Break it up and let the other European mainland countries pay for their defence at last.Brexit is the best thing that has ever happened in my lifetime.Thank you mama Merkel for the gift you delivered.Time to start trading with the rest of the world and the icing on the cake for me would be free trade agreements with Canada,the USA,Australia(sorry we let you down so badly when we joined this fuck up)and New Zealand.America isn't the perfect country but why should it shoulder an overwhelming burden of being the worlds 'Policeman' most of the time when other countries seem so ungrateful to it?If I was an American,I'd be pissed off with the EU.

Latest posts made by Bearloch
RE: About to be with someone from Pakistani ?
Go for it.My cousin is married to a girl from Pakistan.She drinks alcohol, enjoys herself to the full and is the opposite of the stereotype.Good luck.
RE: Do you prefer fat, skinny or muscular men?
I prefer guys who are smaller in height than myself(6ft).Cub types with a little bit of fat and hard muscular buttocks.Wonderfull when fucking a solid pair of cheeks and a nice tight hole.
RE: What Are The Turn offs That Ruin's Porn for You
Scat,Piercings and tattoos.Pornstars who I cannot stand from a bear prospective are Arpad Miklos,Brad Kalvo,and worst of all..Clint fucking Taylor
RE: Straight White Men HATE
When the white population of the United States ceases to be a majority then they will relocate at a rapid rate to areas of low crime.Remember that mass automation will kill around 50% of the lower skilled work within the next 5-10 years.You won't need to bother about 'white' so called privilege then as there won't be many left to pay the welfare cheques.
RE: Straight White Men HATE
It's just a media thing.As a white man I no longer can stand watching the garbage that's on the tv these days.It's full of dumbfuck soaps,PC movies and lunatic in your face so called news reporting.The white man bashing has reached levels that are now starting to backfire with the likes of MGTOW ect…
RE: Facebook sucks and needs a class action suit against them
you are one racist son of a bitch!!! raphjd and if i was to meet you i would shut you up for good! you are now my enemy and i am now your worse nightmare! oh how about this…. A GOOD PRESIDENT TRUMP IS A DEAD PRESIDENT TRUMP...LOL now go report me to the good 'ol american secret service young man! oops...i've insulted your boyfriend lol
now i'm acting like you... you have a pic with a dog on it..imo...YOU are the BITCH and i'm the MASTER!
everytime you post your racist shit....i will hit back!
FUCK YOU CRACKER!!!!!! you are the only one i will call a republican,hillbilly hick,british,fucked up teeth,fat,sloppy,redneck,cracker,little dick prick! :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police: :police:
Same old ,same old. Just call someone a racist and you've actually LOST the argument big time.British teeth?Another American fallacy.Outside the likes of New York and some west coast cities I can assure you the dental health of the vast amount of Americans is far worse than the UK.
RE: Which brand of desktop computer r u guys using?
I too am not very tech savvy and didn't know which way to go either.I ended up buying a mac mini for the entertainment hub in my house.Here's what I opted for. i7 ,16gb ram,1TB SSD.I bought a legit copy of windows 10 (which runs perfectly BTW)and gave 200gb over to that partition.It may sound like a lot of money but I think for such a high spec system which can run both Mac and Windows..I'm delighted with it.You can run both systems at once with Parallels or similar programmes but I just boot up on whichever system suits me at the time.