Final Fantasy XV, love the game and the main characters.
Posts made by Yiazmat
RE: What is the last game you bought?
RE: What is a tracker?
Well, whenever someone mentions a "tracker", usually is referring to a torrent site. For example, gaytorrent is a Private Tracker. And ThePirateBay (If its against rules mentioning another tracker, just edit my post please) is a public tracker.
RE: Dragon Age Inquisition and Dorian Pavus
You have to do his personal quest, recover his amulet or something like that. If you don't have this quest/mission yet, just keep progressing on the main story. (ps: I prefer the Iron Bull, but Dorian was my first romance in DAI).
RE: Ragnarok
Nah, RO is not that great anymore, the last updates killed Rag for me. I'm waiting for its spiritual successor "Tree of Savior".
It's greenlit on Steam.
RE: Anyone into RPG? Looking for friends around the world!
Yep, I'm playing Dragon Age Inquisition and waiting for The Witcher 3. Yesterday I've played "Life is Strange", not a RPG but it's a cool story-driven game.
I think its easier to find other gaymers around Tumblr.
RE: PC gaymers?
Gaymer? Yeah. Enthusiast about Graphics/Rig? Nah… If I can run my games on med. settings, I'm fine.
RE: Would you date a smoker?
Of course. The only problem is the smell and taste of cigarettes, not a big deal tho.
RE: Games that always be in your childhood memories
I've played so many good games, can't choose… But I remember playing fighting games with friends (SF, Tekken, SNK, etc...) Whoever loses give the joystick to another person and who won keeps it, that was fun.
First game I played on playstation was Tomb Raider, the first TB was hard as hell for a child. Crash is awesome too, as is Mario and Sonic.
RE: What game genre you like?
If I just want some fun, gameplay is more important, for example Bayonetta, fun and intense!
If I want Imerssion, then a good story + good gameplay. for example RPGs: The Witcher, Dragon Age, Dark Souls, etc…
And a good story is always welcome, even if the gameplay isnt that great, for example The Cat Lady, a simple point and click game, but the story is great.So, it depends of what game I'm going to play and what I'm expecting from it.
RE: Upcoming Releases
The Witcher 3
Tree of Savior (A MMO that will come out next year)Thats it, I guess… Would add Bloodborne but I don't have a PS4 :crazy2:
RE: Emerging Gay Characters In Videogames
Not really, at first I'll just explore and search for Morrigan to discover what happened to her. Iron Bull is a temptation tho.
And I'll need patience to use the Dragon Keep.
RE: Emerging Gay Characters In Videogames
Not sure yet, probably a female elven Mage.
RE: Emerging Gay Characters In Videogames
I think it's amazing, specially in good franchises like Dragon Age. And if I'm not mistaken Iron Bull is bi. Looks like an interesting character (and a sexy one). I'm specially excited about Morrigan's return, she's my favorite character in DA.
Haven't played TLOU yet.
RE: Need help finding a new game for pc
Well, MMO nowadays are not really worth the time, maybe Wildstar…
Anyway, if you like RPGs, you should try Dark Souls, yes, alot of people say that it is hard - and it is - but it's awesome when you get used to the gameplay, I have played many hours and I still play it now and then... I'm waiting for Dark Souls 2 for PC (25 apr on Steam).
You should try it, if you like it you can also play Dark Souls 2 that is coming, many hours of fun. Just don't give up when you die to the first boss. :laugh:
RE: The New Picture Browser - Feedback
It's a nice feature, since we still have the "regular" search option, the problem is that some people think that it was replaced.
I'll use it specially when I'm too lazy to roll over the titles to see pics