It seems likely that RULES / GUIDELINES spelling out the RECOMMENDED FREQUENCY of using the RESEED BUTTON to request a torrent be reseeded… have never been posted here (to the best of my knowledge), so here goes: :cool2:
We request that members only hit any one reseed request button
A MAXIMUM OF ONE TIME PER DAY… for any one torrent.I'm thinking earlier rule makers figured it would be common sense not to request a reseed on any one torrent more than once a day to avoid annoying other members who had previously downloaded this torrent, but often, it seems, "common sense" is somewhat lacking, by members… rather often, in fact. (no offense)
So... to avoid getting reported by annoyed members, and quite possibly getting your account put into a WARNED STATE:
Limiting your Re-seed requests… to ONCE A DAY (per torrent)... should keep you out of trouble.
Thanks, take care and try to stay safe,
GTRU Global Moderator :love: -
I really appreciate this problem being addressed.
Although it has only happened to me a few times over the years, there are members – usually new(ish) to the site -- who may not think through the impact of sending these requests again and again and again.
Meanwhile, everyone who once downloaded the torrent, even if their own file was deleted or archived "off-computer", gets waves of messages.
Recently, a member was using the re-seed button excessively, even after being advised politely that five messages were sufficient. They were given a time out, and had to sit in the corner for a while -- as it should be.
Thanks to the Admins and Mods for maintaining good order on our beloved site. :hug:
OK, so there is a member who is adhering to the new "once per day" re-seed guideline, but even so, he is now on his fourth or fifth consecutive day of requesting the same upload, and I would prefer not to see it in my Inbox going forward.
I blocked him, but the upload requests are still coming through, which leads me to ask whether a block should include all forms of messaging – as it apparently does not cover re-seed requests.
Any input from senior staff appreciated, thanks... :cool2:
Technically the way our system works, re-seed requests come from the tracker, not the person clicking the button.
@raphjd The problem is with the reseed system.
I see this all the time: I get a reseed request, I go to the post and see there is no leecher, so I don't waste my time finding the file, etc. Why clutter my torrent list when there's a good chance that the requester has forgotten all about his request?
You need to force the requester to actually start a leech when they request a reseed.
@nycram I notice that you are listed as being a "gay leader". I have never seen that before on this site. What does that entail?
@nycram Keep in mind that the guy who requested the reseed might be offline. (Unable to run his client all the time)
Will this thread be getting updated with the new guidance?
@BKisalive What new guidance?
@frostycab The message has disappeared from my inbox but I was informed last week it is once per week per torrent.
@BKisalive Well, I'd say nobody is taking note of any of this anyway. When I get reseed requests (which is most days) it certainly feels like many of them are from people who just like clicking buttons over and over again. I've had up to 5 requests in a single day from the same member for the same torrent. In a way I can understand why, because the last time I tried pressing it there was no feedback at all on the page, leading me to question whether or not the button had in fact registered the click at all.
The obvious way to sort the whole issue out would be for someone to simply change the button behaviour so that once pressed (by any member) it would be disabled for all members for a set period of time and/or add a popup or message on the page that lets the member know their request has been registered by the site. Sadly I see neither option being implemented as even the most basic housekeeping tasks for the site seem to be too much effort. It feels like the mods are the only staff who ever do anything, and they don't have the power to touch this sort of thing.
I too often get multiple reseed requests. I just checked my inbox an I have over 7 cases in the past week, and and 5 of those are within a minute (one had 4 requests in a minute (Hans Berlin dominates and fucks Steven Ponce! I uploaded 15% of the file to this request) - User is brand new, zero seed points and no ratio. OK, doesn't understand how this works. I'm not as upset about that as reseed requests that they don't seem to want to leech.
I get a reseed request, look at the torrent and see zero leachers (often within 30 minutes of the request). If you want me to upload, you'd better be ready to download.
Then there is the guy who has PMs turned off (he has 17 TB DL so not a newbie) who every month asks for Sean Cody SC-005 and SC-011 that are available in other SC collections (occasionally Free Leach but these are small files).
Occasionally (if the requestor has under 100 seed bonus (I should probably cash in 10K, my ratio isn't great from ISP blocking stuff a decade ago but I have a huge buffer in the TerraBytes) I'll move the file into my shared files and a few day later someone latches on and I'm uploading the file. But most of the time I'm wasting effort putting this file into my forced seed queue. A reseed is requested but for the next week I never see anyone leeching.
There are a few folks that if they ask for a reseed I know are good (like moderator MrMazda, zwinnia). If the seed bonus is over 1000 I will make the effort.
I'd say 50% of the multiple requests I see are all within a minute. Fumble fingers or new.
@frostycab I wish I could remember which mod it was - they warned me that they had received a complaint about abuse of the reseed request button for one torrent that I was requesting once per day max.
@BKisalive In a way I think that's fair. Whenever someone hit the reseed button everyone who downloaded the torrent in the past gets a message. Now, they're either going to see it and fulfill the request, see it and not fulfill it, or not see/read it and live long happy lives in blissful ignorance.
The thing is that those messages don't time out. They stay in your inbox until deleted, so if someone just keeps requesting the same thing over and over again it just results in an inbox so full that nobody will bother to read any of it which is ultimately counter-productive. At any rate, people will either reseed or they won't, and asking on a daily basis is unlikely to change things. I'm sure there are probably many people who may only check the site once a week (or even less) so when they do eventually see the umpteen messages they may not even bother reading them.
Not having a go at you though. I just think once a week is a reasonable timeframe, especially when you consider that people might be spamming reseed requests for something that nobody on the site has anymore, so it can't be reseeded.
I have had one person request the same torrent to be reseeded 15 times in the past two days. I have reported it but really hate to bother the Mods. I contacted the person making the request explaining they only need to request once but they continue incessantly.
Even in the actual torrent they have become quite demanding. They have left 9 comments in the past two days.
@leeniedo The plethora of comments asking for re-seeding on that torrent is pointless, since they will only be flagged to the original uploader. Perhaps there's a way to educate users that the only people notified of comments on a torrent page are the uploader and anyone else who has previously commented (which in the case of the torrent you cite, is nobody). While it's possible that someone might randomly see those comments, I don't think people who have downloaded a torrent will revisit the torrent page.
Also, I note that nobody is shown as seeding that torrent. If I request a reseed, I always download the torrent and let it sit in my client in case someone, perhaps only briefly, chooses to reseed it.
@eobox91103 you get a system pm any time there is a new comment in any torrent you have previously commented on
you get a system pm any time there is a new comment in any torrent you have previously commented on
Indeed so, as does the original uploader. But these are the only people who will be notified of a new comment. As this thread reminds us, it's much more productive to use the reseed button. I'm not sure how we educate users on this.