@raphjd Obama dignifiedly went away. Trump is like herpes and has only increased his iron-grip on the GOP. He's running again, did you hear?
Posts made by jaroonn
RE: Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim
RE: Special Counsel: Biden lied to nation & still does
@raphjd And yet he decided not to charge him while Trump has been indicted by a grand jury. Also he said he was forgetful, not "feeble-minded" (fyi: not the same thing). He then later said that he had a photographic memory. Hmmmm
You people need to make up your minds. Either Biden is an senile fool (disproved during the SOTU) or he is a cunning criminal (no evidence thus far).
I'm sorry you're stuck with the treasonous, felon, rapist, but that is your choice.
RE: Special Counsel: Biden lied to nation & still does
@blablarg18 And yet, unlike Trump, he was found not to have broken any laws.
RE: Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim
@raphjd said in Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim:
You guys defended rioting, looting, and murder when your side was doing it
I never defended the violence, and never would. But you guys only focused on that and ignored the fact that the vast majority were peacefully protesting.
And besides, it's a completely different issue. It's all tit-for-tat and "whataboutisms" with you people.
RE: Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim
@blablarg18 said in Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim:
Antifa stormed Capitol.
They "stormed" the Capitol? Broke the windows, hit police and forced their way in? Wow. I missed that video.
You know, you really need to stop dedicating all your posts to me. People might say you are in love
RE: Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim
@lololulu19 said in Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim:
a fountain of obfuscation, ignorance, misinformation and bias
You should have that tattooed across your forehead.
RE: Special Counsel: Biden lied to nation & still does
@blablarg18 @blablarg18 I watched the entire video, but thanks for your cherry-picked twitter highlights. I was more focused on watching the Republicans once again making asses of themselves.
Funny how I'm renting space for free in your head, Borat.
RE: Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim
@lololulu19 I've seen the video of Babbit getting shot. She was illegally trying to enter the Capitol. She was stupid and got shot. The rioters are lucky that more of them didn't suffer the same fate.
I wonder how y'all would feel if the rioters had been BLM or Antifa? ha
Jan 6 will go down as the end of the GOP and any claim they have of upholding the Constitution. Many were indignant that day, but since have put their tails between their legs and fixed their noses up Trump's ass. They now downplay the suffering and trauma inflicting on the police who were trying to protect their sorry asses and instead make martyrs of the rioters. They are traitorous scoundrels one and all and history will judge them accordingly.
RE: Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim
@lololulu19 Irrelevant. No one was charged with murder. Certain rioters were, however, charged, tried, convicted and sentenced. For that is how the law works.
Funny how your conspiracy theories never hold up in court, eh?
RE: Woke: A dysfunctional, racist conspiracy theory
@raphjd said in Woke: A dysfunctional, racist conspiracy theory:
You people deem it "virtuous" to hate and abuse us.
Funny how some white men accuse others of playing the victim, but they are champion at doing it themselves.
Stop whining and just get on with it.
RE: Woke: A dysfunctional, racist conspiracy theory
@raphjd said in Woke: A dysfunctional, racist conspiracy theory:
So let's see, we have systematic classism, racism, and sexism all rolled up in liberalism.
Vote Tory, right? I actually agree with you that poor white men have been left behind. But that is not because of liberalism. That is because the upper classes have never given a shit about the lower classes. And for a myriad of reasons, higher education is out of reach for most poor families (although I think this is more of an American problem). Social inequality is a very complex issue, and I agree that it has not addressed perfectly. But we can't just throw it all away and go back to the way things were and expect that people will do the right thing. They won't. They never have and never will.
RE: Libs in 2024 still think they fight Putin - unbelievable
@blablarg18 So much for your charade as some kind of humanitarian. You are just a cunt.
RE: Libs in 2024 still think they fight Putin - unbelievable
@blablarg18 said in Libs in 2024 still think they fight Putin - unbelievable:
says Team Bloodthirsty.
PhD Professor of childish insults.
RE: Libs in 2024 still think they fight Putin - unbelievable
@blablarg18 said in Libs in 2024 still think they fight Putin - unbelievable:
I'm PhD Professor of Factchecktology, you see. Anyway no one around here, is in least shape to say otherwise.
Don't blame me. Blame the program. I just highlighted what you had written and hit the quote button. Funny joke I guess the program didn't think it was a joke? I think maybe you don't really think it was either
RE: Libs in 2024 still think they fight Putin - unbelievable
@blablarg18 said in Libs in 2024 still think they fight Putin - unbelievable:
I'm PhD Professor of Factchecktology, you see. Anyway no one around here, is in least shape to say otherwise.
RE: Alexei Navalny dead
@blablarg18 I haven't seen any real evidence. Nor has the Congressional committee. So........I guess it doesn't exist.
RE: Libs in 2024 still think they fight Putin - unbelievable
@djvoxx I see you took Putin's masterclass in Ukraine history....lol
RE: Alexei Navalny dead
@blablarg18 said in Alexei Navalny dead:
Biden is a crook & fraud, been taking bribes worldwide his whole career.....also sniffing little girls (& God knows what else). Stole 2020 election through massive fraud.
Proof please.