Vanishing torrents ...
This problem seems to come and go. Right now the problem is back.
Here is an example, sometime before 9am EST on October 26th, the torrent "US Twinks And More 10-22 part 4" appeared on this site. At 10:02am - it VANISHED!I downloaded all the images from that torrent, and several of the videos. They are excellent, and there was no reason to remove this torrent.
It's not only not available in the active section, it is also not in the "Dead" section as if it never existed. It is most frustrating that it is not even in the DEAD section, because I have been spending over an hour trying to find where the torrent went, and whether I got it from a different site. I confirmed it came from HERE.. but is GONE. The only explanation I can think of, is that there is an 85 year old moderator who thinks that anybody under the age of 30 years old is "kiddie porn". The content of that torrent is all "onlyfans" stuff, so those models have all been age-verified by Onlyfans.
@lololulu19 It could also be possible that the torrent was removed due to a DMCA takedown request. Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure.
This happened last year, where basically most of the daily uploads in the fansite category were deleted within like 12 hours of being posted from like October until like January. If you wanted anything in those categories you pretty much needed to be there to see it uploaded.
It doesn't help that more people are discovering the site and sharing links with no masking AND the site is for some reason indexed by Google. As google search becomes weirder this site pops up first page pretty easily when searching for some creators and they are able to DMCA incredibly effectively.
Its the downside of popularity. So there are less studio videos, more OF videos, people google them more, find this site, including the creators, it gets DMCA'ed. There also seems to be someone like almost hired to just report whatever pops up on the site en masse.
Other private torrent sites don't deal with this because the site owners don't let them get annexed by Google Searches. At this point I imagine its almost too late, I have no doubts some creators literally just join the site to report things.
@krad3434 Not to double post, but its also incredibly obvious when its happening. Right now for instance, torrents from 5 days ago are able to be found in the fansite category on page one when it is EASILY the most uploaded to category.
@krad3434 Many OF creators are using services that crawl the web 24/7 looking for illegally shared content and they can get the takedown requests out within minutes of getting a content match.
@drekkin Makes sense, not hard to get a content match when there's the no obscuring the name rule + individual torrent pages being indexed by Google for whatever reason. I'd imagine they'd stick around if not for that.
@krad3434 It's actually far more technical than matching torrent names and searching Google. They are using content matching algorithms to find images, audio, and video that are registered in their database. Obscuring torrents with encoded names only hides them from other users here and does nothing to prevent content matches.
@drekkin Name obfuscation is not allowed on here as far as I know. It also render the search function null as I have never seen any widespread validated scheme you would typically find in the NZB community. Matching videos frames or any sort of content against a database is very easy, and very cheap. Have you never uploaded a pic of your ex on TinEye ?
Plus they're talking about fan sites, as popular as they are today, I am pretty sure they use text-based tools.
Ah, the google index thingy... I have asked for years, never got an answer. The most logical thing I imaged was that there would be some kind of deal with authorities so that every outside party can verify that underage/pedophile material is not being distributed on here... But really I don't know.
@drekkin The Main reason I mentioned google indexing is because someone (and myself) have simply just googled creators before and found takedown requests for DMCA through google. Last year during the last quarter of the year it was an outrageous amount per day.
@krad3434 I woke up this morning and found new OF torrents to download. I just checked on them (5 hours later) and they're gone from the site.
@dilemmax Yeah it hasn't been this bad in a while. Before some files would stick even after the DMCA's it seems like this is a full sweep.
The worst part is it absolutely will discourage people from sharing if what they upload keeps getting deleted in less than 6 hours. The sites not super easy to build ratio on considering how huge some of the rips were getting to begin with.
@krad3434 most of them are site rips so pretty big torrents (20gb+). What I've started to do is download some files from the torrent and hope that OP will still keep seeding even after the torrent is unregistered. Works for me so far.
@dilemmax Yup that's my strategy when I can actually catch them uploaded lol. Hopefully this isn't just the permanent state of things here from now on.
There is also the possibility that the uploader himself deleted the torrent. Less than 7 days and the uploader can still edit and delete his own upload
Hmm interesting topic. I received a system message for a DMCA take down and it stated"
"This notice was received by the copyright owner or a verified agent authorized to make such a claim".
This is my first time to have received this notice for an upload I made and it confused me because it happened in just a few minutes after posting my upload. Just within 5 minutes, so no one was able to download it. Furthermore, it was only for that post. What about the other posts from the past weeks that belonged to the same title? Should they not request those to be removed also?
It's kind of weird. So right now, I do not know if this is valid and how did this happen within just a few minutes of posting it? If it is valid, did they requested this because it's the current episode showing while they don't care about the past episodes posted here? Does this mean I can post it again after a week passed by? Is it even safe to do so? I can see that this specific episode is still existing in another torrent site, so it means it only happened here.
Could someone please care to give me more insight to my situation so I would know what to do next time or at least prevent myself from doing things I have to be careful of?
I've just uploaded a torrent and received a DMCA within minutes. Other 2 taken down in the last week. Things are going downhill
@mihaig110 That's just baffling.
Are these happenings valid or is there something wrong with the system?
OR is it possible that these agents of copyright holders trolling all day and night and is already armed with their DMCA requirements?
I have checked for the DMCA complaint but is nowhere to be found as an infringing URL for the title removed.
@Rotron I uploaded 4 torrents this morning and after 10 hours, 3 got DMCA. It would be better if they could put what the DMCA claim was (as long there is no personal information). Since it's new for me, i don't know how to procede to counter claim, because i don't post fan site content, i just grab and collect from the web what is/was public available.
the same happend to the st4straight full onlyfans , its gone , does anyone still have the torrent file or know anywhere else to download it ?? i didnt had the chance while it was up
@VGC I've made a research and I'm going to do a counter notification. I saw that complaining about a DMCA is not allowed here, but i can't find how to delete my comment. Sorry about it.