@corbyn4life Thank you, and thank you for pointing out the potential problem. I always flag questionable photos or videos. While there is no "proof" at that point, I think we all generally know underage when we see it. Some instances are very blatant.
Best posts made by Boltvolts
RE: illegal file
RE: Facebook uses 1st Amendment in lawsuit
@raphjd Ridiculous. "Do as I say, not as I do". The very premise they are using to boot people off their platform for "lying" is per their attorneys only an opinion. But their opinion is "Free Speech" while yours is an assault against humanity for merely disagreeing by pointing out real facts (which they simultaneously call an opinion and a lie while lying to defeat your position). This is the recent contorted logic adopted by those with opposing opinions in this forum as well. Where did logic go?
RE: illegal file
All good points. It goes to say that there is no absolute except that there are no absolutes.
That said, when I was Admin on another site, I found content that was unabashedly underage, and any moron could see that. In fact, the content producer was in jail at the time I blocked all content from that studio for child pornography.
And no, Italy does not allow underage (18) pornography. The fact is that the age of consent applies universally to all sexual interaction, therefore not only is the content illegal, but more importantly the consent of the individual. Now... for your can of worms to continue, were an individual to consensually film a sex act between a 14 and 15-year-old in Italy, and post it, there would be a violation of Terms and Conditions of virtually every hosting site, but not necessarily of the law, allowing the content to be removed.
The bottom line is that most of us do not need rules, regulations, law or terms and conditions to discern what is and is not appropriate. Unfortunately, for the other vast minority this is not the case, and we all have to abide by rules for the masses.
RE: Young Dems more likely to despise the other party
The extent of intolerance in the younger generation is clear, and clearly an alter-ego of the unstated but clearly visible elephant in the room of general social media influence.
In fact, we here, yes we... gay and otherwise flexibly sexual/diverse individuals who wear tolerance on our sleeves are highly intolerant not only of each other, but any who dare question our superior version of intellectual prowess and judgment rights. It is only we who may discern the propriety of universal treatment of others, with "case closed" mentalities which leave no room for improvement.
So easy to cookie cutter stamp an opinion that is "Leftist" or "Rightist" or "Centrist" or any other host of microcosmic groups than can allow an "outcast" individual to claim inclusion where it may not exist in reality. It is these very labels that cause division, not cure it.
A great example is the commutation of the "gay" movement. In the early days, the term included all who had same-sex attractions. Then as the predominant media and focus was men, we had to state "lesbian and gay". This led to a perceived exclusion of bisexuals, so we were "LGB". What about Trans, then? OK... LGBT. Then someone invented an exclusion for "Queer". Now we have to use more letters... LGBTQ. Oops. That leaves out a host of other people and their individual perceptions, so it's time to use the shift key and write LGBTQ+. The plus character can't always be "included" in programming. There's a discrimination lawsuit. How far we've gone in retro, without using the rear-view mirror.
You know what? How about we just take the Dutch example. The only thing we should not tolerate is intolerance.
RE: Facebook uses 1st Amendment in lawsuit
@bi4smooth Your postings are disrespectful to those of differing opinion and vast experience in life. I appreciate your logic, and use of English, however, this does not excuse a paternalistic arrogance that is highly unwarranted.
You will lose your intended effect if you rail along political lines that dismiss any differing views in the tone of your arguments.
Did you read Facebook's argument? Are you aware of the owners and motives of sites such as Snopes and other "fact checkers"?
Die-hard liberalism and conservatism are no better than severe Communism or Fascism. The Bolsheviks strongly supported their motives, but Ukranian genocide from starvation and executions was the result. Armenians suffered the same fate, as did the Jewish population of Germany, along with homosexuals. Regardless of whom you support and do no support, I believe a reasonability and respect would go a long way in seeking accord.
While we debate which fire hose to use, our societies are burning down, large financial institutions are manipulating a vast global control system, and we become the frogs in slowly heating water. It's not about liberal/conservative... it's about what's happening underneath the feet of all of us.