Posts made by jbo1
RE: Obama Bombed 7 Nations: 2nd Nobel Peace Prize?
Yep, that seems to be the criteria for a Nobel Peace Prize nowadays.
I also love how he was awarded a Nobel after less than one year in the presidency and no significant accomplishments.
RE: Mexicans are Catholic: CONSERVATIVE
Mexicans tend to be socially conservative but fiscally left-wing/socialist (as most Latin Americans, with few exceptions).
I don't think it will backfire, Mexico is not Saudi Arabia.
Liberal support for Islam, on the other hand…
RE: Something nice to say about liberals… in Canada.
Let's be clear here… I have nothing good to say about our Liberal government. In fact, I have lots of nasty things to say about them...
For example, when Kathleen Wynne (the Ontario Premier) stepped in, the cost of a license plate renewal was $63/year. Since she's stepped into power, I'm now about to have to pay a whopping $120 to renew my license plates. To make matters worse, when Kathleen Wynne first came to power, I was paying an average of $75 every 2 months including taxes and delivery for my hydro (electricity) service. Of this rate, only about 20% of it was delivery fees. I have since upgraded all my lighting to LED, and made a number of energy efficient changes designed to reduce this cost, but it's of no use. Thanks to Kathleen Wynne, I now average about $180 PER MONTH in hydro (electricity) usage, about 65% of which is delivery fees. I almost had to declare bankruptcy this past winter because I have electric heat... Next thing I knew, when the cold weather came, BAM!!! Up went the hydro (electric) bill to an average of $900/month... That's more than most people pay for their bloody mortgage... And this is all thanks to our Liberal government being as corrupt as the day is long.
Also, Kathleen Wynne is also responsible for merging the 5% GST (federal tax) with the 8% PST (provincial tax) to create a 13% HST, which increased the cost of a number of things by 8%, including the price of gas and the labour that you pay your mechanic. To make matters worse, they then introduced the cap and trade, along with a carbon tax. Collectively, between all their fuckery, they raised the price of gasoline (among other things) from the average of $0.890/L ($3.364/gal) up to the whopping $1.219/L ($4.608/gal) that I had to pay yesterday to fill my gas tank. In short, our liberal government is driving us farther and farther into debt, with no regard for anything but their own pocket books... I have NOTHING nice to say about our Liberal government, and even more not nice things to say about our former conservative government.... Just sayin'
I'm sorry about what's happening in Ontario. Part of the blame for the green energy scam is on Gerald Butts who is now Trudeau's top senior advisor.
RE: Universal Health Care
Also, I just noticed one of the options in your poll is "No, we need Insurance companies to derive profit from our pain, and drive costs up!"
Price gauging can happen regardless if the system is public or private. This is more a matter of enacting price control measures. Governments tend to have more bargaining power due to volume, but that's not always the case.
RE: Democrats and the KKK
You can post about politics, but only what I want to read.
RE: Universal Health Care
I believe everyone should have the right for medical care (healthcare should be universal), however I'm not sure if single payer is the best way to get there.
I live in Canada and we have single-payer healthcare. Private care is not an option for most services, but prescription & dental is not covered by the government, so you either need a plan or pay out of pocket. Healthcare is funded through general taxation, but many people need to pay annual health premiums on top of the taxes they already pay.
Right now, our single-payer system costs provinces about half of their annual budget, meaning that all the other services - education, social services, housing, infrastructure, policing, etc - have to be budgeted with the other half, and there's a lot of tension between multiple levels of government over funding. To me, it's just very inefficient to spend half of the budget in healthcare when it's just a fraction of the general well-being of the individual. I think eventually Canada will be forced to adopt a two-tier system. IMO the hybrid or multi-payer systems in the UK, Australia, France or Germany seem to fare better in terms of cost and delivery of service.
RE: If not Trump.. who?
Regardless of your political leanings or feelings toward Clinton, she was the most "qualified" person to have run in the 2016 election.
Clinton was definitely the most qualified candidate, but at the end of the day, what matters is the candidate's ideas and platform, not qualification. If you base your vote on qualification as opposed to ideas, then ordinary people will never hold these high elected positions. This is the kind of elitist/born into privilege mentality that has driven away some old school/labour movement types from the Democratic Party.
RE: Elderly black man gunned down on Facebook Live - BLM and race baiters silent.
Black on black crime is a myth?! How so?
Tommy Sotomayor (a black guy) does an excellent job of reporting this "myth" and lots of black people hate him for it. There are many other blacks (as well as other races) who also report on this kind of thing.
For this topic, let's forget all the other crap, like police violence, and focus on this "myth" and why not all black lives matter.
Why doesn't that elderly black man's life matter to BLM and the race baiters?!
Why doesn't that 9yo girl doing her homework on her bed life matter?
Why doesn't the grandmother, who complained about BLM ignoring the 9yo girl's murder, life matter, when she got countless death threats?
Blacks have been demanding segregation on college campuses across North America the last few years.
Ebonics was discredited 20 year ago and now it's making a come back, with blacks wanting to be taught using it again.
I watched Sotomayor's excellent interview with Dave Rubin a few days ago, difficult conversations that need to happen. I just wish more white liberals would listen to what he has to say.
RE: Elderly black man gunned down on Facebook Live - BLM and race baiters silent.
Do you even know what you're talking about? This isn't even a race issue. This is a toxic masculinity issue. A man who could not handle rejection from a women decided to go on a killing spree. He couldn't talk to his male friends about his emotions/feelings before, because of society's hyper masculinity.
However, BLM activists all over Twitter are actually the first ones to address this issue, condemning this black man. So you must have not tried hard enough to find BLM activists' responses to this.Finally, BLM activists care about crime within their own communities, BUT IT IS NOT A RACE ISSUE ("black-on-black crime" is a myth). BLM specifically looks at systemic racism, police brutality, etc. which are race issues.
So now the problem is "toxic masculinity". When is this IdPol craziness ever going to stop? Up next, trans men can't take hormones because they will become too masculine and murder people.
RE: Something nice to say about liberals… in Canada.
Just remember…..the Republcians hate everything about you.
Cut the fear mongering.
Most Republicans have a lot of respect for Canada and certainly appreciate the fact we are free market oriented and America's best customer.
RE: Democrats and the KKK
Americans, especially those on the left side of the political spectrum, tend to conflate social and economic egalitarianism. Therefore, anyone advocating for smaller government and individual freedom must be inherently racist.
Democrats fear monger minorities to believe all Republicans are anti-black.
Many Americans don't really know their own history and the connection between southern Democrats and segregation.
RE: Pepsi cucks to BLM
I am well aware that - for example - not every black person believes BLM is good but it is extremely rare that they would be so against it all, as you are.. or more accurately against it for the reasons you are against it
Just because we do not agree with you doesn't make us stupid
I never said any of you are stupid for not agreeing with me, but I think we can agree to disagree on most things.
Is that really what you think? So if you oppose this inane ad which is less about unity and peace and more about placing Pepsi in the ridiculous position of being the solution to all these protests you are fomenting war? ::)
Let's get this straight- the ad failed because the messaging was just plain DUMB> if you believe that handing out a Pepsi to police officers at a protest will end the conflict and bring everyone together- you're just stupid or utterly naive and gullible. Either way, best to carry a Pepsi around then, in case you ever need to get a cop to just smile and let you go. :laugh:
Uh, no. It's an ad – Pepsi is obviously not going to solve protests. And quite frankly, outside of the liberal bubble, very few people saw the 'problem' in this ad.
If the matter was 'messaging', why was Pepsi forced to recall the ad and apologize? There are plenty of stupid ads out there but I don't see companies being forced to recall & apologize just because they were 'dumb'.
SJWs have a tendency to want to ban anything they don't like or agree with. They act like the Soviets they usually speak so passionately of.
RE: Pepsi cucks to BLM
Couldn't give a shit if you were purple
and that is the point.. but you do not get it
I think you are the one who doesn't understand the problem with the assumption about my skin colour.
The other member assumed I was white because of the content of my previous post.
It's a problem when people of colour are considered whitewashed if they have a different opinion – example in this thread.
RE: Pepsi cucks to BLM
You did, with every single word you write.
You just proved my point. If I don't agree with victim culture, I must be white! How dare a person of colour not subscribe to the victim culture!
Yes, thanks to the old queens like me who fought for your right to be an obnoxious entitled prick.
You know, us SJWs who fought for the right to marry, the right to hold jobs, the right to assemble in gay bars, the right to cross-dress, and to not be listed as a mental disorder just for being gay.And here you are, complaining about what we did for you.
Absolutely not complaining about any of that. Thank you for fighting for us.
No, the civil rights movement was because there were discrepancies in the way SOCIETY treated us, and that still exists. ALL laws exist to regulate how humans treat other humans.
There are discrepancies in the way society treats everyone. C'est la vie.
There are laws to protect people from discrimination and theoretically prevent hateful acts against individuals. It's up to each one of us to be decent human beings and prove our own worth to others. It's not anyone's obligation to like someone just because they are a woman/black/gay/etc.
That is exactly what conservatives said back then, and they were wrong then, and you are wrong now.
Today's "social justice" movement looks more like old "social justice" movements in communist countries, and these have been rejected by reason and history.
Racism EXISTS. It did not go away just because we had a black president. Problems because of how the police respond towards black people are REAL, and those problems do not disappear just because YOU don't know about them.
I never said racism does not exist.
And we still have problems with the cops- not as bad as in the past, but we are still discriminated against.
If a cop finds a straight couple having sex in a parked car, they get a stern talking to and are told to move on.
If a cop finds a gay couple having sex in a parked car, they get arrested for indecent exposure and lewd and lascivious behavior.
The LAWS themselves are not discriminatory- the selective enforcement IS.
Is there proof that gay people are more likely to be arrested for public indecency than straight people?
And for fuck's sake, are people having sex in public and seriously expecting not to be punished if they get caught?
RE: Pepsi cucks to BLM
OUTRAGED!!! How dare Pepsi run an ad that calls for unity and peace! We need to foment war!
That sounds like Donald Trump to me.
BLM and SJWs are like dictators who have no life on their own. They need to instigate war in order to stay relevant.
So, Donald Trump is a BLM and a SJW?
Do you even think about what you write before you write it?
Did you read the post higher in the thread that spanked your ass thoroughly for using the term "sjw" like it is a bad thing?
You should get on your knees and THANK those SJWs who are the reason you are not in prison, or a mental hospital, for being an unrepentant Sodomite.
The civil rights movement of past decades made sense. There were discrepancies in the way legislation treated us, but that's not the case anymore.
Today's SJWs are creating faux social justice wars in order to fuel their altruistic personalities.
RE: Pepsi cucks to BLM
Defined by who? White liberals? Because they are the ones who think blacks are whitewashed if they don't subscribe to the victim culture.
You are actually a white gay man who thinks there is a "victim culture", as if discrimination is completely imaginary.
Absolutely frickn' amazing.Next, you will say there is no such thing as homophobia, and the cops never discriminate against us either.
Who said I am white?
Never had a problem with the police force either.
Btw, victim culture is not acknowledging there is racism, but believing people in today's America are poor (or are being killed by the police) solely because of their skin colour, when the statistics don't back up that claim.
RE: Pepsi cucks to BLM
The core problem is that the ad pushes the absolutely ludicrous idea that Pepsi is the solution to all the conflicts and protests that are currently happening out there. It's manipulative in an obvious, hammer-to-the face way- with no subtlety whatsoever. Just a perfect example of very bad advertising.
That is nothing new though.
I'd like to buy the world a home, And furnish it with love.
Grow apple trees and honey bees, And snow white turtle doves.
If I could teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony,
I'd buy the world a Coke, and keep it company…Soda is just flavored carbonated sugar water, so they need to pretend it is something more significant in ads. It brings people together, it defines a generation, it makes people happy, etc.
OUTRAGED!!! How dare Pepsi run an ad that calls for unity and peace! We need to foment war!
BLM and SJWs are like dictators who have no life on their own. They need to instigate war in order to stay relevant.
RE: Pepsi cucks to BLM
because by defining themselves by race, they are profiling and stereotyping
This is almost breathtakingly stupid, because African-Americans were forcibly and brutally defined by others for their race, under the law, starting in the 17th and 18th centuries, with the invention of this country's racism, for the express purpose of instituting slavery. They're still defined by many others this way, which is a big problem when those others are armed police (of whatever color).
It's a big problem when those 'others' are white liberals, who keep telling black people not to better themselves but instead stay in poverty and blame the white man.
Most people killed by police are white or Hispanic. American officers are not adequately trained and use excessive force because they are incompetent, but if we acknowledge this fact, BLM won't be able to claim racism (and we all know they need to prey on something in order to survive). There are racism instances within the police force, but these are not the norm.
If the US cops are super racist, why don't they abandon the inner-cities? Black deaths would skyrocket and cops wouldn't risk their lives and careers with accusations of racism.