LOL! How do you know? I clicked on the pic and I wish I could see some more facialmetrics.

Posts made by djsoapbubble
RE: Who is he and is there a whole photo somewhere?
RE: Will Braun sporting a much longer hair
Yeah, I was going to say I saw that a while back. However, this is the latest one I've seen him in unless he's doing Only Fans. Cole Connor is love!
RE: Feet
@kubikzal There has been a thread about feet recently along with socks. I don't know exactly where to find them now. Feet are cool as my porn husband Boomer Banks has really cute feet.
I don't think I have a foot fetish, but then again, I'm attracted to certain feet depending on who it is, lol!
Cute Feet:
Boomer Banks
Gabriel d'Alessandro
Bad Feet:
Max Konnor
Manuel Skye
Ones Who May Have Bad Feet (But, we'll Never Know):
Jayson Park
Matthew Grande
I'm a goof.
RE: Torrents removed way too early without explanation.
Sigh. Ridder Rivera. May he R.I.P.
RE: Who the hell is this?!?
Wow. Never heard of him, but great detective work.
RE: Hello ! I'm Dumbly from Lyon, France
@apwbdHJP Hi there, and welcome! Hope you are able to navigate things smoothly.
RE: Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to 26 Voter Fraud Felonies
@raphjd LOL! It's not spamming. In fact, I implore EVERY member here to do a media bias fact check. I refuse to discuss actual topics? I respond and discuss porn stuff, yes. Half the stuff I see from you is post conspiracy theories. Is it worth discussing? No. Do people deserve to know if this "news" is credible or not? Absolutely. Should people check media bias? Absolutely. As aforementioned, I implore EVERY MEMBER here to check for this bias.
LOL! I swear this takes me back to college and having to write all these papers that I had to do because they were a requirement and part of my syllabus. If I EVER credited Wikipedia as a source, those papers would get thrown right back in my face and those professors would give me an 'F'.
MEMBERS! Do a FACT CHECK! This is not SPAM. These are two helpful resources:
RE: Department of Justice Stymies Congressional Attempt to Get Information on Hunter Biden Probe
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.Overall, we rate The Epoch Times Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of pseudoscience and the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, as well as numerous failed fact checks.
Detailed Report
Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracy Theories, Pseudoscience, Propaganda, Fake News, Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITYHistory
The Epoch Times is an international, multi-language news media company in print and online. The Epoch Times was first published in New York in April 2000 (in Chinese only) and the online edition in August 2000. In 2003, The Epoch Times launched an online edition in English, printing as a newspaper in New York in 2004. The Epoch Times was founded by John Tang and a group of Chinese-American Falun Gong practitioners. The Epoch Times publishes in 21 languages in 35 countries across five continents. Their focus topics include sections for world and national news, op-eds, sports, entertainment, business, arts and culture, travel, and health.On December 20, 2019, Facebook took down more than 600 accounts connected to The Epoch Times. According to an NBC News report, “The network was called ‘The BL’ and was run by Vietnamese users posing as Americans, using fake photos generated by algorithms to simulate real identities. The Epoch Media group, which pushes a variety of pro-Trump conspiracy theories, spent $9.5 million on ads to spread content through the now-suspended pages and groups.”
Read our profile on the USA government’s influence on media.
Funded by / Ownership
The Epoch Times is owned by the Epoch Media Group, which also owns NTD. The Epoch Times receives funding through a subscription, advertising, and donation model. According to their about page, they are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.Analysis / Bias
In review, The Epoch Times covers straight news reporting through journalists and low-biased syndication through the Associated Press and Reuters. However, when reporting on China, they do reflect a strong anti-communism bias. The Epoch Times also uses loaded language that favors the right, such as Why Media Organizations Can’t Let Go of the Fake Russia-Collusion Narrative.Editorially, there is an extreme Pro-Trump bias. Almost all articles praise Trump or denigrate the left, such as these Democratic Party: A Broken Kaleidoscope? and Five Reasons Trump’s Celebration of America Was Epic Display of Patriotism. According to an NBC News report, the “outlet has spent more than $1.5 million on about 11,000 pro-Trump advertisements in the last six months (2020), according to data from Facebook’s advertising archive — more than any organization outside of the Trump campaign itself, and more than most Democratic presidential candidates have spent on their campaigns.”
In general, straight news reporting is sourced and mostly low-biased; however, op-eds 100% favor the right with some promoting conspiracy theories. During the Coronavirus outbreak and the 2020 Presidential election, they have promoted misinformation. See failed fact checks below.
Failed Fact Checks
Jack Andraka, 15, came up with a “100 percent accurate” cancer-detection method: “168 times faster, 26,000 times less expensive, and 400 times more sensitive” than current methods. – False
Dubious Posts Tie Political Families to Ukraine Work – False
No, Yellowstone volcano’s eruption threat level did not increase in 2018 – False (Corrected)
Concerned artificial intelligence researchers hurriedly abandoned an experimental chatbot program after realizing that the bots were inventing their own language. – False
Did China’s Communist government create the novel coronavirus in a laboratory and release it into the world as a deadly bioweapon? – False
President Donald Trump has 232 electoral votes; Joe Biden has 212, 226, or 227. – False
COVID-19 vaccine mRNA is converted to DNA and enters the cell’s nucleus, so the vaccines can potentially change our DNA – Inaccurate
“COVID Deaths Have Been Vastly Overcounted” – Inaccurate
“Pfizer Knew About Immunosuppression”; “Fully Vaxxed Are More Likely to Die From COVID” – Inaccurate
Further, the Epoch Times frequently publishes pseudoscience news, such as Supernormal Abilities Developed Through Meditation: Dr. Dean Radin Discusses. They also publish false claims from Pseudoscience and anti-vaccination activist Joeseph Mercola who has a long track record of publishing misinformation. Finally, the above referenced NBC News report states, “In addition to claims that alien abductions are real and the “deep state engineered the drug epidemic,” the channel pushes the QAnon conspiracy theory, which falsely posits that the same “Spygate” cabal is a front for a global pedophile ring being taken down by Trump.”Overall, we rate The Epoch Times Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of pseudoscience and the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, as well as numerous failed fact checks. (M. Huitsing 8/21/2017) (Updated 05/22/2022)
Rate the Bias of Epoch Times *
RE: Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to 26 Voter Fraud Felonies
I'm not spamming. I simply think that people should always check media bias. It's not just on the right but left as well. Media Bias Check just gives the information on all media outlets. Personally, people should always check.
RE: Who is the top here?
@asianslut I'm in marketing, lol! Oh, the endless possibilities!
RE: Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to 26 Voter Fraud Felonies
Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracy Theories, Propaganda, Imposter Site, Lack of Transparency
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: Macedonia
Press Freedom Rating: MODERATE FREEDOM
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITYHistory
Founded anonymously in 2020, Resist the Mainstream is a website that publishes conservative news and opinion stories. The website lacks transparency as they do not name an editor or state who owns them. Authors are credited but typically do not use their full or real names. According to their about page, “Resist the Mainstream is a site for people who have lost complete trust in the mainstream media. Our mission is to report the news the mainstream media won’t.”The contact page claims they are from Miami, Florida; however, this is a digital virtual mailbox forwarding service that attempts to lend them credibility as an American source. According to Stanford researchers, the website is from Veles, Macedonia, posing as an imposter conservative news source. Further, the domain for this website changes frequently to avoid being shut down.
Since 2016, Macedonians have produced numerous fake conservative websites to dupe American conservative readers and generate advertising revenue through social media sharing.
Funded by / Ownership
Resist the Mainstream lacks transparency as they do not disclose ownership. Advertising generates revenue.Analysis / Bias
Resist the Mainstream does not publish original news content but rather copies snippets of full articles from other sources. In some cases, they provide a crediting link to the original source, and in other cases, they violate copyrights and plagiarize. All articles reviewed favored a conservative perspective and many utilized poor sources who frequently fail checks, such as The Blaze, Mike Lindell, and the Gateway Pundit.While many of the news stories are fact-based and properly sourced, some promote US election fraud conspiracies, and others promote skepticism on human-influenced climate change Alarmist Flies Son to College on Private Jet. The news published on Resist the Mainstream is usually fact-based; it is also highly partisan, favoring the right, and frequently relies on poor sources that lack credibility.
Failed Fact Checks
An IFCN fact-checker has not fact-checked them.
Overall, we rate Resist the Mainstream Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, use of poor sources, propaganda, a complete lack of transparency resulting in an imposter site passing off as an American conservative news outlet. (D. Van Zandt 8/13/2021)Source:
RE: House Republicans Accuse Rep. Adam Schiff of Allowing Colbert Staff Into Capitol
Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracy Theories, Propaganda, Imposter Site, Lack of Transparency
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: Macedonia
Press Freedom Rating: MODERATE FREEDOM
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITYHistory
Founded anonymously in 2020, Resist the Mainstream is a website that publishes conservative news and opinion stories. The website lacks transparency as they do not name an editor or state who owns them. Authors are credited but typically do not use their full or real names. According to their about page, “Resist the Mainstream is a site for people who have lost complete trust in the mainstream media. Our mission is to report the news the mainstream media won’t.”The contact page claims they are from Miami, Florida; however, this is a digital virtual mailbox forwarding service that attempts to lend them credibility as an American source. According to Stanford researchers, the website is from Veles, Macedonia, posing as an imposter conservative news source. Further, the domain for this website changes frequently to avoid being shut down.
Since 2016, Macedonians have produced numerous fake conservative websites to dupe American conservative readers and generate advertising revenue through social media sharing.
Funded by / Ownership
Resist the Mainstream lacks transparency as they do not disclose ownership. Advertising generates revenue.Analysis / Bias
Resist the Mainstream does not publish original news content but rather copies snippets of full articles from other sources. In some cases, they provide a crediting link to the original source, and in other cases, they violate copyrights and plagiarize. All articles reviewed favored a conservative perspective and many utilized poor sources who frequently fail checks, such as The Blaze, Mike Lindell, and the Gateway Pundit.While many of the news stories are fact-based and properly sourced, some promote US election fraud conspiracies, and others promote skepticism on human-influenced climate change Alarmist Flies Son to College on Private Jet. The news published on Resist the Mainstream is usually fact-based; it is also highly partisan, favoring the right, and frequently relies on poor sources that lack credibility.
Failed Fact Checks
An IFCN fact-checker has not fact-checked them.
Overall, we rate Resist the Mainstream Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, use of poor sources, propaganda, a complete lack of transparency resulting in an imposter site passing off as an American conservative news outlet. (D. Van Zandt 8/13/2021)Source:
RE: Bipartisan Committee Votes Unanimously to Investigate DFL Senator’s Role in Voter Fraud
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
Overall, we rate Resist the Mainstream Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, use of poor sources, propaganda, a complete lack of transparency resulting in an imposter site passing off as an American conservative news outlet.
RE: What could this possibly mean on Facebook?
It means Facebook. The root of all evil along with all forms of social media, lol!
RE: Who is the top here?
@asianslut It would be nice, wouldn't it?