¿Hola..?, Salut(?) ..anybody there ?
I have a problem. ..really hope someone can help me here, in some way..It has been 2 weeks since I realised that I'm running out of the needed 'ratio'...
Had to thought bout it, for a while, cause I'm a bit broke actually.. (however..), donated 15€ (via btc) at the end.[Transaction was completed Thu.,20.7.23 at 22:19.]
..luckily, I have kept the proofs, like the Payment ID, Confirmation-Mail, etc..
...caause, (still) there was nothing credited to my account.. ...even though I contacted the 'Support / Helpdesk' 1-2 hours later.
I also received two replies in the 2-3 days that followed, which didn't helped me in the matter, but because of which I thought it would be sorted out, somehow..
But, well... (so far), it didn't. ...
(This was the last Support-Message [Saturday 22.7.]:
"I have escalated this to a higher level as looking into this requires higher access rights than I currently have.")But since then, support has simply ignored me for over a week now.
....Aany Ideas?? (..or is there someone with similiar experiences??)
@Cryxel would you kindly answer a few questions?
1 - What was your total downloaded and uploaded data prior to the donation?
2 - How much did you donate?
With your donation, you have been promoted to power user but then you started to download regular torrents again, without seeding the torrents you have downloaded except for the last 2 torrents which is currently seeding and earning you points which is why you fall below your maintaining ratio.I advise you to keep seeding it and exchange your sbp up to 10gb traffic and when you download again, please seed it.
Hey.. & yes, sure!
(..as I didn't done more than loading 2 freeleech files - the ones that @kalayaan mentioned - those are pretty easy to answer..)
1.) Uploaded: 86,3gb - 86,35gb // Downloaded: 184,7gb // Ratio: 0,467
1.b) ..& as my current minimum Ratio is 0,5, the Rationator showed me.. "You have to upload about 6.00 GB to reach a good ratio.."
(& right now it is "(..) 5.86 GB to reach a good ratio")2.) 15€ (so for +56gb extra & +3 DL-Slots)
DUUUDE.. 4real!? …
→ NO, thats not the case!!!
(I mean, what do you think, I've chatted about with the support already..)- I have an account here for about 5yrs
- That wasnt my first donation
(so..: YES, I've donated, and dl again without or with less seeding, than loading, Correct!, but thats all before the situation I'm describing here..) - In general not the first time, I've dealt with torrents & I'm not fuckin stupid!
...Sorry, for my stressed mode & basically also thanks for the help.......I've tried really hard to explain everything objectively here (messages to support & first post here) for the 3rd time now, and it's really exhausting to get reactions all the time that make me wonder if anyone has ever read through my text.
I have no fundamental questions about the way this platform works!
& btw, I would have enough seed bonus to reach my "min. Ratio" again.
(But, within the guidelines of this platform, I decided for another way and paid - more than enough - money).
@Cryxel said in ¿Hola..?, Salut(?) ..anybody there ?:
I have an account here for about 5yrs
Regardless of how long you'd been here [it doesn't matter] if you are aware of maintaing your ratio,
you should build your buffer first b4 downloading large amount of torrent files and share ...
A download of over 15 GB will ruin and trigger your ratio w/o seeding ...
A lot of members here are aware on these, especially those who are struggling from it ...
However in most cases they manage to maintain and share what they have taken by means of seeding, example Freeleech torrent, not counting toward against them, wither they like it or not what they downloaded ...Donation is optional here ...
The only way and most important part is that this help the site running to pay server cost ...
[For those members who have generous support and helping the community] ... -
@Cryxel Let's break this down very simply, since the key factor here seems to be the amount of upload you were (or weren't) credited with.
Prior to donating you had 86.3GB showing as uploaded. You then donated for another 56GB of credit, and believe your profile should now show 142.3GB of upload. Is this correct?
So what figures are you seeing for your U/D today? I would agree that if your upload figure hasn't increased then it would appear that something has gone wrong.
Yes, I know.. (& would agree..)
But a bit OT, to me, in relation to the situation
..the whole point is just my UL amount..
@Cryxel In that case I would contact the helpdesk again, leaving out all of the extraneous information and focussing solely on that. The way you've presented the issue on here does make it a little hard to filter out the relevant information.
If you simply say "Before donating my UL was X, but after donating my UL still showed X, not X+Y. Please can you investigate? Thank you" then I think it should be clearer.