Searching not finding files
This puzzles me.... when I search for:
Corbin Fisher miniPack Part 3-5 2015 Collection
I do not get any hits! But I DO get a hit if I put QUOTES around it as
"Corbin Fisher miniPack Part 3-5 2015 Collection"the problem with quotes is, everything inside the quotes must be an exact match, with no omissions nor additions, and in the right order. For instance,
"Corbin Fisher miniPack Part 3-5 Collection"
results in no hits -
Not sure why but the problem appears to be the dash in 3-5. If you replace it with a space the result does show up, even without quotes.
You can also quote parts of the search query, for example this works as well: Corbin Fisher miniPack Part "3-5" 2015 Collection
@Rapsey-0 wow.. you found the problem!
simply omitting the - dash makes the search work as intended -
Some search modules treat the "-" as a logical NOT, so it's best to just leave the "-" out when searching. This case is an example of why. -
@tnar that makes sense.. the - is excluding the text after it! But.. I tested it.. and even if there is nothing after the - , the search still fails.
So.. the trick is.. never put a - in a search UNLESS it is contained within quotes. Even this works "-"