@blablarg18 There are so many levels of stupid in that post that I think you might actually BE Tucker Carlson
Posts made by jaroonn
RE: USA stops its official racism in uni admissions, so Obamas tweet about "oppression" - from a luxury yacht
RE: "Flab Pride" guys show junk to kids
@blablarg18 Your stats about pedophilia are dead wrong as is your misunderstanding about the motivation for most rapes.
But facts mean nothing to do. That is a fact.
RE: "Flab Pride" guys show junk to kids
@blablarg18 said in "Flab Pride" guys show junk to kids:
"not all nudity is sexual" - Obvious. Yawn
And yet you started this thread by implying that naked bikers were waving their junk in children's faces. "Flab Pride" guys show junk to kids." Yawn.
We all agree that children should not be exposed to sexual acts and imagery, but good luck with that in our modern world. And this attack on drag queens and pride parades by the right is total bullshit and we know it. They can't (for now) directly go after the queers, so they are using the same "Save the Children" smokescreen that Anita Bryant used when it was acceptable to go after the queers. Here in Poland, the anti-LGBT groups actually call themselves "Stop-Pedophilia." Comically ironic in this Catholic country.
So let's be honest:
Most pedos are straight men who prey on young girls. 82% (est.) of child abuse victims are girls and the vast majority know their abuser. And clinical pedophilia is not even about sex. Like rape, it's about control and humiliation. Even most abusive priests are not pedophiles in the clinical sense of the word. There are some, and they prey on girls and boys, but many are just repressed homosexuals and they don't go after pre-pubescents (which is the group pedophiles prefer).
Drag queens are NOT sexy. They are clowns. If you find them sexy, that says more about you than them.
Most sexualized entertainment comes from straight women performing for straight men. And it is EVERYWHERE: music videos, concerts, advertising, cheerleaders. Sexuality is endemic on TV and in movies and as long as it's hetero, you don't hear much fuss.
Of course there are people who take things too far at Pride festivals, etc. But the VAST majority do not. But there are also people who take things too far at Mardis Gras, Carnival, Folsom, Daytona Beach, car shows/races etc. etc. There are girls on almost every beach wearing little more than panty shields and dental floss. But you don't hear straight men complaining about that. Wonder why?
So yes, be outraged about protecting children. But be consistent and honest. Tucker Carlson and his ilk are NOT our allies. Don't get suckered into their bullshit outrage.
I can't believe I'm defending homosexuals to homosexuals. It's absurd.
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RE: "Flab Pride" guys show junk to kids
@blablarg18 He shouldn't have done that. And parents shouldn't allow their children to watch the Grammys and many music videos if sexual innuendo is to be avoided.
My point was that not all nudity is sexual. I've been to many nude beaches where there were entire families. Also the original headline "shows junk" was a bit misleading. They were completely nude; they didn't unzip and wave their dicks about. Not everyone is as prudish as many Americans and other cultures about naked bodies.
RE: "Flab Pride" guys show junk to kids
@blablarg18 In several parts of the world, public nudity is at times and in some places legal. Not everyone is so perverted/repressed/prudish to automatically associated nudity with sex.
Cultural differences I guess.
RE: Search for Titan was a 'nightmarish charade' says James Cameron - and Biden Regime staged it
@raphjd I am certainly not saying that governments don't lie and do horrible things. The fact that Kissinger has been allowed to reach 100 a free man is a travesty, for example. But thanks to Fox and Tucker and Bannon and.......EVERYTHING is a conspiracy now. Because of the 24-hour news cycle, no one wants to wait for all the evidence to come in. The explanation for why they didn't announce the explosion sound was valid; they were not sure. The CT that they were trying to bury the Hunter Biden story seems BS since every news organization covered it. In fact, last week was Titan/Hunter every day until we were given our 24-hour respite with Wagner.
Occam's Razor needs to come back in vogue.
RE: Search for Titan was a 'nightmarish charade' says James Cameron - and Biden Regime staged it
@blablarg18 said in Search for Titan was a 'nightmarish charade' says James Cameron - and Biden Regime staged it:
You can dismiss TerrorAlarm dot org as nobody important, but for 24 hours praise of Wagner was suddenly all over libs & neocons... types who fly Ukraine flags.
I do dismiss them, and whatever other fringe groups you follow. I only pay attention to legitimate journalists and experts and no one was cheering on Wagner. It was much more of a "wtf" day and a half.
I only mentioned it because you said the counteroffensive was a failure, or whatever. I pointed out, it's not over.
I do not pretend to know what the outcome of this conflict is going to be. We are all just sitting here hoping that Putin swallows a gun in the bunker soon. I do not doubt that there are fascists in Ukraine, just as there are in every country including a portion of the Republican party in the US. But they don't represent the majority of Ukrainians who simply want to live in a liberal European democracy free from Russian kleptocracy. There are a lot of Russians that want the same. Putin blowing his brains out would be a good first step. It may not happen, but it is my sincere hope. I am not a war monger by a LONG shot. But Putin was never interested in negotiating anything that wouldn't have kept Ukraine like Belarus. It has nothing to do with ideology. It's about keeping the Russian mafia and thieving oligarchs in charge. This is why certain Republicans love him so much; they have the same playbook. They pretend to care about patriotism, religion, and cultural issues, so there ignorant working class voters will continue to keep them in power and let them rob them blind.
This is why I find it just comical that you refer to the Democrats, who push for social justice, unions, raising minimum wage, universal health care, etc. as "an evil regime."
Brainwashing really works.
RE: Search for Titan was a 'nightmarish charade' says James Cameron - and Biden Regime staged it
@raphjd You are confusing a "theory" with a "conspiracy theory." The former becomes fact once its proved while the latter hangs on despite no real evidence. Like all the Covid stuff.
RE: Search for Titan was a 'nightmarish charade' says James Cameron - and Biden Regime staged it
@Spintendo said in Search for Titan was a 'nightmarish charade' says James Cameron - and Biden Regime staged it:
So they detected the implosion but didn't say anything until an ROV was sent down which spotted the debris on the floor, confirming the earlier implosion. Meanwhile other assets continued the above water visual/audio search until the debris was spotted. That seems like a pretty efficient use of time to me.
Facts like that are irrelevant to conspiracy theorists of the world. Remember, we are not dealing with intelligent life forms here
RE: Search for Titan was a 'nightmarish charade' says James Cameron - and Biden Regime staged it
@blablarg18 said in Search for Titan was a 'nightmarish charade' says James Cameron - and Biden Regime staged it:
But then 24 hours, The Party told u Wagner are freedom fighters.
This is the kind of crap I'm talking about. You are so drenched in conspiracy theory that each one of your "conclusions" is more ridiculous than the last.
There is no "Party." No one has called Wagner "freedom fighters" by a LONG shot. Talk about mental gymnastics?
You are tediously predictable. Everything that happens is an evil liberal plot. Seriously, dude. Stop kidding yourself. You need a different hobby.
RE: Search for Titan was a 'nightmarish charade' says James Cameron - and Biden Regime staged it
@blablarg18 We've all seen your "facts," clown. We know your sources, as well. You are very Tucker in how you string some truths that fit your narrative, ignore those that don't, add a whole bunch of untruths, and there you are. I can see why religion appeals to you; reality doesn't really fit you.
RE: Search for Titan was a 'nightmarish charade' says James Cameron - and Biden Regime staged it
@blablarg18 Keep tuning into Tucker, He be keeping you smart lol.
RE: Search for Titan was a 'nightmarish charade' says James Cameron - and Biden Regime staged it
@blablarg18 Omg....you are HILARIOUS. SNL needs to do a skit about a basement conspiracy theorists starring you.
Each one of those stories (and more!) made the news this week. The "failed" counteroffensive is in early days and has become even more interesting with the Wagner wrench thrown in. You do know that wars are not like a video games, right? They are not decided in a matter of hours.
Perhaps the news of the possible implosion wasn't released because some people like to have all the facts rather than jump to conclusions?
You should try that.
RE: Bakhmut becomes Artemovsk
@blablarg18 Yes, you are just like Tucker. You just imply that someone is a pedo/Jew-hater rather than accuse them. Because that is VERY different. And I don't jump through hoops; you are just unable to see gray.
I've missed not one bit of the very complicated history that is Central/Eastern Europe. I know it very well for reasons that you wouldn't believe anyway, so why bother. My point was, feeling threatened or not, Russia started this war illegally. You don't get to start killing people just because you feel threatened. Unless you are living in a Red State. Putin needs to die. Ukraine needs to be free and pursue whatever they want as a sovereign nation. And if you listen to Putin and his cronies BS since just before all of this started, you will see what he has in mind. And it ain't compromise.
RE: Bakhmut becomes Artemovsk
@blablarg18 So first I was a pedo, and now I am a Jew-hater?
You are so.....simple. Predictable, infantile and simple.
RE: Bakhmut becomes Artemovsk
@blablarg18 When I made that comment about the Israeli government, I kind of wondered if blabla would then play the false-equivalent anti-Semitic card. Thanks for not disappointing.
Once again you prove that you know some about the small picture, but can't really get your head around complex issues.
And I again invite you to come to Poland and talk to some of the "evil" Ukrainian refugees here and ask them what they want for the future of their country.
But don't listen to me. Do continue to worship at the altar of Tucker and the conspiracy theorists. Their crap seems easiest for you to digest.