Latest posts made by haisufu
RE: 上传了这么多种子,为什么我还是不能下载种子
RE: New Design
just curious what percentage of users browse the site on mobile?
Torrent stuck at 'finding peers' for hours
As title. I loaded 4 torrents since 6 hours ago and it's stuck at 'finding peers'. I know the site was down for a while undergoing maintenance. But it's back up now but still nothing is downloading.
What should I do?
RE: 請問 Seedbonus 怎麼用?
Freeleech 區所下載的東西不會算在你的下載量裡,所以你可以下載一個片子然後播種。你所上傳的都會算在上傳量,這樣你的量就可以慢慢增加了。如果你想把某個種子轉為freeleech,是要自己掏腰包付種子獎勵金(seedbonus),這相當於做善事給其他用戶,但不一定能惠及你本身。要分清楚哦,不然反而影響了自己的種子獎勵金或下載量。
RE: 請問 Seedbonus 怎麼用?
RE: Where is Sticky/Queerclick getting their Korean cam vids from?
I can't confirm, but I remember there was once where there was a leak of hundreds of such cam vids in Korea and it slowly spread. Which of course leads to the question of who was amassing these vids in the first place (and got them leaked), which is still not known.
RE: Who's this Hot Twink?!?
Sadly it seems like this is part of a very amateurish studio, so it's gonna be very hard finding the guy.
RE: Need directory of gay porn stars / gay porn movies
A little troublesome to enter all of that, but the site's really comprehensive.
RE: Intellectual Jokes
I told the one about the 3 philosophers in the bar to someone who researches Game Theory.
His version, "the three game-theorists look at one another for a minute, then all of them say 'Yes".
Hahah, that's pretty true I guess. Makes it even more intriguing to others.