Can someone please explain to me this conundrum?
I understand and respect the whole copyright infringement thing; but what I do NOT understand is how individual files from such a company who has a beef with that can be uploaded and stay on here, while collections from that company CANNOT?
I prefer to upload collections and catalog - from dozens to a couple hundred files in one shot.
But the last one I just posted (Eric Videos) - got flagged and yanked after about 4 days. It was a massive 40 GB (209 files) as I was trying to build up my ratio. Now ordinarily I wouldn't care, but virtually EVERY SCENE I had in this torrent came from this very site. I just put more together in one torrent.
Is there such a problem with these infringements based on SIZE/QUANTITY rather than actual copyright stuff?
I.E. If a company sees their entire catalog posted in one shot, they'll bitch and moan, but if they only see one-to-a-handful, they'll look the other way?
Any info would be helpful, thanks!