Can anyone tell me about products for moisturizing non-face skin? I don't want to use something that will cause zits on my back…
Posts made by detroiticus
Body moisturizer recommendation
RE: Sauna, steam room, spa experiences
I met my boyfriend of 20 years in a bath house. I wasn't looking for a relationship but oops, it just happened…
RE: Gloryhole
They are few and far between now- they used to be more common 10 years ago, but you can still find them.
RE: Public Restroom Cruising
It still very much exists- you just have to know where.
RE: Cum in ass during bareback?
I pump my load in and then use it as lube for load no. 2.
RE: How to approach guys?
Just be really straight forward about your intentions. "Wanna come over, bend me over the sofa, and pump my hole?"
RE: Do you like your ass hole licked?
I must be the only guy on the planet that does not like the sensation…
Tom Chase from the 80s and 90s Falcon
Anyone know whatever happened to Tom Chase, who did porn for Falcon in the 80s and 90s? I loved his big thick cock and his frat boy swagger. He just sort of disappeared…
RE: Most hated gay porn studio?
Any of the ones with plucked, exfoliated, gelled, sexless pretty boys…
Verhalten bei Cruising
Hallo, wie verhalte ich mich im Klo oder im Cruising-Areal im Park wenn ich mir einen geblasen bekommen möchte? Gibt es Verhaltensregeln oder Zeichen?
Ich hatte Analverkehr mit einem Freund und es war früh am Morgen und er war noch nicht auf dem Klo vorher. Naja Ende vom Lied war, dass ich nach dem Sex Kot an meiner Eichel hatte.
Hatte einen ähnlichen Fall vor ca. 3 Jahren und danach schwoll mein linker Hoden an und schmerzte furchtbar. Ich bin dann damals in England ins Krankenhaus gefahren und habe Antibiotika bekommen. Leider weiß ich nicht mehr genau was die Ärzte damals gesagt haben, nur dass es sich um eine Infektion gehandelt hat ist in meinem Gedächtnis hängen geblieben.
Der aktuelle Zustand fühlt sich genauso an wie damals. Druck auf dem Hoden und ein sehr unangenehmes Ziehen im kompletten Schambereich. Da ich die Erfahrung vom letzten Mal hatte und wusste, dass enge Hosen das ganze nur verschlimmern, habe ich seit naja ca. 4 Wochen jetzt schon entweder gar keine oder sehr weite Hosen an. Das hat zumindest das Anschwellen meines Hodens verhindert, das unangenehme Ziehen und ein leichter damit einhergehender Schmerz sind aber immer noch da.
Was kann ich tun, bzw. welchen Arzt-Typ sollte ich empfehlenswerter Weise aufsuchen? -
Straight Guys Fantasize about Dick (we knew it!)
Poll Finds Hetero Guys Fantasize About Gay Sex A Lot, But Just How Likely Are They To Act Upon It?
This just in: Straight guys fantasize about having gay sex a lot more than you might think.
According to a new poll conducted by, a dating website “for those who’ve thought about experimenting with the same sex but have been too nervous to do anything about it,” one in three heterosexuals have fantasized about either having a gay fling or a gay hook up.100 people participated in the poll, which found that women, in general, were more open to the idea of engaging in same-sex sexual behavior than men. 41 percent said they’d be cool with it, compared to only about a quarter of men.
Of course, being open to the idea and actually acting upon it are two different things. Only one in six heterosexuals said they’d take the necessary actions to make their fantasies a reality. More specifically, 17 percent of women and 14 percent of men.“The survey shows that there being heterosexual isn’t absolute,” Tara Gordon, who founded the dating site, says. “There are lots of people open to experimenting, who would never openly come out as gay or bisexual. In real life the gay scene can be intimidating if you are new to it, so this site gives people the opportunity to experiment and go at their own pace.”
RE: Going Commando (no underwear in the office)
I am a relentless freeballer, and I rarely wear underwear at all. I have impeccable anal hygiene, which helps, but I just like the sensation of my dick against the fabric. And I love getting into a guy's pants and discovering that he is freeballing- so hot. I have a few straight guy friends who do the same.
Novice at eating ass
I have never eaten ass, although I have licked around the general area a few times before. My biggest two issues are that it does nothing for me in terms of arousal, and the "ew" factor. But I have met a few guys with really hot furry asses and I would like to give it a try, if I can be sure it's absolutely clean. I would basically need it to taste faintly soapy in order to feel like it's fully clean. Any advice on getting past this?
Beard trimmer recommendations
So I'm on the market for a beard trimmer that will give me something closer than a beard length, but longer than a clean shave- basically, the length of 5-day scruff or so. Is there such a thing? An electric razor is designed to shave close…
Meth and Death
I finally met up with this hot guy I have been lusting over on grindr for over a year, and it turns out he was in the middle of a week-long binge of little sleep and constant meth use. It was clear he was slightly disorientated at times, and I imagine that he eventually crashed and got back to his job and his life. Question: is it a given that he'll be dead soon? Can people go that long without sleep and not drastically shorten their lives?
RE: Do you let your political views affect your sex life or your porn folder?
I personally would never be able to have sex with someone that I knew was a Trump supporter, or someone with anti-gay views. I have often seen guys cruising the park in vehicles with bumper stickers supporting anti-gay politicians, and that immediately disqualifies them in my eyes. It's not judgmental, it just makes them immediately unattractive.
RE: Have you ever posted on Craigslist or sex ad to have random sex?
Just make smart choices about who you let into your house when you are alone, and smart choices about where you go. In Lexington a few years back a guy was tied up and robbed at gun point in his own house when he invited a stranger over. Worse things have happened, as well. I always meet in public and make sure someone else knows where I am going.
RE: What's the secret behind multiple cumshots?
The book Voluntary Ejaculation and Male Multiple Orgasms (2004) goes into detail about ways to shorten or eliminate the refractory period.
RE: Where do you want to cum?
Ass first, mouth second. Otherwise it's a waste of perfectly good cum.