It can be a waiting game if you download older torrents. Stick with brand new torrent on the browse list which have the most traffic.
As I write this, you have already uploaded 1GB, which corrected your ratio.
It can be a waiting game if you download older torrents. Stick with brand new torrent on the browse list which have the most traffic.
As I write this, you have already uploaded 1GB, which corrected your ratio.
The statistics listed in your picture are only session based and not cumulative.
Cumulative upload/download data is added to your ratio amounts in the upper part of your profile page.
We ban certain clients from use on the site because they don't accurately report the amount of upload/download data. So, the one you are using is permanently blocked from use on
Most members use uTorrent or Vuze. Download and install.
It is always a good idea to use a proxy or VPN service for many things. A good selection is (PIA) –- only $40 for the entire year ($3/month) with connections in over 20 countries and over 450 IPs. Torrenting has good speed too.
On a practical level, this is a private tracker, which tend not to be monitored with capture projects. Is it still possible, yes. . . is it probable, no.
Best advice is to get and use the VPN service in all aspects of internet connection.
I have recommended users click "Wish List" on the browse page for torrents they wish to download in the future.
Using the "Wish List" and a small change of behavior to visit a little more frequently than in the past accomplishes what you seek.
Thanks for making the extra effort. :hug2:
Does anyone want me to post a Discipline4Boys Collection? It's about 20 GB.
Those data are session based, rather than cumulative. The cumulative is added to your ratio numbers only.
It's a Boy!!!
OH MY GOD!!!! He's so ADORABLE!!!!!!!
Your current download limit is 26 torrents/day. If you improve your ratio, additional torrents will become possible, a little at a time as your ratio grows higher above your minimum ratio requirement of 0.8. However, the fastest way to increase the limit is to upload. For each upload, you get a permanent increase in your download limit by one. So to max out at 50 torrents/day, upload 24 torrents.
@blacklov - consider uploading your own new torrents – it will double your ability to download to a max of 50 a day. :cheers:
Otherwise I'm sure you'll find a simple way to adjust your schedule to accommodate, yes? C'mon. . . it's not so difficult. Have faith in yourself.
I would like as well re-question if the "new" system is based on the downloaded torrents-files ( *.torrent ), or does it include the download time from the files behind the torrents as well? I think I'll never reach the max. allowed ones anyway, but it might be interesting for other users.
Besides the strange way of calculation, do you really think, that you are going to change the way, "hit and run" - users act? Due to fact that you wrote, that you plan to do more open sign-in periods, the cheaters and hit-and-run - users will return, but I don't assume that their behaviour change, only because you are implementing a more complicated way of haunting. As well this doesn't increase the numbers of uploads, because cheaters and hit-and-run users won't become uploaders, just because their accounts got disabled or restricted.
On the other hand, your regulary users get frustrated and irritated because of the whole lot in controlling their up- and download behaviour and especially in times, where the world press discuss "prism" and "tempura" or other surveillance systems around the world, your users will in fact look for other tracker - possibilities, because they are fed up with restrictions and surveillance! :afr2:
I am on no other gay torrent - site and I even didn't look for another tracker, as GTru was temporary closed, but I really think, that you should stop your haunting-efforts at this point. The "normal" rationator is sufficient and if there still had been some cheaters or some hit-and-run - users - so what? They are not as regular as the "normal" users and we all know, that there are some black sheeps between the white ones.
Daily download limit = # completed downloaded files –----- it has nothing to do with the ".torrent" file or download time.
The new system integrates upload and download requirements that other sites are likely to follow. The method has already proven itself to the staff in just a matter of days, as the hit and runners are being caught in larger numbers with minimal downloading having occurred. It's actually very effective. Fortunately or unfortunately site users don't see all the issues that staff and admin have to contend, but no one benefits and everyone loses from hits and runs except for cheaters.
If a hit and runner can no longer cheat easily, they will be forced to make one of 2 decisions. Join as a good member or leave GTRU alone. This is a win-win scenario, except maybe not so good for individuals who want to continue cheating. Since modification #2 we have had ZERO complaints by regular users. And there are future modifications that may occur to the benefit of regular users with additional testing. The "normal" rationator was insufficient and why it was necessary to develop a more sophisticated fairness system.
I think these changes are quite reasonable, particularly with the second update of factoring in your share ratio. I may be alone here but downloading more than 25 torrents a day seems exorbitant. And with the formula its not hard to get to that limit.
Surprisingly, several individuals have expressed concern about no longer being able to download 100 torrents a day. WHAT?. . . HOW?. . . WHY. . does someone need to download 100 torrents a day? I think maybe they go for weeks without looking over torrents and then want to do it all at once. Hoarding issues maybe? Just don't know. ;D
I know I'm dumb but this makes me feel even dumber. I haven't a clue what all that arithmetic is about.
I'm not even sure whether people are talking about downloading the tiny torrent file or sharing the torrent behind it.
And if there are 'good reasons' behind any site changes, why not share them with us….please :cry2:
A major factor has been hit and runs. An individual opens a new account, downloads as much as possible without uploading/seeding and then dumps the account after it becomes locked from low ratio. This is not fair to other members who take care of their ratio.
Now, this is no longer possible. With this change, if someone wants to do some major downloading, they can only do so after showing good membership behavior over time. However, if someone wants to quickly change their daily download limit, they can rapidly do so by first doing some uploading, which permanently increases the number of downloads per day. It's the fairest way to address the issue, not interfere with good members ability to enjoy the site and to prevent individuals who want to cheat by doing hit and runs.
Here is the 2nd rationator formula for personal download limits (with EXAMPLE):
(1) Amount of download determines minimum ratio requirements (if DL = 380 GB –---- minimum ratio requirement = 0.6, allowing for 11 downloads/day), plus
(2) Amount of ratio above the minimum ratio requirement (Actual Ratio = 1.3 ------- subtract minimum from actual ratio = 0.7; then multiply by the amount of downloads per day of your minimum ratio requirement ---- 11 downloads/day * 0.7 = 7.7, round up = 8 additional downloads/day), plus
(3) Number of total uploads (# uploaded torrents = 23, which increases download limit on a 1:1, so 23 additional downloads/day)
TOTAL (Personal Download Limit Per Day) = 11 + 8 + 23 = 42 downloads
I would encourage users to consider the many issues faced by the website staff, such as cheaters and seed hogs (seedbox users) that reduce fairness for ALL users on the site. Changes and modification aren't made arbitrarily and typically have good reason/s behind it. The site always listens to feedback to improve. Constructive commenting is always welcome. Whining to whine is never helpful. New developments always requires testing and revision. We appreciate everyone's patience and support as we try to work out a balance between all issues and factors in running the site.
Please explain in more detail about your concern. I don't know to what you refer.
You get upload credit ONLY when another user is actually downloading the file. Otherwise, we give you bonus seed points of 0.5 per hour, if you seed even if you don't have anyone actively downloading the file. You have 3 seed points right now, so have seeded for 6 hours.
You can check to make sure you are actually SEEDING a file by going to your profile page and scrolling to the bottom. It should be listed as a torrent under "show seeding torrents." If it is listed there, our tracker has verified you are doing this.
When you first join, we give you a starting bonus of 2 GB.
To get the most upload credit, you either need to upload and seed your new torrent; download and seed the newly posted torrents that are most active, or lastly, consider a donation in exchange for upload credit.
Welcome to
There are studio spies on every torrent site imaginable; not only porn. On GTRU, if they sign-up on open registration or another member sends them an invitation, they can easily gain an account. But as with any user, they CANNOT see usernames, e-mail/IP addresses or any other type of personal information. Only browsing the torrent library list. SECURITY is always our highest priority at GTRU and will NEVER change. It is guaranteed we have the most privacy protection mechanisms compared to any other gay torrent site. We have THE BEST programming team anywhere.
Since 2008, we have honored takedown requests when DIRECTLY contacted by studios.
This takedown tool is only for PornGuardian to send GTRU direct requests. One-way channel from them to us –- NEVER to any users. This is NOT like the American's new 6-strikes system that sends infringement notifications to people. The user experience and guaranteed personal privacy here at GTRU has not changed.
We have never, nor will we ever, reveal any information about users to anyone. This is policy since the start of GTRU seven years ago. And it is our most sacred policy and promise we have to our users.