I have it (though I didn't get it here), and it runs just over 1 hour and 42 minutes.
Posts made by viscous
RE: Leechers & edonkey objection
The term edonkey2000 causes confusion. There has never been anything wrong with the edonkey2000 NETWORK - it has millions of users.
From the file-sharing news site slyck.com:
hxxp://www.slyck.com/edonkey2k.php?page=1There used to be a software CLIENT called edonkey2000, created by the now-defunct company MetaMachines, to search the edonkey2000 NETWORK of servers. When Metamachines went under, the edonkey CLIENT became useless.
The NETWORK of servers called edonkey2000 still works fine (though there are many fake servers to avoid). It's accessed by clients like emule and amule, is searchable, and, as I said, rewards long-term sharing of files, so it's great for finding rare files that you'd never find on bittorrent (or that would disappear in weeks). If you want to find Hitchcock's "Marnie" dubbed in Italian, the short films of Joris Ivens, or your favorite Audrey Hepburn movie, then edonkey is the way to go.
I will also say I've never downloaded a fake file from edonkey2000, but then I don't download the recent stuff that is more likely to be spoofed by the MPAA. It's true it's much slower than bittorrent, but speeds increase as your credit (i.e. ratio) improves. So….don't recommend edonkey to leechers.
Leechers & edonkey objection
Administrators: please don't tell leechers and other abusers of this site to use the edonkey network! The edonkey network is not "for people who don't understand bittorrent." It's for much rarer files (among others), and edonkey clients reward people for continuing to share files they've downloaded via a credit system. Plus, there are many security issues that have to be understood. So if you can't figure out bittorrent and don't like or understand the concept of sharing files, don't jump into the edonkey network.
RE: New look…
The new look is nice and clean, but I thought the old look was okay, too. There are a couple of small things.
I'd like to see the number of torrents uploading/downloading above the nav. bar with the other statistics.
There's definitely a not enough contrast in the upper left between the stats and the background. I suggest using a color contrast analyzer - some of them are free and online, based on the w3c's color contrast recommendation.
hxxp://www.w3.org/TR/AERT#color-contrastA simple tool from juicy studio that calculates color contrasts based on the w3c recommendation:
hxxp://juicystudio.com/services/colourcontrast.php#specify -
RE: Schwarzenegger - NO gay marriage
I don't think Schwarzenegger personally cares whether or not same-sex marriage is legal in California. His chief of staff is a lesbian, and he equivocated earlier this year about whether he woud sign a same-sex marriage bill if it passed in the CA legislature.
The Calif. legislature did pass a bill legalizing same-sex marriage in 2005 (the only state legislature to do so) but Schwarzenegger vetoed it – almost certainly for political reasons. He didn't want to be embroiled in the referendum that would be sure to follow.