So in love with him. I hope he stays cool with his lean body like this. There are already too many Bollywood actors with too huge muscles.
Posts made by Louism
RE: South Asian
RE: How big is your porn folder?
How would it taste?
This week alone I've gained more than 10 GB of porns. >:D
When my external hard drive was broken, part of me is lost.
I was both mad and sad…
RE: Celebrities you'd like to have sex with
Hehe…if you take Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans, I'll have to turn to Ryan Reynolds and Chris Jamison.
I was taught that sharing is good, so yes I'll take Gosling & Evans but if you swap out that Ryan Reynolds for someone attractive & for sure bring along that tasty little Jamison treat we could have a very unique sexual experience that will have to be filmed or no one will believe…
I'm so up for that. I could swap to another Ryan…How about Ryan Guzman? Yummy sexy
Sharing has never been this good. >:D
RE: 20 laziest countries in the world
Just read thru the whole article.
I think you are right. I was thinking about the economic terms. Then, in case of Japan, it must have something to do with growing urbanisation, their lifestyle and work ethics that makes them less physically active or stuck at work until very late at night.
RE: Who is your favorite pornstar?
My obsession to Colby Keller keeps growing these days. Can't stop watching him and his perfect body. Such a powerful and lovely top. I wish he could do me. I can't wait to smell his manly pheromone and taste his sweat dropping. >:D
RE: How big is your porn folder?
It doesn't matter how big your porn folder is, it's what you do with it that counts.
True. I believe some liters of my cum have been wasted on them. >:D
RE: Russian boys. How are they different?
Bringing it full circle in regards to how the russian male is different, as I said, it's the lack of a soul which gives them that "I don't care" mentality, which in turn gives birth to the great, no nonsense sex. At least, that is my opinion based on my experience on how they differ from the rest of us. I am sure a few souls slip through the iron curtain and there are some russian's with souls. That Lucas character…not one of them. :cheesy2:
So true. I have the same experience when I was living there. But those "russian's with souls" never fail to impress me.
RE: 30 percent of males are gay? is it true?
It could be biological fact, though. But when the heterosexualism comes into account, the percentage is much smaller. Some are closeted. Some enjoy being bisexual. Some are raised to be straight without even doubt their sexuality.
RE: 20 laziest countries in the world
One of the reasons Japan is on the list is likely that many of Japanese women are full-time housewives. They are so devoted to family and paternalism.
RE: How big is your porn folder?
1022 gig. I do feel bad for this. :cry2:
Haha. Me too. Let's put it 1.0 TB. That makes it sound a lot less.
I keep downloading, sometimes unconsciously. :cheesy2:
RE: Who is your favorite pornstar?
That Hunter I'll sign up for but I never need to see the other one. Usually in most of the videos Hunter goes last so I just edit out the beginning, either with the fast forward button or sometimes I actually cut it out totally from the file. >:D
Agree. Hunter is super hot. But watching Cole does those teens gives me a kind of Daddy's warmth I need time after time.
RE: Handsome face or big dick?
I agree. The right type of face surely makes it pleasant pain. :jaj:
RE: Handsome face or big dick?
I need the face to be handsome. The dick…not so much. It hurts, you know.
RE: Who is your favorite pornstar?
I totally forgot Peto Coast on my list.
Also, I love Cole and Hunter from Maverick Men. Every time I saw their video, I can't imagine how good it might feel to do porno with them.
RE: Any Korean porn out there?!
The scene in Frozen Flower is quite brief but intense.
For more choices of Korean mainstream gay-themed film, I found this:
RE: Korean Men
Interesting question.
I haven't seen any Korean men with hairy chest, though I have seen a lot of Korean men with facial hair.
RE: Who has the hairiest legs here? Here's some of mine.
Mine are pretty hairy too! I love hairy legs! ;D
That's one sexy calf! RAWR!
here are some of mine
I find yours are one of the sexiest. Love the blond hair of yours and those upper legs muscles. And OMG the bulge in the first pic! Luscious.
I can imagine many things I could do with them.