@Rotron Nope! "Valid news sources" is subjective at best, but really authoritarian.
You can cram your "valid news sources". (Nothing personal.)
What we need to rely on is truth. Either something is real or it isn't.
When we disagree on what is real: that's debate.
You know... like a section called "Politics & Debate"
It reaches no conclusions. It has no deciding authority. That'ss how it should be.
As things get aired or claimed or argued, lurkers draw their own conclusions.
But fuck authority, self-appointed "I'm the valid news source" and the rest.
I'm old enough to remember libs with bumper stickers Question Authority.
It's been a shock, this last decade, to see these libs turn into commie authoritarians - or at very least, Stockholm Syndrome mewling colorless pussies - just because covid and Orange Man Bad and muh gubmint check.
Embrace disagreement.