Or, the fast seeders can simply limit their upload speed on each torrent (say 10 - 20 kB/s)once the ratio on that torrent reaches 1.1 - 1.2. There is no need to get greedy
Posts made by geographer
RE: Incentive for uploaders?
RE: My upload wasn't gay enough
I really doubt anyone of us can give you a reasonable answer, because we ourselves are not totally sure
RE: Asking For Seed Bonus Gifts
But, since we live in an imperfect world, this is less likely to happen
This only shows once more people's true attitude towards themselves and others: it's always easier to beg and demand rather then to actually do something to make things change…
Which is quite sad actually
RE: General Mozilla Firefox question
Me neither. It upgraded and works like a charm
The only big lag i've encountered so far is that the visual styles from 3.5 are no longer supported.
RE: Suggestion
It may sound not be difficult, but it would need some good coding to be done.
RE: Gym locker room shower / steam room mutual JO
I'm sure most of us weren't, but sure wouldn't mind to be ;D
RE: Russian boys. How are they different?
It's exactly the same way WE can't distinguish between Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Mongols and other Asian nations.
RE: Почему ни кто не качает?
Удаление профайла личное дело каждого - http://tracker.gaytorrent.ru/delacct.php
RE: Почему ни кто не качает?
Во первых - speedtest.net показывает скорость в мегабитах в секунду, тогда как все торрент-программы отображают скорость в мегабайтов в секунду. Разница существенная - 1 мегабайт = 8 мегабитов
Во вторых - торрент программы никогда не достигнут максимальную заявленную скорость (ни для скачивания, ни для загрузки). Это связанна с политикой ограничивания p2p трафика у интернет-провайдеров.
Ну и в третьих - передача данных требует существования как источника, так и приемника. Если нет приемника - некому отсылать данные и не будет никакой передачи, соответственно скорость будет на нуле. А так как все ваши торренты (за исключения одного) не имеют ни одного или одного личера (тот кто скачивает), и при этом кроме вас десятки других сидеров (тот кто отдает) - ваша доля в раздачи сводится к нулю.
А ратио падает по простой причине: ратио зависим не только от отданного объема, но и от скачанного. И обе величины в этой дроби переменные - чем больше скачивайте - тем меньше ратио.
RE: [petition] Making it mandatory to give details about codec & resolution
…could it be simpler ?
Right-click on the file name in the list of KMP and you get a window with all the possible and impossible tech details, with the all-powerful Copy button
RE: [petition] Making it mandatory to give details about codec & resolution
Unless I'm not mistaking, the technical details that we are talking about can be provided by the video-player itself. At Least KMPlayer does that.
RE: [petition] Making it mandatory to give details about codec & resolution
I voted Yes ;D Yeah, I'm an idealist, I know.
cumeaternc is perfectly right - most of people in here have no clue about resolution, codecs, frames and stuff like that. And I'll go even further saying a great part of users upload just for the sake of uploading and improve their ratio, with no actual interest in what exactly they're uploading.
So, as good as this idea is, alas, it won't do any good
RE: Disc: Ascending user class in the Forum.
At least, your boss is not around like at work breaking always your balls and turn your mood blackest ;D
We have the most democratic bosses on the WWW, although some members stated we have Nazi rules ;D
RE: Pictures not allowed on site
Brandon (cumeaternc) is the exact opposite of his avatar.
I like all Mods on this site, they never let anybody down when you got a problem.Sadly, many seem not to share that opinion
RE: Pictures not allowed on site
I agree with Uwe 100% on this matter.
If you're forced to view the image from the torrent, it will decrease efficiency on approving dramatically: download the file, open the file, select download location, deselect everything but the image components, hope and pray user will be seeding it, wait a load of minutes for him to actually start seeding it, then return to the usual procedure on the site… Sounds like hell
RE: Jump-on / re-seed during new uploads
Because we had nothing better else to do
[off-topic]Message sent via an an Android powered phone and I just realized I can't use the quote option. Anyone else having the same issue?[/off-topic]
RE: Jump-on / re-seed during new uploads
Sometimes I ask myself: how the f*** are users able to direct a simple support question (which btw can easily be answered when that users read the low-ratio warning they got) directly to an admin (in spite of the warning to don't do so) but are not able to ask why a menu item does not work for them???
It's a lost case mgr - a question that can't be answered (if maintaining the polite side of human nature :))