:lol: Thanks to the community for such a great site, especially tom tom <3!
Keep it going guys
:lol: Thanks to the community for such a great site, especially tom tom <3!
Keep it going guys
I'm not openly gay, because of my family. Although my sister is a lesbian, an open one at that; I still haven't told her. I guess she knows, but won't say nor do anything until I'm ready to come out. It's weird how after 7 years of not having a girl friend people still think I'm straight. As a matter a fact today my friend mentioned something about 2 guys kissing publicly in college and how he thought it was wrong, I just laughed hysterically and he asked me why I was laughing. I replied: "oh nothing" and told him how it was also wrong to exhibit yourself in public no matter your sexual preference and he agreed. The biggest reason to still "be in the closet" is because of my grandmother, at her age if she knew Id probably kill her of a heart attack. As they say in Spanish: "Tu eres mi ojos - mi todo" (You are my eyes - You are my everything) as she refers to me.
Lamentablemete nunca he usado quick torrent maker. Si no hablas ingles, soy el unico que te puede ayudar. Si hablas ingles podrias preguntar aqui:
Yo puse un guia como subir torrent con el Azureus. Es sumamente fácil, intentalo.
Cualquier duda me dejas saber.
Hola amigo!
Te recomiendo que uses el Azureus 2.5 Release []. El es compatible con Linux y el tracker.
Lo puedes descargar aquí:
Recuerda, cambia las xx por tt.
Para hacer un torrent con Azureus es sumamente fácil.
Abres azureus luego vas a file y luego new torrent.
Luego sigue lo que está en la foto. En el announce URL escribes: http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru:80/announce.php
Si el torrent que vas a subir es un solo archivo escoges "Single", si son múltiples archivos escoges "Directory".
Luego oprimes Next.
Te aparecerá el "File" para escoger el archivo o directorio que deseas. Escoges el archivo o directorio y oprimes next. Asegúrate que el archivo o directorio no tenga espacios ni caracteres especiales.
Luego te aparece una ventana como en la foto:
Oprime finish y ya tienes el torrent creado!
Para poder subir el torrent a la pagina tendrás que ir a : http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/upload.php
Luego oprimes: "I have read and understand"
Luego escoges una categoría en "Select a category" sobre que categoría es el torrent que vas a subir. Si es película "themed movie", porno (que clase de porno como mature, hunks, twink, etc…)
Luego te pide una o varias fotos de la película o porno que vayas a subir. Subes la o las fotos y luego te aparecerán otras opciones.
?Torrent Name? Aquí va el nombre del torrent sin espacios o caracteres especiales. Por favor no poner ?Caliente.Rico.Muy.Lindo? o ?HOT.MUST.GET!? Titula cada torrent correctamente con el nombre de la película o porno.
?URL? Aquí va alguna dirección sobre la película o porno, como información sobre ella.
?Description? Aquí va información sobre de que trata la película o porno. El lugar de la descripción no puede estar en blanco y debe ser llenada correctamente.
Por último el ?Torrent file? Aquí va el archivo de torrent que habías creado.
Oprimes ?Do it!? y el torrent ya debió de haber sido subido a la pagina.
Una vez el archivo ha subido tendrás que descargarlo y abrirlo para poder compartirlo. Asegúrate que lo guardes en el directorio donde está el archivo que vas a compartir, si no, el comienza a descargarlo como si fuera un archivo que no tienes. Una vez el abre te va a decir que ya el archivo existe, le das que si y luego el comienza hacer un tipo de ?hash? donde verifica el archivo. Cuando termine el archivo ya debe estar en el área de torrents completados y va a decir que tiene un ?seeder?, que serás tu.
Si confrontas algun problema, por favor dejar un mensaje aquí o por privado.
I would rather have a themed movie over porn any day. I mostly download porn to see the cute twinks and then just burn them on to a DVD, unlike porn I watch the themed movies burn them on a DVD and most likely watch them again further in time.
Por lo que veo has subido el 54% de lo que has bajado. No creo que sea problemas con tu puertos.
Si el torrent que estas tratando de subir se queda en el area de download en 0.0% eso significa que no estas seeding el torrent correctamente. Tienes que descargarlo y guardarlo donde este el video. Si haces eso el video se supone que haga hash y comienze a dar seed.
Cualquier duda me preguntas. Suerte!
A Communist is pushing for more civil liberties? Don't make me laugh!
Don't think that communism is horrible and evil. There's worst.
Kissing in public - 2 years in jail… Amazing.
Raping children, murders, drugs, etc come out in less time...
Oh yeah…
Everyone has their computers on 24/7 - 365 days a year uploading. More Sarcasm
I would prefer 700-1.2GB videos. I tend to steer away from the big DVDs since they're a pain to seed and it hurts your ratio a lot.
(Emphasized by mgr)
Can we agree to disagree? I seeded my last DVD [Chaleurs] about 2 weeks. It brought ca. 14 GB upload and quite a push for my ratio. The only problem I observed is available space on the torrent computer.
I bet the world everyone has your upload speeds. SARCASM
I am going to transcode some videos and upload them. What do you think is better? Smaller, lower quality videos (~700-800MB) or larger, DVD quality videos, (1.8-2.5GB videos)??
I would prefer 700-1.2GB videos. I tend to steer away from the big DVDs since they're a pain to seed and it hurts your ratio a lot.
En otras palabrasa ahoras puedes hacer lo siguiente:
Si tu upload es < 25GB (con estado de "Power User") y tu ratio es de:
< 0.350 = 3 torrent
< 0.500 = 4 torrents
< 0.750 = 5 torrents
< 1.000 = 6 torrents
1.000 = 10 torrents
Ahora te explico lo de bono.
EL "Seed Bonus" es un sistema que anima a nuestros miembros a compartir o "seed" los archivos que descargas aquí. Es muy simple, solo dejas el archivo que descargaste compartiendo o "seeding" a otros miembros que lo deseen descargar o sea "leeching". Lo que explique anteriormente se llama "seeding".
El bono es calculado en cuantas horas dejas un archivo compartiendo o en modo "seed". Por cada hora que dejes un archivo (o múltiples archivos) compartiendo o "seeding" el sistema te otorga .5 puntos (points) por cada hora. En otras palabras, 1 punto (point) cada dos horas que estas compartiendo o "seeding".
El bono que te otorgan depende en una decisión que tomes. Hay tres niveles de bono (El bono serán los números de GB (Gigabytes) que serán añadidos a tu total de "upload". Los tres niveles a escoger son:
Puntos de bono por "seeding" Bono en GB (Gigabytes)
75 1.0 GB
150 2.5 GB
350 5.0 GB
Tu puedes escoger a qué nivel deseas intercambiar tus puntos bonos "Bonus", solo haz click en el lugar que dice "Seed Bonus" y te llevara a una página donde puedes intercambiar los puntos, de esta forma te podría mejorar tu "ratio".
Cualquier otra duda me avisas.
I love guys in underwear and I think I have 1-2 videos of guys in underwear. I'll see if I can find and upload them.
Please feel free to do the same if anyone has any
lulz I'm a wizard :wizard:
I don't think there are enough entries in one category to justify splitting it… Perhaps a bit more practice with the search or better advance search, actors or something...
Perhaps best thing would be to better describe movies when people are uploading...regards
Enforce a rule so people could be a little more descriptive of their torrents. I've seen descriptions that say: "Hot little video…" and many others that aren't that descriptive. What may be hot for some may not be hot for others.
lulz I'm a wizard :wizard:
And this topic is why gaytorrent.ru is the best gay-film/porn related site I've ever came across. Why didn't I find you earlier my precious :unsure:
lulz I'm a wizard :wizard:
You claims of "human rights violations" and "equality for gay men" is a smoke screen and does not justify us changing our format. The right not to get fired from a job or to be able to get married is not the same as the "right" to force websites to cater to your specific wants.
I agree with what you say. I think this topic should have stayed as a recommendation and not deviate from that.
Some gay people might feel disgusted towards straight porn, just like some straight people (If not all) feel disgusted towards gay porn. It's a matter of preference. I just wish for the site to keep running as it is and if it could have a few "extras" then good. Let's hope for the best
lulz I'm a wizard :wizard:
I have never heard of a lesbian version of GT.ru. or anything remotely close to it.
We do allow GLBT theme movies here, just not all the porn associated with it.
Of course if she wants lesbian porn, she only needs to join the hetero porn sites. :whistle:
Hehe… That's the thing, she doesn't want lesbian porn. She wants lesbian themed movies.
I'm currently getting some from other sites, but it seems like GT.RU has a large collection of gay themed. I'll up the ones I find. I hope if someone has any could up them here.
gaytorrent.ru to me is one of the best gay porn sites out there. I was talking with my sister and she was wondering if there was a similar site to GT.ru out there. She's interested in the themed movies. If anyone can point me to where they could be found, I would appreciate it.
lulz I'm a wizard :wizard:
That's a pretty interesting point. Some of us do enjoy straight porn, but some don't. From my point of view, it wouldn't hurt. I would love to see straight asian porn
Let's see what the big guys say.
lulz I'm a wizard :wizard:
It's sad that stopping hate has to wait several months.
I really don't understand all of the hate and discrimination. I guess people tend to hate and destroy what they don't understand. sighs
lulz I'm a wizad! :wizard:
Hope you enjoy the site as much as I am! Can't wait to see what you upload.