And according to Cathy "the liberal Sherpa" Areu on Tucker Carlson's show (Fox News), babies (I'm NOT using that other made-up word) are supposed to say what gender they are at around 4!
Children can't sign contracts, drive cars, vote or even be left home alone but they can choose their gender.
Posts made by nick75
RE: Death to "baby", all rise "theyby"
RE: Apple hates white people
I can't believe you actually went there…
Apple doesn't promote sales of their non-RED phones as going to charity.
No what I mean is they sell their RED phones worldwide and part of the money goes to that charity. Therefore non-white people are also donating to RED.
Me donating to a charity through Apple Pay, isn't quite the same as Apple donating to that charity. Are you saying that every time I write a check and mail it to the charity that my bank and the post office are also donating to the charity?
The same applies to Apple allowing donations through Itunes.What are you on about here?
By the way, Apple doesn't donate their own money to RED but a percentage of each sale. The same applies to most of the links I gave.The most you can say is that Apple created "storefronts" for some situations such as natural disaster relief and doled out the money collected to charities, such as the various national Red Cross charities. For the rest, Apple only changed the rule banning donation buttons in apps.
So donating money to charities focused on African nations is racist but donating money to charities in the US doesn't disprove that claim ???
It's nice of Apple to donate $1 million to the area they live in after the forest fires. You do get that $1 million for that forest fire was less than 0.1% of the total cost of the forest fire and that's quite generous on my part because the forest fire was well over $1 Billion. That's probably more than they paid in taxes worldwide that year.
As for your tax avoidance rant: it's a digression from the topic and it's not illegal AFAIK (not that I'm ok with it).
Apple gave $1 million to the SPLC, which is a leftist group that falsely accuses people of being nazis. They give to other leftist groups as well.
NEWS FLASH: Apple is a far-left/progressive company!! Such a revelation…
If Apple paid it's fair share of taxes, they'd do more for society the tiny bits you are bragging about them doing.
They're a for-profit business that has never made charity work their goal so it's up to them to give the amount of money they want.
Contrary to what you said I'm not bragging about what they're doing, I couldn't care less about their charity work. I'm not even saying that they're not racist but just that you haven't shown evidence to back that claim up!Finally the interesting thing about this conversation is every time I reply I use links or screenshots to prove my point but you don't. You extrapolate stuff from who knows where and claim what you say to be true.
It would be refreshing if you could provide evidence not just gut feelings or reading too much into things to prove your claims of racism and illegal activity (defraud). -
RE: Apple hates white people
RED isn't Apple's either. Source
You seemed so eager to help white people with HIV I thought I'd give you links so that you can donate and help!Non-black countries where Apple contributed/donated/raised awareness:
2017: UK, Canada, USA, USA
2016: Ecuador and Japan, Canada, China, USA, USA, USA
For previous years and source: linkBy the way, contrary to what you said earlier Apple gives money to RED from each iPhone sold worldwide (that includes non-white countries!!). Source.
RE: Apple hates white people
How do you know they don't care about all black Africans with HIV?
Maybe it's difficult or impossible to intervene in other countries due to political or safety reasons?
Maybe they don't have enough people to handle more countries?As I've shown earlier, countries where the virus is most prevalent are in Africa so it makes sense that they want to start there, don't you think?
Also, those countries are poor so it's logical to help them.Your premise does not stand, you're pulling things out of thin air and extrapolating.
If you're so worried about HIV in white countries, here are some links: Europe and USA
RE: Apple hates white people
Look at the attached picture. Do you notice anything?
It's as if they chose countries where the virus is most prevalent… who knew? -
RE: Gay and Muslim
Read the last sentence in the picure attached.
It sounds awfully like what's happening in Islamic countries (Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc) and ISIS.
Picture from you're doing here calvingrey is called Taqiya: making Islam more palatable to non-believers by deceiving them.
You can be gay and muslim but the metal gymnastics required to do that is Olympic level and also the community won't be kind* about your sexual orientation.
- threats, harassment, etc…
RE: Apple hates white people
First, it's called "global fund to fight AIDS" not "fund to fight AIDS globally". HUGE difference.
RE: Apple hates white people
Also, defrauding means they've done something illegal. Where?
How is this hidden in the small prints? (See attachments)
You don't know what small prints actually means.
RE: Apple hates white people
Your train of thought has derailed here mate.
First, it's called "global fund to fight AIDS" not "fund to fight AIDS globally". HUGE difference. You can call it misleading or dishonest at worst if you want.
But calling it hatred is a stretch! Is it self-serving? virtue signalling? a PR stunt? Probably but hate, calm down. -
RE: Another P*ssy Pass
Totally unrelated but I like the fact that you felt the need to censor the word pussy on a PORN website!! :rotfl:
by the way, another case of female privilege in action.
RE: Woman uses machette to force ex to fuck her
If progressives aren't denouncing this story, does that mean that they're part of the rape culture?
RE: More proof that leftist are hypocrites
So true unfortunately.
I'm on the left (centre-left/classical liberal) and I can't stand the way my side is behaving. Full of bigotry (against white people or men), violence (antifa), inconsistencies (complaining about patriarchy/homophobia/slavery in the West but not in Islamic countries where it's institutionalised) and the list goes on and on.
I'm glad to see the #WalkAwayMovement and I hope it gains a lot of momentum until the leaders realise everyone has deserted their party!
RE: Hairiest muscle guys
Some of these guys aren't hairy enough. I'm talking a coat of fur, back and all! I'll have a look through my saved pics and post some I have.
if you like them really hairy, what do you think of him?
RE: Whose your guiltiest crush?
US Vice President Mike Pence.
I can't stand his politics but I think he's a good-looking man!
I just love silver hair… :cheesy2: -
C. Meloni…. the fucker is so confident and sexy... i love him :D!
Because yes, i am into maturesYAAAAAAASSSSSSS :crazy2: :cheers: :love:
RE: Is it gay to cuddle with another dude?
It depends but as @Chrisunder said he might be confused.
Perhaps you should talk, just to clear things up.But generally speaking cuddling with another man isn't gay!!
RE: Milo Yiannopoulos resigns from Breitbart
From rising star to career dumpster; CPAC canceled, book deal canceled, and now he resigned from Breitbart.
Sorry I don't have a link that isn't CNN.
All I can say is, if you are gay and a public figure, it's probably better to remove "13 year old boys" from your vocabulary entirely.
Edit: I can't wait for the responses to this, I'm just trying to figure out ahead of time, how this is Obama's fault.
I don't know why people were so outraged about what he'd say.
Let the guy speak and he'll ruin himself, him talking about 13-year-old boys or other nonsense was bound to happen!! -
RE: Yes, Liberalism IS a Mental Disorder
From the actions of a few people you're generalising a whole group of people who probably don't have anything in common except for the way they vote. Basically, what homophobic people do to us!
Is liberalism a mental disorder? I don't think so but I might change when a LOT of psychiatrists say otherwise not just that biased Michael Savage.
RE: Straights in gay clubs?!
I wholeheartedly disagree with that unfair stupid statement!!
How someone views or treats gay people defines whether you're homophobic.By the way, going to a gay club doesn't automatically make you not homophobic/gay-friendly! just saying…