A funny thing about history is that people often forget about it and how it makes things ironic.
Romney invented "Obama-care". Democrats didn't like Romney-care until it became Obama-care.
And it doesn't mean I like Trump. :crazy2:
I disagree. Romney passed the healthcare reform bill with a Democratic state legislature. I'm not sure of the exact number it was in 2006 but the MA state legislature is always 70%+ Democrat.
There are some differences. The biggest one is that MA expanded Medicaid in the 90's via a Medicaid waiver. The state already covered poor childless adults so ObamaCare didn't suddenly force that cost onto states. It happened a decade before RomneyCare so there was no sticker shock like the rest of the country saw.
The other difference is that RomneyCare had a rule that if your employer offered health insurance then you had to take it. You were not allowed to buy from the exchanges or go on Medicaid. If you qualified for Medicaid the state would reimburse you for some or all of your private insurance premium. The state decided to repeal this part of the state law when ObamaCare went into effect. It was a mistake and now the Medicaid roles have increased substantially. This policy should be adopted at the federal level. It would help to fix a lot of the mess that has been created.