDuckGo before you go off the deep end.
Well, unlike some people I know (ever look in the mirror @raphjd?) I admit when I get something wrong... the add-on comment about Trump not getting a pension is wrong, because of the "Former President's Act." Afraid I believed the VA rep I was working with when I almost went to work for them last year. C'est la vie - it wasn't the major point of my post though...
That said, the rest of your "retort" is classic @raphjd - which is also right out of the Trump playbook: if you don't agree - totally - with me, then... well, "you're a liberal" "you love Pelosi" "you're not a real Republican"
Maybe - just maybe - if you applied a little Critical Thinking to the false & misleading propaganda you regurgitate endlessly here, you'd catch some of your own mistakes....
Oh, I forgot - you don't MAKE mistakes... you and Trump... Perfection Personified....
Maybe you need to stop being the panty shield for the DNC.
I already posted about the pre-school teacher who indoctrinated kids into her crazy ideologies. She also asked what kind of permission slips she would need to teach them about kink. This came from her TikTok and Twitter accounts.
There are many other examples of this shit, some of which I posted about here, but all are available on the internet. In many cases, the teachers are bragging about what they are doing, on their own social media. Others have been recorded by students and others, while in the act.
Just because you have your head so far up your own ass, does not mean that it is not happening.
Oh, and Presidents have gotten their pensions, simply by finishing a partial term (think Ford) since/including Truman, when Presidential pensions came into being.
It's been amended at least once since then.
According to the CNN article, Presidential pensions came into being because 2 former Presidents, at the time, were on the verge of bankruptcy and it was bad optics.
@raphjd said in Where are the Biden supporters?!:
Maybe you need to stop being the panty shield for the DNC.
I already posted about the pre-school teacher who indoctrinated kids into her crazy ideologies. She also asked what kind of permission slips she would need to teach them about kink. This came from her TikTok and Twitter accounts.
One Pre-School Teacher (or even a dozen) and all of US Public Schools are indoctrinating US Children into Critical Race Theory...
My point isn't that no teacher is bringing it up, nor have I said it was a theory I agreed with... my point (for you any anyone else who is incapable of understanding complex thoughts) is that these alternate theories NEED to be taught to our HIGH SCHOOL students - and evaluated for what they are: lopsided viewpoints with a political agenda.
Our students SHOULD NOT be shielded from wacky theories (even conspiracy theories) - because if they aren't TAUGHT how to apply LOGIC and CRITICAL THINKING to these downright STUPID ideas.... well, no offense, but they'll turn out like you! Believing everything they read because of its source, and EASILY being led astray - like pigs to a trough - as a result.
And more to the point of my earlier post: I never claimed no one in public schools has ever mentioned CRT - I said there were no CLASSES in it! (Unlike some colleges and universities).
There are many other examples of this shit, some of which I posted about here, but all are available on the internet. In many cases, the teachers are bragging about what they are doing, on their own social media. Others have been recorded by students and others, while in the act.
You want to hold all of US Public Schools up as RIFE with corruption and liberal propaganda... if we applied the same rules to the RIGHT WING, we'd be looking at the football coaches who are active members of the KKK, and the history teachers referencing the Civil War as "The War of Northern Aggression".
NEWS FLASH: Teachers are PEOPLE! Some of them will be LIBERAL. Some of them will be CONSERVATIVE. ALL of them (in the US) will be undervalued and underpaid. most US parents are more interested in the BABY-SITTING aspect of schools than their curriculum!
Just because you have your head so far up your own ass, does not mean that it is not happening.
You silly twit - I say "the forest is on fire" and you show one tree that's NOT on fire and claim I'm crazy. (Intentionally reversed analogy there!
Show me the Internet Report that shows a SINGLE PUBLIC SCHOOL (not a college or university) in the US - that has a COURSE in Critical Race Theory!
Are there some teachers bringing it up? Of course! There are also some teachers claiming that Jan 6 was a peaceful rally and some of the participants just wandered into the US Capitol for a tour! I'm also certain SOME of those teachers will be ISLAMIC! They might even mention ISLAMIC LAW to their students! (Which I'm fine with, so long as they're not enforcing it!) Some of them will think Social Security is SOCIALISM creeping in on our CAPITALIST society! Some of them will think the Lunar Landings in the 1960s were hoaxes...
Fuckin' A dude - teachers are PEOPLE - and there are kooks in the mix (there are most definitely pedophiles in the mix!) The point isn't to vilify the (very important, very needed) profession (or institution) .... yes, there are bad apples! There are lazy people in the Post Office! That doesn't mean we shut it down! As in ALL PROFESSIONS, there will be bad apples... you find them, and you cull them from the ranks. And you do the best you can with the resources you have!
This is called MANAGEMENT.
As opposed to your method, which is called FANATICISM.
I tell you what: When you find enough White Christian men and women with at-least a Master's Degree in Education who want to give up their well-paying jobs to teach in public schools for about $40k/year - and have elected officials (school board members) - some of whom didn't even pass HIGH SCHOOL - tell them how to do the job!... You get all that... THEN I'll listen to your ideas of how to reform the system!
You don't want to reform the system because you love what the liberals are doing.
Math is racist. Do you remember that shit?
Correct answers are racist. Do you remember that shit?
Acronyms are racist, so they changed the acronym. Do you remember that shit?
There's plenty more, but I'm sure you don't remember any of this because it doesn't fit your agenda.
You have no problems with the "summer of love", but you screech like a crack whore in church over 6 Jan. You love terrorism when your side does it, but get butt hurt over a tiny incident by conservatives. And let's not forget that at least one of your beloved BLMers was there as an active instigator.
You are constantly silent over anything and everything liberals do, but you go mental when conservatives call it out.
@raphjd said in Where are the Biden supporters?!:
You don't want to reform the system because you love what the liberals are doing.
Math is racist. Do you remember that shit?
Correct answers are racist. Do you remember that shit?
Acronyms are racist, so they changed the acronym. Do you remember that shit?
There's plenty more, but I'm sure you don't remember any of this because it doesn't fit your agenda.
You have no problems with the "summer of love", but you screech like a crack whore in church over 6 Jan. You love terrorism when your side does it, but get butt hurt over a tiny incident by conservatives. And let's not forget that at least one of your beloved BLMers was there as an active instigator.
You are constantly silent over anything and everything liberals do, but you go mental when conservatives call it out.
Arguing with you about politics is like arguing with a dog (dogs are mostly color-blind) about the difference between Chartreuse and Lime (colors that are green-ish).
It's all black and white to you...
Instead of complaining about REAL issues/abuses of Liberals (e.g. California passing a law requiring toys be displayed in gender-neutral aisles - reference), you post about bullshit like illegals getting healthcare or an education, or about some other inane topic that's been spoon-fed by your Russian and/or Chinese handlers to instill division and hatred.
Where does the Government get off telling retailers how they have to display their toys? How is this not Government overreach and abuse?
It'd be one thing if there was safety involved: no stacking heavy items on shelves above 3-ft off the floor or something.
But toys have to be displayed in "gender neutral" settings? Where is the "health or safety" in that?
I'm queer and I think this is insane!
But you go on reciting your Russian memes...
BTW: Now that it's not about COVID-19, Texas Gov. Abbott very reasonably said in response: "Not in Texas!"
He went on to very correctly say: "In Texas, it is businesses — NOT government — that decide how they display their merchandise."
Reference: here
You are a dumb-ass DNC worshipper, that is why you get upset with me.
Stop being a liberal twat and respond to what I actually said. I posted about things that are actually happening in the US.
Why is California's new law on toys and different than Oregon telling teachers that correct answers are racist?! Hell, letting our kids grow up stupid is far worse, but you have your face buried so far into Pelosi's dried-up old vag that you can't see that.
Pull your head out of your ass and look at what is going on in the country and the world.
Stop fucking downplaying everything your beloved DNC does.
You sound like Jan Brady; Russia, Russia, Russia.
@raphjd said in Where are the Biden supporters?!:
You are a dumb-ass DNC worshipper, that is why you get upset with me.
Stop being a liberal twat and respond to what I actually said. I posted about things that are actually happening in the US.
Why is California's new law on toys and different than Oregon telling teachers that correct answers are racist?! Hell, letting our kids grow up stupid is far worse, but you have your face buried so far into Pelosi's dried-up old vag that you can't see that.
Pull your head out of your ass and look at what is going on in the country and the world.
Stop fucking downplaying everything your beloved DNC does.
You sound like Jan Brady; Russia, Russia, Russia.
I am not the STRAW MAN you're looking for
I've never supported "new math" in schools, nor have I supported all this mass "standardized testing" - which essentially has our teachers "teaching the answers" vs. teaching problem solving or critical thinking.... Gee, I wish I'd said that earlier! Wait! I DID! Oh, I forgot - you can't comprehend compound SENTENCES, much less complex thoughts!
I am not the liberal you love to hate on... and my position about companies having the rights to display their toys any damned way they want to is based on my belief in "corporate rights" - rights you often want to trample when they go against your own views.
You see, that's a difference between us: its not that I think there should be a law AGAINST gender neutral toy aisles... and I'm not in favor of this law mandating them!
This is my libertarian and conservative sides converging on the same conclusion: There should be no law about this at all!
Companies (CORPORATIONS) should be allowed to display toys however they choose - It's supposed to be a FREE COUNTRY!
If Toys-R-Us wants to make gender-neutral aisles, I'm OK with that - even though I think its ridiculous! And if KayBee Toys wants to put "girl toys" on the other side of the store so as not to potentially attract any "iffy boys", then I'm OK with that too, even though I think that's wrong!
The Government has about as much "right" to say how toys are displayed as they do about whether public restrooms should be in the front or back of the store, and whether they should be for "paying customers only"! Namely: none.
What's next? Prohibiting women-owned companies from printing their employees paychecks on pink paper stock? LOL
No straw man here. You are a pos liberal.
It's not "new math" but "de-colonialized math" or "anti-racist math". Have you forgotten so soon?
You want me to ignore all these kinds of things, but get butt hurt over some stupid law about toy aisles.
You give no fucks about educating young people, but you screech like a crack whore in church when a business' "human rights" are tickled, by your own fucking party.
You have never posted about the shit your party is doing, but you will jump in to slag me off for posting about it, as well as telling me to ignore it, so I can focus on some business's non-existent "human rights".
As I said, the law you are crying about is idiotic, but that is what you people (liberals) demanded. Maybe not you specifically, but you liberals overall.
I have a solution for you, just call it "anti-sexist/racist/trans toy aisles" and be happy with your win.
@raphjd said in Where are the Biden supporters?!:
No straw man here. You are a pos liberal.
And you are a communist puppet (whether of the Russian or Chinese model, I am unsure! I am equally unsure if you are even aware of the strings!
It's not "new math" but "de-colonialized math" or "anti-racist math". Have you forgotten so soon?
LOL - "Jane, you ignorant slut"
"New math" wasn't describing the new math where they tried to teach new ways of doing long division - it was a generalization of all the anti-math bullshit that's come out - from multiple sides.
Math is math. Numbers don't lie (hence: Trump lost by BIG numbers!). Numbers aren't political. Algebra isn't racist. Calculus isn't Communist. Statistics aren't anti-Democratic. They're all just numbers... the least-political field of knowledge we have today.
And when you were ranting about this months and months ago, I didn't argue with you... why should I? We agreed.
But since I'm your "straw man" for all things more liberal than you, you assumed I thought otherwise.
Typical for you: you got your facts wrong. LOL
You want me to ignore all these kinds of things, but get butt hurt over some stupid law about toy aisles.
Actually, I think MOST people who read my posts would agree that they are TOO LONG already... so, sticking to one topic at a time is likely a GOOD strategy for me... I'll stick to it, thanks.
You give no fucks about educating young people, but you screech like a crack whore in church when a business' "human rights" are tickled, by your own fucking party.
I care a LOT about how my children are educated - which is why I support teaching children about problem solving and critical thinking, and not just about "what viewpoints-as-facts are in-vogue today" or "what answer are they looking for"...
Unlike folks like you, I support the idea of things like High School classes in "comparative world religions" - being taught by believers of ANY one of those religions (so long as NONE - not even paganism or Scientology - are ridiculed. The teacher MAY declare his/her own beliefs, but NOT that those are superior to the beliefs of others - that's the whole point of such a class!)
Indeed, my daughter in college got a nice compliment from her Ethics professor the other day. He wrote a test question that was worded as a "what's YOUR opinion" when it meant to be "what is the school's stance" about an Ethics situation. She knew that the question, having been worded that way, would have been quite unusual - but also that this class had been quite unusual - so she wrote a prelude: explaining that the question was vague and she could immediately see 2 approaches to answering the question... then she wrote 2 quick (short) replies - 1 for each possible interpretation of the question's real meaning, and added a suffix that said she didn't have time for more detail because she essentially had to answer the question twice!
You have never posted about the shit your party is doing, but you will jump in to slag me off for posting about it, as well as telling me to ignore it, so I can focus on some business's non-existent "human rights".
You silly *twit - is my party the Republican one (the one I've belonged to - as a voter - for 40 years), or the Democrat one you keep trying to align me with since I'm not a Trumpite...
As I said, the law you are crying about is idiotic, but that is what you people (liberals) demanded. Maybe not you specifically, but you liberals overall.
I don't think MOST Democrats are in favor of this kind of Government Overreach... I think it will get overturned in courts, or by a later Legislature... I hope, anyway.
No, the REASON I brought up this idiotic law was to eventually point to its ROOT CAUSE: California is an echo-chamber of liberal, leftist, social crusaders. This is the kind of law that is created in an echo-chamber environment. It's wrong for leftists, and it's wrong for Conservatives too!
We get things RIGHT when we take the best intentions of the far left and the far right and find common ground.
This ain't that!
I have a solution for you, just call it "anti-sexist/racist/trans toy aisles" and be happy with your win.
Sorry: the solution is to keep Government out of the aisles entirely! See, here we are at a fundamental difference:
- I actually believe that less Government in ALL AREAS is better
- You think Government support of your ideas and ideals is GREAT - even NECESSARY to support and maintain them! But Government interference when it goes AGAINST your beliefs is egregious.
My way is short, simple, and easy to explain.
Your way is unique to every individual who tries to implement it, and impossible to justify... -
Ah, so when you agree with me, you remain silent, but act like a drama queen when you disagree with me.
Clearly, you being a liberal Biden jockstrap, you can't be seen agreeing with me.
Didn't your party tell others to join the RNC to fuck up one of the primaries? AND, can you say "I voted for Biden/Harris" or have you forgotten who you voted for.
As a Democrat, it would be best to speak to your party's intentions. I do find it ironic though, that you clowns repeatedly vote for people that constantly do things you claim to be against, expecting them to change this time.
Let's not forget that it was the DNC that gave us the 3 most homophobic laws the US ever had, as well as Biden's racist 1994 crime bill. You, stupid clowns, support BLM, anti-racism, CRT, and all the other bullshit, and you vote for Biden.
Likewise, all the anti-black shit Kamala pulled as California AG and San Francisco DA, and you losers voted for her.
The solution is to shut your pie holes until you are willing to speak out against the shit the government, et al, is doing to actual people, with actual human rights.