Every day when I open the front page of this site there is some kind of bashing of liberals as a topic in this forum on the top, a so called discussion, but nothing more than scolding, bashing and trolling. No fucking discussion topic at all despite the rules. What is this site, some kind of Gay Alt Right site?
When you read the rules they are bias and prohibit slamming the topic starter the same way he starts a topic. You can not just butt in because your sick and tired of reading that stupid alt right propaganda on the front page and if you do, you are immediately threatened with a ban.
Is this a fucking Gay Alt Right site than I want to know, you do not even have to ban me. If not, uphold the rules or get rid of the rules. Again I'm sick an tired of those stupid rants on the front page. Day in and day out I have to thank Hitler for stopping by in history so we finally have some big fat No No's in our society. Doesn't mean we have evolved passed that behavior and kind of thinking, but thanks to him we closed one way how to handle minorities. That other cultures and countries are not there yet (or no way near) doesn't mean that they are different in nature, we still have the same nature and if anything proves that, it's the stupid Islam/Liberal/wahtev bashers. What the fok are they fighting for, not our learned morals, not our fought liberties, just their pathetic individual life in this lifetime. Cowards and traitors and they love to go back to the pre-Hitler time, but thank God/Allah/Buddah/whatev stupid deity, they realize if they ever try that, hint to that, they are out, so that is why glancing/reading the front page I have to thank Hitler stopping by over and over again and I'm sick of it.
Stop the stupid propaganda/trolling/ranting on the front page.
Start real discussions, drop the rules, uphold the rules or come out of the closet as an Alt Right site.