USA FBI says: Iran sent stolen material from Trump campaign to Biden camp (now Kamabla)
Dems got stolen campaign stuff, from Iran as middleman.
My reply: Publish it!
Dems would leak it, if it hurts Trump. They have not. So it does not.
But either way, let public see.
That is my own reply. President Trump's is: time for Kamabla "Iran Iran Iran" !
@blablarg18 you meant to say "Kambama" not Kamabla.
@lololulu19 You say tomato, I say toblato.....
btw libs - Kamabla now endorsed by Dick Cheney, Putin, Iran - NO she is not The Good Guy(tm).
“If we can name a favorite candidate, it used to be Joe Biden. Now he’s not participating in the election campaign and he recommended to all his allies to support (Kamala) Harris, so that is what we are going to do.”
video -
@hubrys You just suggested, Kamabla is as bad as -you think- Trump is.
Big concession.
We should repeat it 10 times. OK, just once.
Despite adverb 'falsely', your comment compares or links Kamabla to what -you think- Trump did in 2016.
-You think- Trump did something bad in 2016... and if FBI statements on Iran & Kamabla turn out true (override adverb 'falsely'), she will be on same level. You've conceded that.
And why wouldn't FBI statements be true, to you? why wouldn't -you- believe FBI?
Now some fine points.
No, Trump didn't use hacked material in 2016. (only Wikileaks did)
No, Russia wasn't Wikileaks' source. (they suggest, Seth Rich was)
No, Trump has not accused Kamabla of "using" hacked material. (headline you posted is wrong)
What Trump did: Sarcastically make of it all, what Dems made falsely in 2016.
By Dem beliefs & standards, "Russia Russia Russia" should logically become "Iran Iran Iran"
reductio ad absurdum
@blablarg18 said in FBI says: Iran sent stolen material from Trump campaign to Biden’s camp (now Kamabla):
No, Trump didn't use hacked material in 2016. (only Wikileaks did)
From my link:
Trump — even though he had in August been told by U.S. intelligence officials that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin was behind the Clinton campaign hack — began citing the stolen material continuously for the rest of his campaign, starting on Oct. 10 and right through Election Day. At rallies around the country that month, he proclaimed, “WikiLeaks! I love WikiLeaks,” and “This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable! You’ve got to read it!”
The hack-and-release operation was the biggest piece of the Russian influence campaign designed to put Trump in the White House, according to investigations by special counsel Robert Mueller and the Senate Intelligence Committee.
In total, Trump referred to WikiLeaks by name 137 times in public appearances and media interviews between Oct. 10 and Election Day, according to PolitiFact. There were another two dozen times when he referred to the emails but did not name the entity.
@hubrys And from my link:
No, Russia wasn't Wikileaks' source. (they suggest, Seth Rich was)
To your link: It doesn't matter what "U.S. intelligence officials" told Trump in 2016..... because they lied.
Remember, we're talking Brennan, Clapper etc. - Famous liars who, at that point, worked to help Hillary.
Wikileaks told Trump, their source was USA person very very close to DNC who took great personal risk. Later implied to be Seth Rich.
Trump believed Wikileaks over "U.S. intelligence officials" - as he should have.
I don't think "U.S. intelligence officials" are always truthful..... You do. So, with Kamabla & Iran, -you- should believe FBI.
Rep. Jim Jordan gets it:
Iranian hackers sent STOLEN Trump campaign information to people associated with the Biden/Harris campaign.
This is exactly what Democrats said happened during the Russian “collusion” scandal.
But this time it’s real.
Where’s their outrage?
Note: Jordan, like Trump, still doesn't say Kamabla is "using" material - We know she isn't - due to what I said up top - If material were harmful to Trump, she'd use it for sure. So it's not. & she sees no reason to use what won't help her.
But still: foreign power A hacked campaign B & sent results to campaign C................ what did NOT happen in 2016............. but what Dems & "U.S. intelligence officials" (Dem servants) CLAIMED in 2016, falsely, & melted down over........ and now in 2024, finally it could be real.
Even more is wrong, when you consider financial aspect..... Quid pro quo??
Did Biden-Kamabla in effect, pay for Iran hack?
President Trump was impeached for far less.
@blablarg18 Where is the Special Counsel? Iran Iran IRAN!
Is Mueller still alive?
"JD Dossier" came out at last. tldr; Nothing in it.
As I predicted, up top.
If it had anything, Dems woulda leaked it & used it instantly.
Ken Klippenstein coverage (text):
Glenn Greenwald coverage (video):
What's in it, makes JD sound GREAT!!
“Vance has been one of the chief obstructionists to U.S. efforts to providing [sic] assistance to Ukraine.”
“Vance criticized public health experts and elected officials for supporting Black Lives Matter protests while condemning anti-lockdown [Covid] protests.”
“Vance ‘embraced non-interventionism.’”
[& populist or pro-labor positions, that Dems used to mouth, but now abandon]
Sadly, Ken Klippenstein ran afoul of Twitter's doxxing policy, so Twitter suppressed him.
Glenn (and I) think Twitter should not have.
Glenn's coverage of doxxing kerfuffle - along way, has good slams on Molly Jong-Fast