Found this compilation called Pigs Fed Man Shit on here and need the names of these 2 piggies. The red beard dude swallows without hesitation and the smaller dude is just handsome. Anyone got their names or usernames on scatbook?
Posts made by teefup
(scat) Who are these guys getting fed from a comp video?
RE: Hot lad wearing cowboy hat and boots getting fisted
holy shit hes sexy. look at that hairy mess
Who is this gaping piss squirt jock
Who is the guy with his feet up outside? He's also in the first couple photos.
RE: Security and safety of VPN torrenting - "couldn't establish secure connection" on NordVPN Windows client
@bi4smooth @Mrker1234 thanks for the responses guys. i guess im good. talked to a friend of mine as well and he said long as the client is asking and im not accepting the cert im fine
RE: Security and safety of VPN torrenting - "couldn't establish secure connection" on NordVPN Windows client
@bi4smooth ye i mean i have clients that have deprecated sslv3 in lieu of tls 1.2 at this point and i think there's a 1.3 so i get that part. i just am concerned with the cert attempt that almost seems like a reverse proxy. like i said idk where it came from. i scan exes and shit by hash since like 2012 and dont use antivirus and windows defender is the most i deal with. most compromises are done by people back dooring or phishing, not getting you to start some random executable these days. but in any case, im new to vpns and a bit wary even taking precaution bc i have my doubts.
Security and safety of VPN torrenting - "couldn't establish secure connection" on NordVPN Windows client
So I have torrented much of my life and back in the day on napster and limewire there wasn't a lot of enforcement. That's different these days, and about 10 years ago I heard of a dude I know got busted for torrenting porn. I stopped at that point, but I wanted to start again.
So the steps I took are as follows:
- VPN client always-on
- qBittorrent advanced setting -> always use VPN network interface, so even without a kill switch (which is also turned on), qbittorrent has no access to any other network interface, should the VPN go down
This covers me, right? The issue I have is I was seeding for some ~1 week and I come in one day and see this "couldn't establish a secure connection" message. I assume this means the connection between myself and the NordVPN server itself.
See here for an example of what this popup looks like:
When I got back, I have no idea when this had happened. I dont know if the NordVPN client tried connecting (it moves servers sometimes automatically, I think) and the server was man-in-the-middled and then it just passed that one and tried another or if it was connected at all. I didn't have the presence of mind to check much when it happened, I just clicked "Do not trust".
Does anyone know exactly what's going on here? It's got me freaked out thinking my ISP is trying to MITM attack me.
RE: Please split up transwomen and transmen
@ferreiro la diferencia es simple, una es mujer el otro hombre.
la discusion filisofica depende del contexto, pero en contexto de este sitio eske estoy buscando hombres y no mujeres. soy gay. y no busco vara o cono. un hombre puede ser completamente hetero y al ver una mujer que tiene pene aunque EL no lo sabe, no le cambia de sexualidad. podemos discutir la sexualidad de persona que prefiere genitales trans, pero pa mi es muy simple - o me pone la polla dura o no me lo hace. por eso he pedido que separan las 2 categorias
Please split up transwomen and transmen
The trans category needs to be split up. I don't even like tagging ftm/transmen videos with trans, bc the icon is a transwoman.
RE: why can't i send messages?
@bi4smooth thanks anyway for the help. in case anyone else lands here, the rule is in this thread, from 2020:
RE: Boycott
Fake guy? You talking about transmen? lawd save me from the politics board haha
hey what up
been here about a week. nice stuff. good to be here. anybody know about a bonus for first upload? I saw a link on my phone but I can't find it on the desktop site. May be an old offer.
RE: why can't i send messages?
@bi4smooth can you check my account too? was trying to PM the people who liked the first set of these vids to let em know I had uploaded a second set.