Final Fantasy XV

Posts made by Maxwell555
RE: Super Mario Odyssey
Finally bought the game. Waiting for it to arrive tomorrow or Tuesday. Hoping it is as good as most people say it is.
RE: Judith and Ahmed
This is pretty funny. If it was an actual letter, well, poor Mom. ;D
RE: Austria to have equal marriage by 2019
That is good news. I'm happy for them.
RE: Colton Haynes & Jeff Leatham Are Married
They look good together. I hope they have their lifes filled with happiness.
RE: Super Mario Odyssey
I have not played it yet, but it seems fun. I love the Odyssey music sang by Pauline.
RE: Legend of Zelda
I do not own a Switch yet, but when I do I will buy Breath of the Wild. I liked the past games, my favorite was Wind Waker. This new game seems cool, I have not read much about it to not spoil everything before I buy it, but one thing I read and I know I will not like is the weapons breaking.
RE: Favorite Final Fantasy game?
My favorite is VI, but I also really like IV and V.
RE: Publique algo nesse topico e ganhe pontos bonus.
Bom domingo para todos!
RE: Top games super nintendo/SNES
Final Fantasy (4, 5 and 6)
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario RPG -
RE: What is the last game you bought?
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness. Waiting for it to be delivered.
RE: Nintendo Switch
I'm so turned off with Nintendo since the Wii U. They messed up so many things with that console. I'll be skipping this one. It's time they make Mario available on other platforms.
Yeah, they really messed up a lot of things, for example the The Legend of Zelda game they promised and is going to be released on the Switch first. I'm really unsure if I will be the new console. I'll have to wait to see the reactions and more details after its release to make a decision.
RE: Do you like or dislike tattoos?
I usually don't like tattoos unless they are small.
RE: A group full of very ugly people die in a bus accident.
This joke is very funny. ;D