È necessario ricaricare il file torrent di nuovo in uTorrent e assicurarsi di puntare uTorrent al posto giusto in cui sono stati memorizzati i file video. uTorrent chiederà se si desidera sovrascrivere i file. Fare clic su Sì e il programma controllerà il torrente con i file prima che va a seminare il torrente.
Posts made by Priest
RE: U torrent
RE: Eliminating Duplicates
Another thing I've come across is that while browsing you'll find two or three of the SAME files coming up. They all have the same upload time-stamp and are the same file-size and i think are genuinely the same and not duplicates, but the file just appears more than once on the picture browse screen.
So, why does it appear more than once? Is it method for promoting new uploads or..?
Chalk it up to a glitch in the system list a torrent twice on the search page. If you look and open up the detail page of both listed torrents they are the same one.
RE: What's up ratio?
Since you are now in the TB range it will take 10.24 GB appx to raise your UL .01
RE: Just came out
It is your life and you need to live it and be happy in living it.
They have their opinions and that is fine, however, what is the concern is your need to please them. You cannot please all the people all the time and sometimes you may please no one. This is one of those times that if you try to please your parents you might end up very unhappy.
Give them time.
Educate them.
Show them you haven't changed.But above all live your life how you want to live it. And accept the fact that they may never accept you for whom you are. Be true to yourself and remember you are not what they call you. You know who you are.
RE: Issues with Searching torrents
I know it's of no help, I get No Torrent with ID on that link.
If it's any consolation I have that movie. I couldn't finish it
I do believe that the uploader has fixed the problems with it and has reuploaded it.
RE: Issues with Searching torrents
I, too, am having a problem with searching today.
I bookmarked a torrent yesterday, On one computer I can go to the torrent and another computer I get "No torrent with ID" It is the same URL being used.
Now for the search I am searching with the title "OUT TO KILL" This torrent doesn't show in the results, I do a blank search of themed movies by upload date and this torrent doesn't show up in the results.
I know the torrent page is there.