Yes, I know.. (& would agree..)
But a bit OT, to me, in relation to the situation
..the whole point is just my UL amount..
Yes, I know.. (& would agree..)
But a bit OT, to me, in relation to the situation
..the whole point is just my UL amount..
DUUUDE.. 4real!? …
→ NO, thats not the case!!!
(I mean, what do you think, I've chatted about with the support already..)
...Sorry, for my stressed mode & basically also thanks for the help....
...I've tried really hard to explain everything objectively here (messages to support & first post here) for the 3rd time now, and it's really exhausting to get reactions all the time that make me wonder if anyone has ever read through my text.
I have no fundamental questions about the way this platform works!
& btw, I would have enough seed bonus to reach my "min. Ratio" again.
(But, within the guidelines of this platform, I decided for another way and paid - more than enough - money).
Hey.. & yes, sure!
( I didn't done more than loading 2 freeleech files - the ones that @kalayaan mentioned - those are pretty easy to answer..)
1.) Uploaded: 86,3gb - 86,35gb // Downloaded: 184,7gb // Ratio: 0,467
1.b) ..& as my current minimum Ratio is 0,5, the Rationator showed me.. "You have to upload about 6.00 GB to reach a good ratio.."
(& right now it is "(..) 5.86 GB to reach a good ratio")
2.) 15€ (so for +56gb extra & +3 DL-Slots)
I have a problem. ..really hope someone can help me here, in some way..
It has been 2 weeks since I realised that I'm running out of the needed 'ratio'...
Had to thought bout it, for a while, cause I'm a bit broke actually.. (however..), donated 15€ (via btc) at the end.
[Transaction was completed Thu.,20.7.23 at 22:19.]
..luckily, I have kept the proofs, like the Payment ID, Confirmation-Mail, etc..
...caause, (still) there was nothing credited to my account.. ...even though I contacted the 'Support / Helpdesk' 1-2 hours later.
I also received two replies in the 2-3 days that followed, which didn't helped me in the matter, but because of which I thought it would be sorted out, somehow..
But, well... (so far), it didn't. ...
(This was the last Support-Message [Saturday 22.7.]:
"I have escalated this to a higher level as looking into this requires higher access rights than I currently have.")
But since then, support has simply ignored me for over a week now.
....Aany Ideas?? (..or is there someone with similiar experiences??)