Lets put it this way m8
it's your body, it's your choice
if you don't like something about yourself change that.. but change it for the right reasons not for the wrong ones
change it because you want that because you don't like that
never change something about yourself because you think someone else might not like that.. not many people in your life are worth changing for and besides you might change something under the wrong presumption and end up losing someone might like about you 
I should probably talk to my partner before I put too much effort into my build. It is something I want, but we should probably talk before I commit to a gym membership or something. We've talked about trying to get healthier together, but we've never talked about the kind of shape we want to work ourselves into.
Oh I know exactly what you mean! I'm on the verge of being a bear and my boyfriend loves the way I look: he keeps on telling me how sexy I am, and all I want to do is throw up everything I've ever eaten
I used to be the slimmest of twinks and stayed thin until 6 years ago. Then I got sick, the weight piled on, and only bulimia can save me from crossing fully into bear territory :cry2:
But it's weird how many young, goodlooking guys try to pick me up. When I look at a mirror, I'm heartbroken
I guess you'll just have to find a way to love yourself as you are. Booze helps 
Happy to know I'm not alone. I disagree with bulimia, but I know how you feel. Everyone else has given me great advice: Don't look at yourself, look at your partner and don't do stuff for the wrong reasons.
At least other guys try to pick you up. I know I shouldn't worry about that when I have a partner who loves me and I love, but it would be a nice little confidence boost… but a little weight just makes you more cuddly and less fragile. Don't worry too much if you're working into bear territory, just work to keep it where you're comfortable and know that the few extra pounds say you're cuddly and can take or give a pounding. 
(And before anyone says I contradict myself, my BMI is Obese II almost Obese III.)