I am interested in your "wank-plan" for the 24h-period as well, pls. !!!
I am interested in your "wank-plan" for the 24h-period as well, pls. !!!
I know I'm dumb but this makes me feel even dumber. I haven't a clue what all that arithmetic is about.
I'm not even sure whether people are talking about downloading the tiny torrent file or sharing the torrent behind it.
And if there are 'good reasons' behind any site changes, why not share them with us….please :cry2:
I would like as well re-question if the "new" system is based on the downloaded torrents-files ( *.torrent ), or does it include the download time from the files behind the torrents as well? I think I'll never reach the max. allowed ones anyway, but it might be interesting for other users.
Besides the strange way of calculation, do you really think, that you are going to change the way, "hit and run" - users act? Due to fact that you wrote, that you plan to do more open sign-in periods, the cheaters and hit-and-run - users will return, but I don't assume that their behaviour change, only because you are implementing a more complicated way of haunting. As well this doesn't increase the numbers of uploads, because cheaters and hit-and-run users won't become uploaders, just because their accounts got disabled or restricted.
On the other hand, your regulary users get frustrated and irritated because of the whole lot in controlling their up- and download behaviour and especially in times, where the world press discuss "prism" and "tempura" or other surveillance systems around the world, your users will in fact look for other tracker - possibilities, because they are fed up with restrictions and surveillance! :afr2:
I am on no other gay torrent - site and I even didn't look for another tracker, as GTru was temporary closed, but I really think, that you should stop your haunting-efforts at this point. The "normal" rationator is sufficient and if there still had been some cheaters or some hit-and-run - users - so what? They are not as regular as the "normal" users and we all know, that there are some black sheeps between the white ones.
Cody is "gay for pay" - nothing more - nothing less.
As far as I can see this fetish is only enjoyed by paedophiles - and I am not one - who like adult men to look like pre-pubescent boys.
Your conclusion is not only absolutely wrong, it's even quite an insult, calling ppl pedophile, only because they might prefer less, or even no pupic hair.
I wonder when your last turn to a striptease bar was, or when you last visited a sauna or a place where nudists meet, because if this would have been during the last 5 to 10 years, you would have noticed, that more than 75 percent shave or trimm their pubic hair and hopefully you are not calling them all pedophiles. I for myself trimm my pubic hair now for over 25 years, not only because of a "fresher look", but as well because of cleanliness reasons.
If you have a fetish for "unshaved pubic hair", please stop at least insulting the ones, who don't have this fetish.
Asian porn mostly have models with "natural growing" pubic hair, while most of the porn industrie prefers shaved or trimmed pubic hairs. Call it "development" or something similar, like you mostly don't see men with really long hairs any more, as you might have found them during the 70s - likes and dislikes change within the years and sometimes come back.
It might help, if you modify your hosts file ( i.e. on a windows OS it is located at X:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\ - please open the hosts file "as administrator" with notepad to change it ) with the following lines: tracker.gaytorrent.ru gaytorrent.ru
After saving your changes, please reboot.
Another solution is to change the DNS-Server, which might not be well configured in your network settings. Most users use the DNS-Servers from their internet provider ( automatic setup ), but these DNS-Servers sometimes don't update as often as they should. I prefer using the DNS-Servers from Google, because they are often updated and very stable. You'll find a guide to change the automatic settings here: hxxp://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/change-tcp-ip-settings
Instead of using the automatic settings, you might choose the Google DNS-Servers ( hxxps://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/ ), which are:
Primary DNS-Server:
Alternative DNS-Server:
Let us know, if any of these solutions helped.
FireFox is very bad in handling temporary internet files. Even if you manage to configure, that FireFox shouldn't read pages on your local drive, but request the actual pages from the server, it still saves former visited pages on your local drive and presents these page. "Normally" this isn't bad, because the browser is able to display the requested pages faster, but on sites which use temporary security codes it's pretty useless, because most of the time, the security code is the wrong ( old ) image and not the newly generated one, which is only valid a short time and only once.
The fastest solution is to use Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Safari, because these browsers handle this sort of issues in a much better way and you mostly won't have any problems on login pages. But if you insist on using FireFox on login pages, even if you are aware of the bad behaviour from FireFox, you should delete all temporary internet files and caches, BEFORE you open these login page.
Another way would be to ask the coder of the sites, to use java, flash or ajax coding, when it comes to generating temporary securiry codes, because FireFox does handle these correctly. ^^
… nice words... tom.... - I wonder what makes you feel to be this aggressive....
My english knowledge isn't by far good enough, to argue furthermore on this behalf, but if you are interested why I have the above opinion ( and I would like to state out, that it is only MY option!!! ), you might want to contact me per private message, or move a dublicate of this thread into the "german section". ^^
I only wanted to make clear, tom, that bitcoins are pretty useless, when it comes to payments and/or donations. I am aware that you certainly may buy percentages of a bitcoin, but after all recalculations, the bitcoin-buyer always looses, when we talk about "real money".
Don't get this wrong, tom, but donations starting from actual 68,39 € ( this is the lowest amount of Euro, that 1 bitcoin is traded today ) won't be done by much people, especially in bittorrent - communities. Due to the fact, that bitcoins have a very high speculative risk and are arithmetical limited, it is rather an investement property, than a payment option - as well because the price of bitcoins is highly fluctuating.
Donations normally start with amounts from 1,- € to 5,- € ( or 1,- $ to 5,- $, ), but definetly not with starting amounts like the actual bitcoin trading rate of 68,39 € ! :-[
Last week I could have bought a bitcoin for 266,- $ and [u]after a few hours the rate for this bitcoins was only worth 105,- $.
If I would have used bitcoins as a "real" currency, I maybe would have bought a 1-bitcoin-product for ~200,- $, which I could have bought a few hours later for ~100,- $
… as you can see, bitcoins are pretty useless as a payment option ( and therefore as a donation option as well ). Even if you adjust the exchange rates daily for the donations, in order to exchange it to any specific upload amount, the bitcoin-buyer always looses "real" money and therefore only the bitcoin-receiver profites on this behalf. In germany we call such calculations a "Milchmädchenrechnung", because it works only one way round, but not the other.
One little corection, if you don't mind…
To avoid a missing space after the line break from the "output" button, you might change this:
In "script-n.js" line 1546:
strBuff += "\n";
replace with:
strBuff += "\n ";
… apart from this tiny little mistake:
great work! :cheers:
The actual poll is: "Using a Proxy/VPN is good but what about low price pre-installed, ready-to-use Seedboxes ?"
This has nothing to do with the servers from GTRU and this doesn't mean, that you have to PAY for a seed box either.
The actual poll is just interested, if you prefer using VPN or pre-installed seed-boxes for your own security reasons.
You can not compare the ease of upload on public trackers like rarbg.com and publicbt.com or trackers without minimum ratio like ourgtn.org or with low minimum ratio requirements like gay-torrents.org with our tracker. We got much more seeder per leecher than those.
I very well can. If you say your tracker has nothing to with the upload, why does it work on others but not yours? Blaming the others, that it's because of the minimum ratio, seems like a lame excuse to me again.
Even if gay-torrents.org has a low ratio requirement, my ratio there is rather high because seeding there works. It's not because of "more seeder per leecher" (LOLWUT?).
I'm so tired of arguing with you. I can fiddle around with firewall settings, my router, any torrent client and I can properly upload/seed on any other tracker, in the end the problem with GTru doesn't lie on my side.
What Uwe is pointing out, is the fact that it is quite more difficult to equal your ratio on GTRU because we do have a lot more users who care about sharing. Therefore it is a fact, that we do have a lot more users who really SHARE the files, instead of having a "hit-and-run" - mentality. While you certainly upload much more on open trackers, or trackers with a low ratio requirement, you have to deal with more uploaders here on GTRU. If you would like to get a decent proof, you might upload an own file on each tracker and compare this after a week or two.
Sometimes it might help, if you name one or two of your seeding torrents ( maybe per private message? ) so that a staff member might get a better view of your problem, or to present some other options to solve you problem. I don't think that complaints will help you very much, but if that makes you feel better, please continue.
I think the staff did a perfect job changing the rules for the freeleech program.
Most users seem to think that the freelech option should be used to turn the "anti-leech" - tracker to an "open" tracker, where ratio and sharing doesn't matter at all.
GTRU has choosen to be an "anti-leech" - tracker, even if that means, that you have to really SHARE the files, instead of "hit and run". A freeleech option isn't changing that choice from GTRU, it is just a gift, which some users may give to others. Please stop being rude by complaining about these possible gifts and start seeing them as they are: GIFTS from users to users - nothing more. It's not meant to be a way of cheating the ratio - system, it just the possibily for users to give away their own seeding points in another way than just transferring these points as seeding bonuses.
Depending on your bittorrent client, which you use… pls. specify the client to get a better answer for your question. - Generally this is absolutly possible.
I probably would download more, if I would see something in these "tiny screenshots", which andy32 mentioned. Don't laugh ( if you still do, please don't tell me! ;D ), but I sometimes move my eyes to about 5 centimeters in front of the screen, but still I am not able to see any details. These "tiny screenshots" are pretty useless, I think, apart from annoying the person who tries to identify something on it.
So: YES, please! A minimum of 300 pixels in width and height for pictures would be just great.
( this should include every single image on thumbnail images as well! )
I for myself don't care much about the description at the moment and rarely read it, because a lot of uploaders don't care about file specifications and source and sometimes just put some own "advertising" words in it, or they are begging for seeding points. I would appreciate some minimum requirements and I would suggest a global stencil, which could appear at the upload form.
Release Date:
Actors:Official desciption:
Own description:
The global stencil could be realized with another form and should deny the possibility of using the "upload" button, if the required fields are empty. If an uploader doesn't know one or more of the required fields, he might use a global replacement phrase like "unknown" or "n/a", depending on the required field.
With an additional, optional dropdown-menu, the global stencil might be posted in another choosen language below the global stencil, to satisfy the wish of showing an additional, optional language stencil as well, where the uploader might change the english content into the preferred language of the uploader.
An additional help-site could explain the usage of the global stencil, where even frequent asked questions about this stencil might appear.
…. just my own two cents about the issue... ^^
There is no international law for sharing files and therefore there is no decent advice, if you may share a file with others or not, sosohorny. Sometimes it's a grey zone, sometimes it's illegal and in some countries they just don't care about it at all. I am not giving you any legal, or illegal advice - I just want to point out, why copyright violations might be intersting for prosecutors and which may be a rather unintersting fraud. I am pretty sure, that you know, that stealing an apple isn't right, but in some situations, it isn't illegal. :hug:
You may recognize, that my answers to these questions leave a lot of freedom for interpretations. Please let's just leave it that way. ^^
Depending on your client usage there might be a lot of possibilies not showing your actual IP to others, but this doesn't result in a way, which makes it impossible to get to know this information. You will find some interesting things using Google with the words "bittorent" "your bittorrent client" "free proxy service" ( yes, please use the "" to reduce the search results ^^ ), or "free vpn service".
My two cents:
Don't reproduce, don't sell, don't broadcast, don't archive and don't present the stuff to another audience… consume the stuff by yourself and don't get any advantage out of the usage ( apart from the salvation through your own sexual climax :cheers: )
I think that's about it and you shouldn't worry more about it. If you stick to this usage, the only violation is consuming a thing, which you didn't pay for - a very small violation, which only can result in a subsequent billing. … and because this is would be the only violation, it's called "a void prosecution" and can mostly not be maintained.
be it. but if he starts his ranting again, i will lock it definitely. users (and mods) shouldn't waste their time for someone who doesn't want to understand ...
I still hope that my time wasn't completly wasted, when I spent time answering ^^ - some users ( or even mods ) might have read something, which they found interesting, or probably helpfull. :cheers:
… ups... actually this post is spam... but I thought it might cheer you all up. :hug2: