@Ricky raises a good point - if you just downloaded the torrent file, what you've downloaded is a pointer... to something called a tracker - which contains pointers to other people that have the original file... it's an indirect process.
You will still need to download the file you want from one (or more!) of the people the tracker will connect you with... THEY have the file you're looking for, but the tracker only has the pointers.
If you don't already have one, you'll need a Torrent Client.
For Mac, I recommend
FreeDownloadManager is far more than just a torrent client, but it'll get you your file! However, I don't know whether it will then also SEED the file (allow YOU to share the file with OTHERS - give, as well as take!)
Transmission is a true MacOS torrent client...
Quick terminology check:
Torrent File: a very small file that contains descriptors of blocks of a "source file" (or folder). It is created by an original "uploader" (who uploads this torrent file to the tracker), and is then downloaded by other people who also want or have that file.
Torrent Server (called a tracker): a website that maintains a list of files and people who are sharing those files. The Tracker is the source of the .torrent file for all but the original uploader.
Torrent Client: the program on an end-user's PC that will communicate with the Tracker to find people who have the file and are willing to share it. The torrent client does not download the torrent file itself (you use your web browser for that), but it does download the target file (or folder)
Torrent Blocks (aka: chunks): the individual PARTS of a file. They are described in the torrent file itself. Each descriptor helps to ensure you are getting the correct, unchanged, file contents.
Seeder: someone who has the target file already, and has registered their willingness to share it on the tracker. The original seeder is the original uploader. Other seeders are usually people who have downloaded it via the torrent tracker themselves, and then agreed to share it.
Leecher: someone who wants the target file and downloads the torrent from the tracker.
The beauty of a torrent is that the source file is broken up into "blocks" - and the tracker helps you manage getting all of those blocks from wherever you can find them! That means you can download from multiple people simultaneously - thus, speeding up the download process considerably.
But keep in mind: the tracker has the .torrent file (the descriptions of the blocks), and it maintains a list of people who have those blocks, but the tracker does not have the original file itself, or any of the blocks. The tracker (in this case GT.RU) is just a middle-man.
When you decide upon your client, you open your .torrent file with that client... it will start the process of connecting to the tracker (gt.ru) and determining where the other people who have (and are sharing) that file.
Your client will then reach out to those other people and download the blocks (parts) until you have all of them!
Once you finish your download, please seed the file!!