How are Hillary and Bill viewed in Mexico and Central America?
Do people there realize how they are racist and do not like immigrants from Mexico and Central America and how even Hillary wanted to build a wall or fence between the United States southwest border and Mexico?
NAFTA is a bad thing for pretty much everyone, even here in the United States.
When the Lewinsky scandal broke up Bill was regarded as a dirty man and some regarded Hillary as a subservient wife, willing to suffer the shame due to political power.
Of course, this is Mexico so when you find someone worse, the others practically become 'angels' to the masses.
I don't know if the Clintons are racists or not but I can get why they don't like immigrants (illegal immigrants) after all, they suck part of the state funds and give nothing in return since they don't pay taxes.
Mexico actually needs the NAFTA because USA is the main consumer of mexican goods and the governments never tried to build relationships as strong with other countries.
Right now there's a Trump-hate bandwagon in Mexico, and honestly I'm fed up with it. And honestly in most mexican eyes the illegal immigrants are traitors for leaving the country but now they think of them as martyrs due to the Trump agenda (and because Mexico gets a huge income from their money transfers in yummy green dollars)