The GOP Wants To Lose The Mid-Terms
Yeah - just down to the bottom of the first page of this nonsense was TLDR:
- The Red Flag law the Senate passed doesn't REQUIRE IT, it just provides federal backing to states who DO already (including Florida!). (And Red Flag laws have been upheld by wide margins in SCOTUS rulings... so "unconstitutional" is just plain wrong...
- Democrat activists are NOT still harassing SCOTUS members at their homes. The idiot who showed up with plans to kill Justice Kavanaugh kinda scared some sense into them (or, it made the optics bad - either way, they stopped... for now)... not saying they won't start up again, but the assertion they're still doing so is just plain wrong.
- The moron who was arrested outside Justice Kavanaugh's residence didn't get far enough to warrant the assertion that it was an attempted assassination. But that doesn't make what he did, or his intentions any less dastardly... still, word choice matters!
- The Dems already passed the legislation increasing (expanding to the entire families) security for SCOTUS members. That's water under the bridge, and complaints that Dems are stopping it are just wrong. DID they fail to act quickly when the Senate passed it? YES! Did they do so nefariously? Depends on who you ask WHEN! (Context matters too!)... mostly, Dems didn't think it a high priority, so it wasn't fast tracked... until the Kavanaugh incident - at which point it WAS quickly passed.
And that's only in the first paragraph!
Not that some of the points made aren't valid, just that they're presented in patently FALSE ways!
A waste of time to read... save yourselves....
Anything you don't like is "false".