Wait I swear there was a part one and two collection?? Did it get removed???
Posts made by jj1235
RE: Brandt's boys
RE: Trying on new underwear.
Legit this is me too XD I've got a bit of an underwear fetish soo >:D
RE: Ex Getting with So Called "Friend"… Advice Wanted
Thanks for all the advice everyone. Yea DamaDama I do feel like I was just tossed aside like a used tissue & cast aside so abruptly like that. In any case, I think I'm just going to completely cut them out of my life & not talk to them again. They are dating btw, so that's great XD But yea geox not worth my time & effort to befriend backstabbers & liars.
RE: Ex Getting with So Called "Friend"… Advice Wanted
Thanks upnXT. I haven't had contact with him in a while & I think I won't be doing so for a while. But we'll see how I feel further down the line.
Ex Getting with So Called "Friend"… Advice Wanted
Hey guys, so I'm just going to explain the situation as briefly as possible. My ex & I have dated long distance for about 2 years. During the early stages, we said to each other that distance won't affect the relationship. I loved him & he loved me. Everything was rosy. We even talked about getting married & living together. He was in Germany for uni & I was in the UK for uni. We met as much as we possibly could. I even went to his family's house for Christmas/new Years' & celebrated it with them. Fast forward 2 years, he's now doing a Master's program in the UK. Then, he broke up with me on the day of our second year anniversary. 2 weeks later, I find out he started seeing my so called "friend" from a university society that I introduced my ex to. It's now just under 5 months later & I'm still pissed off. Thing is, before I found out that he was seeing my ex-friend, we had a talk, that we would get over this break up & be friends. Right now, I feel like I never want to associate with him again. It's like, he discarded me like a used tissue & the two years that we spent together meant nothing to him. I don't know what to do. We have a lot in common - pretty much same friends, same interests, etc. Tbh his reason for the break up was so vague… He said it was because of the small issues in the relationship that built up over time... I feel like he's a bit of a coward for running away instead of trying to fix things now that he's in the UK doing a Master's course. Anyways, what would you do? Would you want to be friends with him again?
RE: Do you think that "race" or religion can ruin a relationship
Personally, I find that race won't ruin a relationship provided that both parties fulfil a mutually consensual and intimate relationship. I myself am in an interracial relationship. Some people argue that different people of different races have differing views/education/whatever excuse they can think of. I disagree. It's the 21st century people… Like, hello, people travel, migrate, live, adapt, learn. There's no such thing as monoculturalism these days, unless you don't like living with people who are supposedly "different" than you... Sorry rant over XD Haha but yea, not too sure about religion though.
RE: Has anyone played Coming Out on Top
OMG YESSSS!!! Though personally I love Ian's little surprise at the end XD sort of suspected it from the box of dildos though XD :missio:
RE: Do you prefer top or bottom?
Bottom! Tried topping with my bf, not that into it XD
RE: Long Distance Relationships
Definitely try to be happy as much as possible. If you're sad all the time, then the relationship will just be memories of sadness and what could've been. But yea good luck for the both of you!
RE: Long Distance Relationships
Personally I think they can be successful as long as you love each other unconditionally. I'm in an LDR myself, partnered with a German guy as well ^.^ Sure it's definitely not like physical contact, but knowing that we are there for each other, being able to treasure my partner more when we finally reunite, realising that these things are not to be taken for granted, these things are special connections that only LDR couples experience as we treasure each other more when together. Wow that's so cheesy sorry! But yea we have talked about marriage and the future, and although it's scary, I know that at the end of the tunnel, I will be on a one way ticket to him.
Hope this helps!
RE: What is your favorite brand of underwear ?
Andrew Christian all the way!