Zac Efron

Posts made by Maxwell555
RE: Opinions of the Sims
For me, what I like for The Sims games are the character creation and creating the houses. I hardly play much after that, because I lose interest in the characters after a while and create new ones again.
RE: Best N64 game?
I love Donkey Kong 64. Super Mario 64 is also good, Smash Bros or Banjo Kazooie.
RE: Ever wanked to a video game character?
Short answer, yes. Too many to count.
RE: PS4 Games
Depends on what you like to play: Horror - Dead by Daylight, Friday the 13th the Game; RPG - Final Fantasy 15, Tales of Berseria, for example.
RE: Publique algo nesse topico e ganhe pontos bonus.
Boa semana para todos.