Good for you, in your desire to improve your English, maybe in return, you can teach your would be correspondent(s), Spanish
I could try to teach, yeah… Haha.
Good for you, in your desire to improve your English, maybe in return, you can teach your would be correspondent(s), Spanish
I could try to teach, yeah… Haha.
Difficult choice… I'll say that is between “The Omen” (1976) and “The Thing” (1982).
Hi everyone!
I used to have a friend of Netherlands that talked with me almost everyday, but he forgot about me suddenly. We did it trough Skype (only voice calls), and that helped me a lot with my english, but now that he is gone I'm trying to find someone to talk with. Most people says that I write well enough, but my main issue is the pronunciation.
So, if anyone doesn't mind to talk with a stranger just to help him with english, that would be really nice of you. You could write me a PM to stablish contact.
P.S.: if you want to know more about me before reaching me, I already said some things in here:
Well, I don't think that I have the gay radar or maybe it's broken, because every single guy that I find to be very handsome (in my daily life) is, in most of the cases, straight… And the only gay guys that want to have something serious with me are always far far away in other countries. That's unffair. :cry2:
I don't even know what to think…
Who could like to rape and murder when you can enjoy consensual sex? Grindr and other apps were made to help those that couldn't have sex easily before! I just don't get it... ???
:hiya: JohnEryn - great to see you…and you don't need to worry about your writing, it's just fine.
I've seen quite a few feet and socks torrents here, so hope you have fun
Thanks buddy! ;D
Hi everyone!
I'm a venezuelan guy (so forgive me if I write badly) of 20 years old, currently single (only had three bfs) and with a very dirty mind.
Let me explain: I have a feet & socks fetish (and post pics of my own in Instagram, @latinguy4u & @latinsocks4u), I love the amateur porn that I see on Twitter and I even publish photos of my hairy cock in there too (@nomeafeitonada). Also, I usually broadcast in Chaturbate for asking electronic books that I can't buy because I don't have any $.
If you are wondering about my taste in men, I don't mind skin or eyes color, but what I look for are skinny guys or with ripped abs (+6.7 inches of cock is a plus), and of a certain age (18 - 40 years old). If you have this physical features you can exchange pics with me in Kik (also @nomeafeitonada in there).
What more can I say? Well, I'm trying to be a writer (I have a blog but all the posts are in spanish) and I'm studying philosophy. Yeah, I know that is strange knowing that I'm so addicted to social media, but anyway.
P.S.: I forgot to say that I'm hairy all over my body. The only thing that I usually shave is my beard (every two months or so)…
Could you please tell me which accounts in Twitter publish hard yaoi pics? I only have found @garuromo and @IsBoyLove2 but they don't tweet regularly. Pleeeease help me :cry2:
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to tell that I share pics of my socks in Instagram: @latinsocks4u
And if u wanna exchange pics with me you could do it in Kik: @nomeafeitonada
Relación estable, total y definitivamente. Lamentablemente no ha llegado el chico que se quede a mi lado por tanto tiempo…
A mí me gustan peludos (de los que no se afeitan nada de nada) pero flacos. No sé si tienen un nombre que los englobe a todos… Yo mismo caigo dentro de ese estereotipo, así que me busco lo que yo mismo ofrezco: pelos por todos lados ;D
Mencionaré mis artistas preferidos:
Air (banda francesa), Peter Gabriel y Lisa Ekdahl.
Escucho mucho más, pero estos se podrían considerar los principales.
Creo que «Starving» (2015, argentina) y la bien conocida «Scandal in the vatican 2» (con Joel Birkin, que es un actor porno que adoro)…
Uno de los pocos vídeos porno que tiene una historia (y no sólo pretextos estúpidos para ponerlos todos a follar) es «Starving» (2015). Está aquí y es de Argentina. Deberían darle una oportunidad. Vale la pena.
Creo que delegaría el poder en gente de confianza, y me entregaría a mis pasiones reprimidas con total libertad dentro de un ámbito de privacidad y seguridad máximos.
Lo hago por las mismas razones que CitizenXY, es decir, por los hombres.
En el porno hetero adoro a Jordi el niño polla (desearía ser mujer sólo para que me folle él), Bel Gris, Danny D, y Tyler Nixon.
Siempre he fantaseado dos situaciones:
1. Ser doblemente penetrado y mamar al mismo tiempo.
2. Estar en un trío donde yo esté en el medio, es decir, dando y recibiendo y al mismo tiempo mamar.
Pero siempre me lo imagino con chicos flacos o con sus abdominales ligeramente marcados y con sus penes algo largos (18 cm mínimo), así que no creo que lo cumpla nunca. Ya sea porque a nadie con esas características físicas le interese yo para hacer algo así, o, por el contrario, que sí haya la oportunidad pero me acobarde en el último momento.
No he tenido mucho sexo, y creo que el más largo que he tenido dentro debía medir 17 o 18 cm. Pero visualmente me encantan los largos (si tiene 18 cm yo me conformo). El mío es «normal» porque mide 15 cm erecto, pero me hace sentir completamente acomplejado (poco hombre), dado que me considero versátil pero la mayoría me ve como exclusivamente pasivo.
Hasta el momento, sólo tres. Fui fiel a cada uno, y vinieron de manera consecutiva uno detrás del otro. Pero ya no quiero buscar más, estoy francamente cansado. Tampoco quiero sexo casual, lo hice algunas veces antes de tener novio pero no lo disfruté. Llevo 3 años consolándome con mi mano y un haragán de tubo metálico grueso. Es mejor que un dildo para mí…