Est-ce que tu utilises Internet Explorer ? Si oui, je te conseille vivement de télécharger Firefox ( ou Opera (, qui sont de bien meilleurs navigateurs. Notamment, ils gèrent très bien les images PNG (c'est le format utilisé pour l'image de sécurité), alors qu'Internet Explorer (dans la version 6) a un support quasiment inexistant pour ce format.
Posts made by SimonSaid
RE: Probleme de connexion
RE: Probleme de connexion
Salut !
Essaie de vider complètement le cache de ton navigateur… ça devrait aider.
RE: Problème de téléchargement
Comme indiqué par mgr, ton soft est sur "liste noire". C'est le cas de plusieurs softs qui par exemple sont réputés pour envoyer de fausses informations au tracker afin d'améliorer son ratio.
Pour info, lequel tu utilises ? -
RE: The bible told me so…
Hey guys,
I have watched the documentary and am now willing to share it with some French friends. As they are not fluent AT ALL in English, I have decided to make a translation for them.
As my level of comprehension is not sufficient to write the whole transcript myself, I have been (desperately) looking for some English subtitles on the web, but found nothing.
Now, I would like to know:- whether any of you by any chance got subtitles or the whole transcript?
- or would anybody be willing to help me write them in English?
Please let me know…
RE: The new Forum Software
Great job, man!
I actually never posted on the forum, mainly because of the poor interface… (ok, that's a lame excuse, but I just didn't feel easy with it)
I might become more active now. ;DMany thanks!
Edit: Just a small bug: you should make the Bonus link absolute, as it's currently pointing to (when accessing it from the forum).