Assassins Creed Origins

Posts made by LiverpoolLad
RE: What game(s) are you currently playing?
Currently playing through AC Valhalla. Its decent enough but not as good as Origins. Also playing a little Diablo 3 but not sure if i'll stick with it. Played it before.
RE: Do you have a good gaydar?
Not at all. I told my boss I was gay years ago now - and he had invited me out with him and his mates one night (which id refused at the time). It was only later everyone else told me he was. And it was so obvious looking back
RE: Liverpool Lad's Pics
Me at a dates last weekend. Forgive his dirty mirror ;D
RE: Favorite Game
The Last of Us
PUBG (atm anyways)
Borderlands 2
Dragon Age -
Im really liking it. Its a bit of a change from the others but no so much if you enjoyed them you wouldnt this imo.
The only thing I dislike about the game is the amount of enemies that you bump into, and the pop ins/fade outs. Its just constant at times which can be frustrating. I took out 2 vans on a main road right in front of each other. Went to the back of the first to open the doors, turned round and the other had just despawned. It was literally meters away. And half the time youre talking to someone youve saved, their text/chat will be cut off as enemies will have spawned and theyll run to attack them. So you'll have to follow them and try 3 or 4 times to chat to them before getting their full chat to complete a quest etc
Hope they patch and fix these but it is pretty fun otherwise.
RE: Do you have a major fetish?
Chest hair. >:D >:D >:D
(Spose its not really a 'fetish' but it does it for me every time lol)
RE: Recommend me a decent tv series to start watching
Godless -
Not usually into westerns but this was perfect
RE: Monster hunter
I like it but im awful at remembering button combinations for the combat lol I end up spamming one button or occasionally if I can time it right pressing two buttons at once!
Good game so far though.