First Time in this Forum
Hello from Montréal Canada.
I've been on since around 2016. Never really got the time to use the forums. I only recently started being active here now that I stay at home and have got more time now.
So that's me. I'm Alex. My first language was French but everyone here is fluent in both French and English by Quebec's nature. I once was working daily but I'm now at rest for ever due to a recent cardiac arrest and chest angina. And no I'm not an old man. I'm only 34. Let's say I lost some important people in my life and the grief cause my body to nope out of all that. I'm okay now, though, so please don't worry. I'm early retired and can finally take the time to travel and realise my dreams. I also follow a strict program with my doctor.
So that's that about me. Thanks for taking the time to read. Have a nice day, guys.
@romantyke Oh hai!
@frostycab Hi there!
@romantyke ... Welcome ...
@john32123666 Thank you!