Posts made by ladadee888
RE: Not so straight after all..
Are gay people that dumb? Using sex toys, dildos or vibrators does not make you gay. Gay is about being physically attracted to the same sex. Just because someone fingers, fucks or whatever their own asshole doesn't mean they are gay…it's a pleasurable thing. We need to stop being so closed minded and living in some fantasy world thinking we can change someone's sexual orientation or assume because they stick something in their ass they are gay. What is this 1955? We have become much more liberal as a society. Women who used sex toys used to be thought of disgusting, whores, less lady-like...obviously nowadays we know that to be completely untrue. A healthy sex life is important. A male's prostate is a very sensitive and pleasurable spot - it does not make a man gay to play with it. More and more magazines even discuss this in heterosexual relationship terms. So let's open our minds a little here.
RE: If I never come out of closet…
It all depends. Is it safe for you to come out? What will the repercussions be if you do come out? Will you get kicked out of your home (if you live with family), will they not support you? If that is the case- maybe when you are financially stable and independent you can come out. In the end, if you lose friends because of your sexual orientation, then they weren't true friends to begin with. If it will make you happier, then do it.
RE: What does it mean to be gay?
my personal feeling about being gay means you can f*** a new partner every night if you feel like it and you dont even have to tell him a word
Younger when my job ended at 22h30 (10h30 pm) every night I went directly after to a place where you can do fun stuff : gym like workout then sauna then sex with some young beautiful stranger, and that everyday. that's nice for relaxing after work. In my town there are some places like that. It was cool. Of course now I'm too old for that
I'm afraid to me that's only about sex. Feelings are more complicated for me. soo.. I had real boyfriends (like living together and all) but I'm not sure I ever loved them.Um, ew, no!
Being gay is a SEXUAL attraction to someone of the same sex. Gays come in all shapes, sizes, colors, religions, attitudes, world views, perceptions, slutiness, prudeness, etc! Being gay is not about being a THOT - although many are x
RE: Would/Have you ever out someone who is in the closet ?
Everyone has a right to live as they see fit and how they would like to live. As long as that person isn't being a hypocrite and condemn gays or taking actions that are hurtful to gay men (such as politicians who have gay sex but rule against gay legislation) - then there is no reason to out someone. It's their life, not yours.
RE: How many men you have had sex with so far?
Only two: my boyfriend and a guy we had a threesome with. He's been with a ton of guys, though. On the one hand I'm envious of him because I was too shy to put myself out there before I met him and feel like I missed out on a lot, but on the other hand I'm glad I waited for him to be my first and that he's up for having threeways so I can still see what it's like with other guys.
That would make me uncomfortable.
RE: How do you watch porn?
I've always been one to browse through several videos. I don't sit thru an entire video :))